

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-01

教育及工作经历:2017.7-至今 西南医科大学 药学院2011.07-2017.06 四川农业大学 直博2007.09-2011.06 四川农业大学 学士SCI代表论文:1. Xiaogang Zhou#., et al. Loss-of-function of a rice TPR-domain RNA-binding protein confers broad-spectrum disease resistance, PNAS, 2018 [Impact factor = 9.661]

2. Xiaogang Zhou#., et al. Four receptor-like cytoplasmic kinases regulate both immunity and development in rice, Plant Cell and Environment, 2016, 39(6):1381-1392 [Impact factor = 6.173]

3. Shimin Zuo#, Xiaogang Zhou#., et al. OsSERK1 regulates rice development but not immunity to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae or Magnaporthe oryzae., Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2014, 56(12): 1179-1192 [Impact factor = 3.962]

4. Weitao Li#, Ya Liu#, Jing Wang#, Min He#, Xiaogang Zhou#., et al. The durably resistant rice cultivar Digu activates defence gene expression before the full maturation of Magnaporthe oryzae appressorium, Molecular Plant Pathology, 2015, 17(3): 354-368 [Impact factor = 4.697]

5. Weitao Li#, Ziwei Zhu#, Mawsheng Chern#, Junjie Yin#, Chao Yang#, Li Ran#, Mengping Cheng, Min He, Kang Wang, Jing Wang, Xiaogang Zhou., et al. A Natural Allele of a Transcription Factor in Rice Confers Broad-Spectrum Blast Resistance, Cell, 2017, 170(1): 114-126 [Impact factor =30.410]
部分科研项目:1. 1、绿原酸延缓衰老作用及机制研究(**),2019/01-2021/12,国家自然科学基金青年项目,纵向经费21万元;第一主研
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