

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-03

杨秀培,男,教授, 博士, 硕士生导师。现任西华师范大学化学化工学院副院长、分析化学硕士点学科带头人, “嘉陵江流域化工污染控制”四川省青年科技创新研究团队负责人,四川省专利实施与产业化奖评审委员会委员,Chinese Chem. Lett.,J. Chem. Env. Biol. Eng.和EC Pharmacol. Toxicol.国际期刊编委。主要从事色谱及毛细管电泳分析、纳米分析化学、环境污染物检测及治理、食品安全检测等方面的研究。近年来承担国家自然科学基金、国家科技部科技型中小企业技术创新基金、教育部科学技术研究重点项目等国家及省部级项目11项, 在Anal. Chem., ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., J. Hazard. Mater.,J. Agr. Food Chem., Talanta, J. Chromatogr. A等国内外重要刊物发表学术论文110余篇,其中SCI收录46篇,获得国家专利7项,获得省级科技奖励2项,市级科技奖励4项。
通讯地址:四川省南充市师大路1号 西华师范大学化学化工学院
邮 编:637000
电 话: (O)
手 机:** (M)
E-mail:xiupeiyang@163.com; xiupeiyang@cwnu.edu.cn
1994年6月 四川师范学院(现西华师范大学)化学专业获学士学位
2002年6月 四川大学化学学院分析化学专业获硕士学位
2008年6月 四川大学化学学院分析化学专业获博士学位


