

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-03



2007年9月-2010年6月 理学博士 西北大学生命科学学院
2004年9月-2007年6月 农学硕士 西华师范大学生命科学学院
1998年9月-2002年6月 农学学士 长江大学(原湖北农学院)农学系

2010年9月-2013年11月 中国科学院动物研究所生物学博士后
2010年7月—至今 西华师范大学生命科学学院




1. 雌性滇金丝猴的繁殖策略(国家自然科学基金**;主持)
2. 家域重叠的滇金丝猴种群生境利用和群间关系的生态学研究(国家自然科学基金**;主持)
3. 珍稀动物濒危机制及保护技术研究子课题(国家重点研发计划项目2016YFC**;主持)
4. 温带灵长类动物的季节性行为模式——以四川白河自然保护区川金丝猴为例(四川省科技厅****基金项目2015JQ0024;主持)
5. 应用GPS项圈研究川金丝猴社群分离聚合的行为机制(四川省科技厅应用基础研究重点项目2017JY0325;主持)
6. 相邻滇金丝猴群行为生态学比较研究(中国博士后科学基金;主持)
7. 凉山山系地区哺乳动物多样性调查与评估(中国环科院生物多样性调查评估项目;主持)
8. 重庆缙云山、金佛山样区哺乳动物红外相机观测(南京环科所生物多样性观测与评估项目;主持)
9. 岷江切割山地——四川地理单元陆生动物资源调查(国家林业和草原局全国第二次陆生野生动物资源调查项目;主持)
10. 野生川金丝猴分布、种群数量与受威胁因素调查——四川分布区(国家林业和草原局全国第二次陆生野生动物资源调查项目;主持)
11. 西藏DG水电站施工期猕猴跟踪观测及保护措施(华电西藏能源有限公司;主持)
12. 西藏DG水电站黑熊种群调查及跟踪观测研究(华电西藏能源有限公司;主持)
13. 金丝猴种群调查(企事业单位委托项目;主持)
14. 白河自然保护区川金丝猴种群数量与栖息地质量评估(企事业单位委托项目;主持)

