

成都生物研究所 考研网/2016-01-18

1997年入选中国科学院“百人计划”,1999年入选国家人事部等部委“百千万人才工程”,获得2001年度中国科学院青年科学家(科学创新)奖、2003年度成都市有突出贡献的优秀专家称号、2003年入选四川省学术和技术带头人、2004年(第七届)四川省青年科技奖 、2006年四川省优秀留学回国人员等荣誉称号。现已经培养18名硕士生、8名博士生,现有在读硕士生11名、博士生7名。已发表学术论文120余篇,其中SCI收录70篇,申请发明专利18项。


1.Yinggang Luo, Chun Feng, Yajuan Tian, Guolin Zhang. Glycosides from Dicliptera riparia, Phytochemistry, 2002, 61 (4): 449-454
2.Jun Li, Bing Guang, Liangbing Wang, Bogang Li, Guolin Zhang. Synthesis and cytotoxic activity of N-acetylated triindolylmethanes, Heterocycles, 2003, 60 (6): 1307-1315
3.Yinggang Luo, Chun Feng, Yajuan Tian, Bogang Li, Guolin Zhang, Three novel nortriterpenoids from Notochaete hamosa Benth. (Labiatae), Tetrahedron, 2003, 59: 8227-8232
4.Yinggang Luo, Yan Liu, Dixiang Luo, Xiaoping Gao, Bogang Li, Guolin Zhang, Cytotoxic alkaloids from Boehmeria siamensis Craib, Planta Medica,2003, 69 (9): 842-845
5.Feiyan Tao, Yinggang Luo, Qiyan Wei, Guolin Zhang, Efficient preparation of L-cysteic acid and its esters,Amino Acids, 2004, (2):135-137
6.Chunhui Ma, Bogang Li, Guolin Zhang, Two pyrancoumarins from the Seeds of Calophyllum polyanthum,Journal of Natural Products,2004, 67: 1598-1600
7.Xiaoping Gao, Guolin Zhang, Min Zhou, Dixiang Luo, Bogang Li, Goldfussia Psilostachys extract targets tubulin to inhibit proliferation in K562 leukemia cells, Fitoterapia, 2004, 75: 639-644
8.Yinggang Luo, Yan Liu, Huayi Qi, Guolin Zhang, A new glucoceramide from Pellionia repens, Lipids, 2004, 39 (10), 1037-1042
9.Jinhai Yi, Yinggang Luo, Bogang Li, Guolin Zhang, Phytoecdysteroids and glycoceramides from Eriophyton wallchii, Steroids, 2004, 69, 809-815
10.Yinggang Luo, Jinhai Yi, Bogang Li, Guolin Zhang, Novel ceramides and a new glucoceramide from the roots of Incarvillea arguta, Lipids, 2004, 39 (9):907-913
11.Xiaohua Cai, Haijun Yang, Guolin Zhang, Aromatization of Hantzsch 1,4-dihydropyridines with Selenium Dioxide, Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 2005, 83 (3): 273-275
12.Xiao-hua Cai, Hai-jun Yang, Guolin Zhang, Synthesis of (5-methyl-2-phenyl-oxazol-4-yl)ethanol, Synthesis, 2005, 10 (1): 1569-1571
13.Qilin Li, Bogang Li, Huayi Qi, Xiaoping Gao, Guolin Zhang, Four new benzofurans from seeds of Styrax perkinsiae, Planta Medica, 2005, 71: 847-851
14.Ailian Zhang, Qi Ye, Bogang Li, Huayi Qi, Guolin Zhang, Phenolic and Triterpene Glycosides from the Stems of Ilex litseaefolia, Journal of Nautral Products, 2005, 68: 1531-1535
15.Jufang Yan, D Luo, Yinggang Luo, Xiaoping Gao, Guolin Zhang, Induction of G1 arrest and differentiation in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell by boehmeriasin A, a novel compound from plant. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, 2006, 16 (1): 165-170
16.Lijian Yue, Chenggang Zhang, Guolin Zhang, Acyl migration during debenzylation of 1,3-di-O-benzyl-2-O-acylglycerols, Lipids, 2006, 41: 301-303
17.Yinggang Luo, Yan Liu, Huayi Qi, Zhijun Wu, Guolin Zhang, Steryl esters and phenylethanol esters from Syringa komarowii, Steroids, 2006, 71, 700-705
18.Hua Zhang, Pengfei Yan, Guolin Zhang, Synthesis of 4-chloromethyl-2-aryl-5- methyloxazoles, Synthesis, 2006, (11): 1763-66
19.Guoyou Li, Bogang Li, Tao Yang, Jufang Yan, Guangye Liu, Guolin Zhang, Chaetocochins A-C: three polythiodioxopiperazines from Chaetomium cochliodes, Journal of Natural Products, 2006, 69:1374-1376
20.Guoyou Li, Bogang Li, Tao Yang, Guangye Liu, Guolin Zhang, Chaetoindicins A-C, three isoquinoline alkaloids from fungus Chaetomium indicum, Organic Letters, 2006, 8 (16): 3613-3615

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