(1)Feng Huo, Yuhang Liu, Mingguang Zhu, En Gao, Bin Zhao,Xiupei Yang*, Ultra-bright full color carbon dots by fine-tuning crystal morphology controllable synthesis, for multicolor bioimaging and sensing.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2019, 11, 27259?27268
(2)Tianqun Song, Kuo Yuan, Wanzhen Qiao, Ying Shi, Jie Dong, Hongling Gao,Xiupei Yang*, Jianzhong Cui, Bin Zhao, Water Stable [Tb4] Cluster-Based Metal?Organic Framework as Sensitive and Recyclable Luminescence Sensor of Quercetin.Analytical Chemistry,2019, 91, 2595?2599.
(3)Feng Huo, Yuhang Liu, Yuran Tang, Yongqin Cao, Chao Tan, Feng Yang,Xiupei Yang*, Aggregation induced emission of amino-thiol capped gold nanoparticles (GNPs) through metal-amino-coordination.Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces,2019, 183, 110335.
(4)Na Luo, Zhengli Yang, Fenglin Tang, Dan Wang, Min Feng, Xiangjun Liao,Xiupei Yang*, Fe3O4/carbon nanodot hybrid nanoparticles for the indirect colorimetric detection of glutathione.ACS Applied Nano Materials,2019, 2, 6, 3951-3959.
(5)Xiupei Yang*, Zhengli Yang, Fenglin Tang, Jing Xu, Maoxue Zhang, Martin M.F. Choi, Structure and optical properties of penicillamine-protected gold nanocluster fractions from sequential size-selective fractionation.Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology,2019, 10, 955-966.
(6)Ting Wan, Fenglin Tang, Yanru Yin, Maoxue Zhang, Martin M.F. Choi,Xiupei Yang*, Size-dependent electrophoretic migration and separation of water-soluble gold nanoclusters by capillary electrophoresis.Electrophoresis,2019, 40, 1345-1352.
(7)Xiupei Yang*, Yanru Yin, Yingying Zong, Ting Wan, Xiangjun Liao, Magnetic nanocomposite as sorbent for magnetic solid phase extraction coupled with high performance liquid chromatography for determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.Microchemical Journal,2019, 145, 26-34.
(8)Xiupei Yang*, Zhihui Jia, Xiumei Cheng, Na Luo, Martin M.F. Choi, Synthesis of N-acetyl-l-cysteine capped Mn:doped CdS quantum dots for quantitative detection of copper ions.Spectrochimica Acta Part A,2018, 199, 455-461.
(9)Shengli Hou, Jie Dong, Zhuohao Jiao, Xiaolei Jiang,Xiupei Yang*, Bin Zhao, Trace water accelerating the CO2cycloaddition reaction catalyzed by an indium-organic framework.Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers,2018, 5, 1694-1699.
(10)Xiupei Yang*, Mingxian Liu, Yanru Yin, Fenglin Tang, Hua Xu, Xiangjun Liao, Green, hydrothermal synthesis of fluorescent carbon nanodots from gardenia enabling detection of metronidazole in pharmaceuticals and rabbit plasma,Sensors,2018, 18, 964.
(11)Xiupei Yang*, Na Luo, Zhijing Tan, Zhuihui Jia, Xiangjun Liao, A Fluorescence Probe for Tartrazine Detection in Foodstuff Samples Based on Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer.Food AnalyticalMethods,2017, 10, 1308-1316.
(12)Xiupei Yang*, Zhihui Jia, Zhijing Tan, Hua Xu, Na Luo, Xiangjun Liao, Determination of melamine in infant formulas by fluorescence quenching based on the functionalized Au nanoclusters.Food Control,2016, 70, 286-292.
(13)Xiupei Yang*, Huanhuan Gao, Fan Qian, Chuan Zhao, Xiangjun Liao, Internal standard method for the measurement of doxorubicin and daunorubicin by capillary electrophoresis with in-column double optical-fiber LED-induced fluorescence detection.Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis,2016, 117, 118-124.
(14)Hua Xu,Xiupei Yang*, Gu Li, Chuan Zhao, Xiangjun Liao, Green Synthesis of Fluorescent Carbon Dots for Selective Detection of Tartrazine in Food Samples.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2015, 63, 6707-6714.
(15)Zhijing Tan, Hua Xu, Gu Li,Xiupei Yang*, Martin M.F. Choi, Fluorescence quenching for chloramphenicol detection in milk based on protein-stabilized Au nanoclusters.Spectrochimica Acta Part A,2015, 149, 615–620.
(16)Xiupei Yang*, Xiumei Cheng, Yingyun Lin, Zhijing Tan, Linxiang Xie, Martin M.F. Choi,Determination of three nitroimidazoles in rabbit plasma by two-step stacking in capillary zone electrophoresis featuring sweeping and micelle to solvent stacking.Journal of Chromatography A, 2014, 1325, 227-233.
(17)Xiupei Yang*, Fan Qian, Linxiang Xie, Xiaocui Yang, Xiumei Cheng, Martin M. F. Choi, Determination of doxorubicin in plasma by using CE coupled with in-column tapered optic-fiber light-emitting diode induced fluorescence detection.Electrophoresis, 2014, 35, 762-769.
(18)Xiupei Yang*, Yan Su, Man Chin Paau, Martin M. F. Choi,Mass Spectrometric Identification of Water-Soluble Gold Nanocluster Fractions from Sequential Size-Selective Precipitation.Analytical Chemistry,2012, 84, 1765-1771.
(198)Yingyun Lin, Yan Su, Xiulin Liao, Na Yang,Xiupei Yang*, Martin M. F. Choi, Determination of five nitroimidazole residues in artificial porcine muscle tissue samples by capillary electrophoresis.Talanta,2012, 88, 646-652.
(20)Xiupei Yang*, Ruyi Zou, Feng Huo, Duochang Cai, Dan Xiao, Preparation and characterization of Ti/SnO2-Sb2O3-Nb2O5/PbO2thin film as electrode material for the degradation of phenol. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2009, 164, 367-373.
(1)杨秀培,罗娜,谭志敬,贾智慧,廖祥军,三 唑包裹的荧光金纳米簇合成方法及柠檬黄测定方法. (发明专利号:ZL 0.5)
(2)杨秀培,王修海,贾智慧,林光勤,李固.一种固体危险废物中镍、镉回收精制的方法。发明专利号:ZL 2.0
(3)杨秀培,张有会,蔡铎昌.一种固相微萃取探头及其对环境样品中多环芳烃的分析方法。(发明专利号:ZL 8.8)
(4)杨秀培,杨旗明.一种具有肠道清洁作用的药物及其制备方法。(发明专利号:ZL **.7)
(5)肖丹,杨秀培,霍峰,袁红雁,蔡明发,毕伟文.同时测定药物中的牛磺酸、ε-氨基己酸和L-天门冬氨酸含量的方法。(发明专利号:ZL 9.6)
(6)肖丹,袁红雁,杨秀培,舒晓红,陈颖.一种过氧化氢敏感材料及其制备方法和用途。(发明专利号:ZL 1.7)
(7)肖丹,范清杰,赵书林,杨秀培,袁红雁,王春玲.“高效毛细管电泳仪”。(实用新型专利号:ZL 9.7)
(8)肖丹,袁红雁,杨秀培,周在德,陈华.“一种用于仪器分析实验教学的光度分析仪”。(实用新型专利号:ZL 2.0)
(2) 镧系MOFs荧光探针的可控合成及其对农产品重金属残留的快速检测,四川省科技厅应用基础重点项目(19YYJC2801),2019-2021,项目负责人,在研。
(3) 基于金纳米团簇增强分离的POPs毛细管电泳分析方法及应用研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(**),2013-2016,项目负责人,已结题。
(4) 工业废弃物有色金属湿法回收资源化关键技术及应用,“嘉陵江流域化工污染控制”四川省青年科技创新研究团队专项计划项目(2014TD0020),2014-2016,项目负责人,已结题。
(5) 猪胰脏综合利用技术——“三酶”联产提取新工艺,国家科技部科技型中小企业技术创新基金项目(11C),2011-2013。
(6) 嘉陵江流域化工水污染控制技术研究,四川省教育厅高校科技创新团队建设项目(**),2010-2013,项目负责人,已结题。
(7) 环形通道毛细管电泳及其临床分析应用研究,教育部科学技术研究重点项目(210194),2010-2012,项目负责人,已结题。
(8) 毛细管电泳技术在生物酶制剂产品质量辅助监控中的应用,四川省青年科技基金项目(09ZQ026-073),2009-2011,项目负责人,已结题。
(9) 土壤中多环芳烃污染分布及其降解机理研究,四川省科技厅应用基础重点项目(2006J13-058),2006-2008,项目负责人,已结题。

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