* 为通讯作者
1. Xia WX, Zhang C, Zhuang HF, Ren BP, Zhou J, Shen J, Krzton A, Luan XF*, Li DY*. 2019. The potential distribution and disappearing of Yunnan snub-nosed monkey: influences of habitat fragmentation. Global Ecology and Conservation, doi:10.1016/j.gecco.2019.e00835
2. Xia WC, Ji SN, Ren BP, He XM, Zhong T, Krzton A, Tang Y*, Li DY*. 2019. Proximate causes of dispersal for female Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys. Zoological Research, doi: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2020.008
3. Xia WC, Ren BP, Zhou H, Feng H, He XM, Krzton A, Hu J, Aouititen M, Luan XF*, Li DY*. 2019. Reproductive parameters of wild Rhinopithecus bieti. Folia Primatologica, doi: 10.1159/
4. Tang Y, Mai CL, Yu JP, Li DY*. 2019. Investigating the role of life-history traits in mammalian genomes. Animal Biology, doi: 10.1163/15707
5. Xia WC, Ren BP, Li YH, Hu J, He XM, Krzton A, Li M, Li DY*. 2016. Behavioral responses of Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) to tourists in a provisioned monkey group in Baimaxueshan Nature Reserve Folia Primatologica, 87: 349-360
6. Li DY, Yuan PS, Krzton A, Huang CM*, Zhou QH*. 2016. Dietary adaptation of white-headed langurs in a fragmented limestone habitat. Mammalia, 80: 153-162
7. Yang YM, Sun JG, Chen QZ, Wu ZJ, Yang ZJ, Hu J, Li DY*. 2016. Phylogenetic studies of Hylopetes alboniger based oncomplete mitochondrial DNA sequences Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 1: 726-727
8. Wei W, Zhou WL, Chen QZ, Yang YM, Krzton A, Hu J, Li DY*. 2016. Phylogenetic studies of Petaurista petauri based on complete mitochondrial DNA sequences Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 1: 708-709
9. Li YH, Li DY*, Ren BP, Hu J, Li BG, Krzton A, Li M. 2014. Differences in the activity budgets of Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) by age-sex class at Xiangguqing in Baimaxueshan Nature Reserve, China. Folia Primatologica, 85: 335-342
10. Li DY, Ren BP, Hu J, Zhang QY, Yang YM, Grueter CC, Krzton A, He XM, Li M*. 2014. Geophagy of Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) at Xiangguqing in the Baimaxueshan Nature Reserve, China. North-Western Journal of Zoology, 10: 293-299
11. Li DY, Grueter CC, Ren BP, Li M, Peng ZS, Wei FW*. 2013. Distribution of Sleeping Sites of the Yunnan Snub-nosed Monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti) in the Samage Forest, China. Integrative Zoology, 8:327-334
12. Li DY, Ren BP, Hu J, Shen YS, He XM, Krzton A, Li M*. 2013. Impact of snow storms on habitat and death of Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys in the Baimaxueshan Nature Reserve, Yunnan, China. ISRN Zoology, volume 2012, doi: 10.5402/2012/813584
13. Ren BP#, Li DY#, Garber PA, Li M*. 2012. Evidence of allomaternal nursing across one-male units in the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti). PLoS ONE, 7(1): e30041. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.** (共同第一作者)
14. Li DY, Zhou QH*, Tang XP, Huang HL, Huang CM*. 2011. Sleeping site use of the white-headed langur (Trachypithecus leucocephalus): the role of predation risk, territorial defense, and proximity to feeding sites. Current Zoology, 57: 260-268
15. Ren BP#, Li DY#, Liu ZJ, Li BG, Wei FW, Li M*. 2010. First evidence of prey capture and meat eating by wild Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys Rhinopithecus bieti in Yunnan, China. Current Zoology, 56: 227-231. (共同第一作者)
16. Li DY, Ren BP, Li BG, Li M*. 2010. Range expansion as a response to increasing group size in the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey. Folia primatologica, 81: 315-329
17. Li DY, Ren BP, Grueter CC, Li BG, Li M*. 2010. Nocturnal sleeping habits of the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey in Xiangguqing, China. American Journal of Primatology, 72: 1092-1099
18. Li DY, Grueter CC, Ren BP, Long YC, Li M,Peng ZS, Wei FW*. 2008. Ranging of Rhinopithecus bieti in the Samage Forest, China.Ⅱ.Use of land cover types and altitudes. International Journal of Primatology, 29: 1147-1173
19. Grueter CC#, Li DY#, van Schaik PC, Ren BP, Long YC, Wei FW*. 2008. Ranging of Rhinopithecus bieti in the Samage Forest, China.Ⅰ. Characteristics of range use. International Journal of Primatology, 29:1121-1145. (共同第一作者)
20. Li DY, Grueter CC, Ren BP, Zhou QH, Li M, Peng ZS, Wei FW*. 2006. Characteristics of night-time sleeping places selected by golden monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) in the Samage Forest, Baima Snow Mountain Nature Reserve,China. Integrative Zoology, 1:141-152
21. Grueter CC*, Li DY, Ren BP, Wei FW. 2017. Deciphering the social organization and structure of wild Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti). Folia Primatologica, 88: 358-383
22. Grueter CC*, Li DY, Ren BP, Li M. 2013. Substrate use and postural behavior in free-ranging snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) in Yunnan. Integrative Zoology 8:335-345
23. Grueter CC*, Li DY, Ren BP, Li M. 2013. Overwintering strategy of Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys: adjustments in activity scheduling and foraging patterns. Primates, 54:125-135
24. Grueter CC*, Li DY, Ren BP, Xiang ZF, Li M. 2012. Food abundance is the main determinant of high-altitude range use in snub-nosed monkeys International Journal of Zoology, Volume 2012, doi:10.1155/2012/739419
25. Ren BP*, Li DY, Garber PA, Li M. 2012. Fission-fusion behaviour in Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) in Yunnan, China. International Journal of Primatology, 33:1096-1109
26. Ren BP, Li DY, He XM, Qiu JH, Li M*. 2011. Female resistance to invading males increases infanticide in langurs.
PLoS ONE, 6 (4): e18971. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone. **
27. Grueter CC*, Li DY, Ren BP, Wei FW, Xiang ZF, van Schaik PC. 2009. Fallback foods of temperate living primates: a case study on snub-nosed monkeys. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 140: 700-715
28. Grueter CC*, Li DY, Ren BP, Wei FW, van Schaik PC. 2009. Dietary profile of Rhinopithecus bieti and its socioecological implications. International Journal of Primatology, 30: 601-624
29. Grueter CC, Li DY, Ren BP, Wei FW. 2010. Feeding ecology of Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) in the Samage Forest, Baimaxueshan Nature Reserve, China. In: Nadler T, Rawson BM, Van Ngoc Thin. (Eds.) Conservation of Primates in Indochina. Hanoi: Frankfurt Zoological Society and Conservation International. p. 157-169
30. Grueter CC*, Li DY, Ren BP, Wei FW. 2009. Choice of analytical method can have dramatic effects on primate home range estimates. Primates, 50: 81-84
31. Zhao XM, Ren BP, Li DY, Garber PA, Zhu PF, Xiang ZF, Gruter CC, Liu ZJ*, Li M*. 2019. Climate change, grazing, and collecting accelerate habitat contraction in an endangered primate. Biological Conservation, 231: 88-97
32. Zhao XM, Ren BP, Li DY, Xiang ZF, Garber PA, Li M*. 2019. Effects of habitat fragmentation and human disturbance on the population dynamics of the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey from 1994 to 2016. PeerJ, doi: 10.7717/peerj.6633
33. Li TF, Ren BP, Li DY, Zhu PF, Li M. 2013. Mothering style and infant behavioral development in Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) in China. International Journal of Primatology, 34: 681-695
34. Li TF, Ren BP, Li DY, Zhang YB, Li M. 2012. Maternal responses to dead infants in Yunnan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti) in the Baimaxueshan Nature Reserve, Yunnan, China. Primates, 53: 127-132
35. Zhou XM, Meng XH,Liu ZJ, Chang J, Wang BS···Li DY···Li M*. 2016. Population genomics reveals low genetic diversity and adaptation to hypoxia in snub-nosed monkeys.
Molecular Biology and Evolution, doi:10.1093/molbev/msw150

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