

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-01

高蝶: 女,出生日期:1989年12月。西南医科大学药学院药物分析教研室副研究员,硕士研究生导师,第十四批四川省卫健委学术技术带头人后备人选,泸州市药学会理事;先后被评为本科生优秀指导教师、西南医科大学优秀个人;在2020年西南医科大学人才科技工作大会上荣获“科技工作先进个人优秀科技成果奖”;2020年获得“西南医科大学十佳岗位能手” 称号及为西南医科大学青年科技人才特别支持计划项目获得者。
1. 主要研究方向为:
2. 论文发表及承担项目:
目前发表SCI论文30余篇;其中以第一作者或通讯作者在Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical (IF=7.1), Nanoscale(IF=6.9),Food Chemistry (IF=6.306),Microchimica Acta (IF=6.232), Analytica Chimica Acta (IF=5.977), Separation and Purification Technology (IF=5.774), Talanta (IF=5.319)等SCI杂志上发表SCI论文25篇,累积影响因子100余。目前为Microchimica Acta、New journal of Chemistry、Journal of Separation Science、Analytic Chimica Acta等多家SCI的特邀审稿人。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,泸州市科技局项目1项,西南医科大学特别支持人才培育计划项目1项和校级基金资助计划青年基金1项;指导泸州市科技计划项目创新苗子项目1项,参与国家级项目2项。
3. 联系方式:
4. 学历及工作经历:
2018.11-至今 ,西南医科大学,药学院,副研究员
2017.07-2018.11, 西南医科大学, 药学院, 讲师
2012.09-2017.06, 重庆大学, 化学工程与技术, 博士(硕博连读), 导师: 夏之宁
2008.09-2012.06, 重庆大学, 药学, 学士
5. 近5年发表的SCI代表论文(均为第一或通讯作者):
[1] M. Wang, X.Kang, L.L. Deng, M. Wang, Z.N. Xia*, D. Gao*, Deep eutectic solvent assisted synthesis of carbon dots using Sophora flavescens Aiton modified with polyethyleneimine: Application in myricetin sensing and cell imaging, Food Chemistry, 2021, 345, 128817. (JCR1区,IF=6.306).
[2] X. Kang, L.L. Deng, T. Quan, M.J. Gao, K.L. Zhang, Z.N. Xia*, D. Gao*, Selective extraction of quinolizidine alkaloids from Sophora flavescens Aiton root using tailor-made deep eutectic solvents and magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers, Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 261,118282. (JCR1区,IF=5.774).
[3] L.J. Yang, J. Zeng, T. Quan, S.C. Liu, L.L. Deng, X. Kang, Z.N. Xia*, D. Gao*, Liquid-liquid extraction and purification of oil red O derivednitrogen-doped highly photoluminescent carbon dots and their application as multi-functional sensing platform for Cu2+ and tetracycline antibiotics, Microchemical Journal, 2021, 168, 106391. (JCR1区,IF=3.594).
[4] L.L. Deng, X. Kang, K.L. Zhang, M.J. Gao, Q.F. Fu, Z.N. Xia, D. Gao*, Fabrication of covalent organic frameworks and its selective extraction of fluoronitrobenzenes from environmental samples, Journal of Chromatpography A, 2021, 1635, 461704. (JCR1区,IF=4.049).
[5] Y. Qiu#, D, Gao#, H.G. Yin, Y. H. Zhang, K.L. Zhang, Z.N. Xia*, Q.F. Fu*, Facile green energy-efficient preparation of fluorescent carbon dots from processed traditional Chinese medicine and their applications for on –site-quantitative visual detection of Cr (VI), Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 2020, 324, 128722. (JCR1区, IF=7.1)
[6] M.J. Gao, L.L. Deng, X. Kang, Q.F. Fu. K.L. Zhamg, M. Wang, Z.N. Xia, D. Gao*, Core-shell structured magnetic covalent organic frameworks for magnetic solid-phase extraction of diphenylamine and its analogs, Journal of Chromatography A, 1629 (2020) 461476. (JCR1区, IF=4.049)
[7] Y.H. Zhang, Y. Qiu, K. Zhou, K.L. Zhang, L.J. Wang, J. Zeng, B.A. Ji, D. Gao*, Z.N. Xia, Q.F. Fu*, Self-exothermic redox reaction-driven green synthesis of fluorescent poly (dopamine) nanoparticles for rapid and visual detection of Fe3+, Dyes and Pigments, 183 (2020) 108692.(JCR1区,IF=4.613)
[8] M, Wang, M.J. Gao, L.L. Deng, X. Kang, L.J. Yang, T. Quan, Z.N. Xia, D. Gao*, Composite Material Based on Carbon Dots and Molecularly Imprinted Polymers: A Facile Probe for Fluorescent Detection of 4-Nitrophenol, Nano, 15 (2020) **. (JCR 4区,IF=1.566)
[9] M. Wang, R. Shi, M.J. Gao, K.L. Zhang, L.L. Deng, Q.F. Fu, L.J. Wang, D. Gao*, Sensitivity fluorescent switching sensor for Cr (VI) and ascorbic acid detection based on orange peels-derived carbon dots modified with EDTA, Food Chemistry 318 (2020) 11. (JCR1区,IF=6.306)
[10] M. Wang, M. J. Gao, K.L. Zhang, L.J. Wang, J. Zeng, Z.N. Xia, Q.F. Fu , D. Gao *, A sensitive and selective fluorescent sensor based on the composite materal of magnetic covalent organic frameworks, molecularly imprinted polymers and carbon dots[J]. Microchemical Journal, 154 (2020) 104590. (JCR 2区,IF=3.584)
[11] M. Wang, M.J. Gao,K.L. Zhang, L.J. Wang, W.C. Wang, Q.F. Fu, Z.N. Xia. D. Gao*. Magnetic covalent organic frameworks with core-shell structure as sorbents for solid phase extraction of fluoroquinolones, and their quantitation by HPLC. Microchimica Acta, 186 (2019) 12. (JCR1区,IF=6.232)
