

西华师范大学 考研网/2016-01-17

1. Yang J, Hu Z, Guo G Q, Zheng G C. In vitro plant regeneration from cotyledon explants of Swainsona salsula Taubert. Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult, 2001, 66(1): 35-39 (SCI收录)
  2. Yang Jun, Yu Chun-hong, Wang Xin-yu, Zheng Guo-chang (Cheng K C). Ultrastructural observation on the intra- and intercellular microtrabecular network in pollen mother cells of onion. Acta Botanica Sinica, 2001, 43(4): 331-338 (SCI收录)
  3. Hu Z, Yang J, Guo G Q, Zheng G C. high efficiency transformation of Lycium barbarum mediated by Agrobacterium tumfaciens and transgenic plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis. Plant Cell Reports, 2002, 21:233-237 (SCI收录)
  4. Gao H H, Li W, Yang J, Wang Y, Guo G Q, Zheng G C. Effect of 6-benzyladenine and casein hydrolysate on micropropagation of Amorpha fruticosa. Biologia Plantarum, 2003,47(1): 148-148(SCI收录)
  5. Li W, Yang J, Pan Y F, Guo G Q, Zheng G C. Chromosome localization of genes that control synchronous development of pollen mother cells in wheat. Caryologia, 2003, (56): 275-279(SCI收录)
  6. Peng Z S, Yang J, Zheng G C (Cheng K C) Cytomixis in pollen mother cells of new synthetic hexaploid amphidiploid (Aegilops tauschii ´ Triticum turgidum). Cytologia, 2003, 68(4): 335-340
  7. Peng Z S, Yang J, Wei S H, Zeng J H. Characterization of the common wheat (Triticum aecetivum L.) mutation line producing three pistls in a floret. Hereditas, 2004, 141: 15-18(SCI收录)
  8. Cao H, Yang J, Peng ZS, Kang C Y, Chen D C, Gong Z C, Tan X. Micropropagation of Penthorum chinense through axillary buds. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol.—Plant (2007) 43:149-153 (SCI收录)
  9. Li J T, Yang J, Chen D C, Zhang X L, Tang Z S. An optimized mini-preparation method to obtain high-quality genomic DNA from mature leaves of sunflower. Genetics and Molecular Research,2007,6 (4): 1064-1071 (SCI收录)
  10. Yang J, Gong Z C, Tan X. Induction of callus and extraction of alkaloid from Yi Mu Cao (Leonurus heterophylus Sw.) culture. African J Biotech,2008,7 (8):1157-1162(SCI收录)
  11. Qi G, Li JT, Ruan QP3, Yang J, Su ZX. An optimised, small-scale preparation of high-quality RNA from dry seeds of Davidia involucrata. Phytochenmical Analysis, 2009, 20 (2): 139-142(SCI收录)
  12. Li L H, Yang J, Qiu H L, Liu Y Y. Genetic transformation of Physcomitrella patens mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2010, 9(25): 3719-3725(SCI收录)
  13. Chen G D, Yang J, Wang LQ, Liu H, Shen S, Qin F. In vitro adventitious shoot formation from petiole explants of Swainsona salsula Taubert. Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 2010, 10(3):122-128 (SCI收录)
  14. Yang Z J, Peng Z S, Yang H, Yang J, Wei S H, Cai P. Suppression Subtractive Hybridization Identified Differentially Expressed Genes in Pistil Mutations in Wheat. Plant Mol Biol Rep, 2011, 29(2):431-439(SCI收录)
  15. Ma X B, Yang J. An optimized preparation method to obtain high-quality RNA from dry sunflower seeds. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2011, 10(1):160-168(SCI收录)
  16. Chen G D, Yang J, Qin F, Liu H, Shen S, Chen WY, Ma XB. Direct plant regeneration from stem explants of Swainsona salsula Taubert: the stimulatory effect of silver nitrate and sucrose on shoot induction. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 2011, 17(3): 339-347(SCI收录)
  17. Chen W Y, Yang J, Chen Z Y, Luo F Y, Wu C L, Peng Z S. Predicting photosynthetic rate of sunflowers using back. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2011, 6(27): 5817-5821(SCI收录)
  18. Chen Z Y, Peng Z S, Yang J, Chen W Y, Oyang Z M. A mathematical model for describing light-response curves in Nicotiana tabacum L. Photosynthetica,2011, 49(3):467-471(SCI收录)
  19. Peng ZS, Luo CK, Cai P, Mao ZC, Kang CY, Yang J. Rapid propagation of the medicinal plant Pinellia ternate by in vitro leave culture. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 2007, 13:10-16


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