[12] M.J. Gao#, Q.F. Fu#, M. Wang, K.L. Zhang, J. Zeng, L.J. Wang, Z.N. Xia, D. Gao*, Facile synthesis of porous covalent organic frameworks for the effective extraction of nitroaromatic compounds from water samples, Analytica Chimica, Acta, 1084 (2019) 21-32. (JCR1区,IF=5.977)
[13] M. Wang, Q.F. Fu, K.L. Zhang, Y.Y. Wan, L.J Wang, M.J. Gao, Z.N. Xia, D. Gao*, A magnetic and carbon dot based molecularly imprinted composite for fluorometric detection of 2,4,6-trinitrophenol, Microchimica Acta, 186 (2019) 2. (JCR1区,IF=6.232)
[14] M. Wang, Y.Y. Wan, K.L. Zhang, Q.F. Fu, L.J. Wang, J. Zeng, Z.N. Xia, D. Gao*, Green synthesis of carbon dots using the flowers of Osmanthus fragrans (Thunb.) Lour. as precursors: application in Fe3+ and ascorbic acid determination and cell imaging, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 411 (2019) 12. (JCR1区,IF=3.637)
[15] Y.Y. Wan, M. Wang, K.L. Zhang, Q.F. Fu, L.J. Wang, M.J. Gao, Z.N. Xia, D. Gao*, Extraction and determination of bioactive flavonoids from Abelmoschus manihot (Linn.) Medicus flowers using deep eutectic solvents coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography, Journal of Separation Science, 42 (2019) 2044-2052. (JCR2区,IF=2.878)
[16] Y.Y. Wan, M. Wang, K.L. Zhang, Q.F. Fu, M.J. Gao, L.J. Wang, Z.N. Xia, D. Gao*, Facile and green synthesis of fluorescent carbon dots from the flowers of Abelmoschus manihot (Linn.) Medicus for sensitive detection of 2,4,6-trinitrophenol and cellular imaging, Microchemical Journal, 148 (2019) 385-396. (JCR2区,IF=3.584)
[17] D.D. Wang#, D. Gao#. Y.K. Huang, W.J. Xu, Z.N. Xia*, D.D. Wang, D. Gao, Y.K. Huang, et al. Preparation of restricted access molecularly imprinted polymers based fiber for selective solid-phase microextraction of hesperetin and its metabolites in vivo, Talanta, 202 (2019) 392-401 (JCR1区,IF=5.319)
[18] Y.Y. Wan, M. Wang, Q.F. Fu, L.J. Wang, D.D. Wang, K.L. Zhang*, Z.N. Xia, D. Gao*, Novel dual functional monomers based molecularly imprinted polymers for selective extraction of myricetin from herbal medicines, Journal of Chromatogaphy B, 1097 (2018) 1-9. (JCR2区,IF=2.813)
[19] H.G. Yin, K.L. Zhang, L.J. Wang, K. Zhou, J. Zeng, D. Gao*, Z.N. Xia, Q.F. Fu*, Redox modulation of polydopamine surface chemistry: a facile strategy to enhance the intrinsic fluorescence of polydopamine nanoparticles for sensitive and selective detection of Fe3+, Nanoscale, 10 (2018) 18064-18073. (JCR1区,IF=6.9)
[20] D. Gao*, Z.N. Xia*et al, Preparation and evaluation of magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers for the specific enrichment of phloridzin, Talanta, 178 (2018) 299-307. (JCR1区,IF=4.916)
[21] D. Gao*, Z.N. Xia*et al, Molecularly imprinted polymers for the selective extraction of tiliroside from the flowers of Edgeworthia gardneri (wall.) Meisn, Journal of Separation Science, 40 (2017) 2629-2637. (JCR2区,IF=2.415)
[22] D. Gao, Z.N. Xia*et al, In vivo selective capture and rapid identification of luteolin and its metabolites in rat livers by molecularly imprinted solid-phase microextraction, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 65 (2017) 1158-1166. (JCR1区,IF=3.571)
[23] D. Gao, Y.L. Zhang, F.Q. Yang, F. Li, Q.H. Zhang, Z.N. Xia, The flower of Edgeworthia gardneri (wall.) Meisn. suppresses adipogenesis through modulation of the AMPK pathway in 3T3-L1 adipocytes, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 191 (2016) 379-386. (JCR1区,IF=3.015)
[24] D. Gao, Y.L. Zhang, F.Q. Yang, Y.X. Lin, Q.H. Zhang, Z.N. Xia, In vitro Screening and Evaluation of 37 Traditional Chinese Medicines for Their Potential to Activate Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptors-gamma, Pharmacognosy magazine 12(46) (2016) 120-127 (JCR4区,IF=1.025)
[25] D. Gao, Y.L. Zhang, P. Xu, Y.X. Lin, F.Q. Yang, J.H. Liu, H.W. Zhu, Z.N. Xia, In vitro evaluation of dual agonists for PPAR gamma/beta from the flower of Edgeworthia gardneri (wall.) Meisn, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 162 (2015) 14-19. (JCR1区,IF=2.989)
6. 主持的科研项目:
(2)泸州市-西南医科大学联合项目:2020LZXNYDJ25,基于PPARs的两种中药抗II型糖尿病活性成分高效筛选新方法的建立, 2020.11至2023.10, 10万元,项目负责人。
(3)西南医科大学特别人才培育计划项目,2021.01-2023.12, 10万,项目负责人。

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