

成都生物研究所 考研网/2016-01-18

李伯刚研究员,1970年毕业于成都工学院(现四川大学)化工系有机合成专业。现任中国科学院成都生物研究所所长、成都地奥集团董事长兼总裁、中科院新药开发基金委员会主任、国家新药研究与开发常务专家委员会委员、国家天然药物工程技术研究中心主任、四川省药学会常务理事、四川省科技顾问团医药卫生组副组长、《天然产物研究与开发》主编。曾任我所党委书记、《中国科学》编委、《植物杂志》副主编、《中国医药工业杂志》特邀编委等职。1988年、1992年分别获得中国科学院科技进步一等奖、国家科技进步三等奖。1991年起享受国务院政府特殊津贴。1990年获中国科学院有突出贡献的中青年专家称号,1992年被评为四川省有重大贡献科技工作者,1998年、2004年被评为四川省学术和技术带头人,1999年荣获 “四川省科技杰出贡献奖”等奖励。研究领域为天然药物化学,从事天然药物活性成分的分离鉴定、结构转化和全合成、药物构效关系以及天然药物生产工艺等研究。先后承担国家、中国科学院等重大项目。获得新药证书13个、临床批文10个,投入生产新药10个,申请发明专利30余项,发表论文130余篇(其中SCI收录80余篇),出版专著3部。现已培养硕士生3名、博士生18名。现有在读博士生10名。

1. Jinhai Yi, Guolin Zhang, Bogang Li and Yaozu Chen, Two Glycosides from the Stem Bark of Tetracentron sinense, Phytochemistry, 53, 1001-1003 (2000)
2. Zhiyi Liu, Jianxin Ji, Bogang Li, The conversion of racemic epoxides into either (+) or (-)-diol-( and (-lactones, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. I, 3519-3521 (2000).
3. Jun Li, Bogang Li, Guolin Zhang. Regioselective acylation at C5 of indole, Synlett, (10),1447-1450 (2003)
4. Bogang Li, Min Zhou, Guolin Zhang. Four alkaloids from Hypecoum leptocarpum, In. J. Chem., 40 B: 1215-1218 (2001)
5. Yi Zhou, Guolin Zhang, Bogang Li, Yaozu Chen. Three new compounds from Oxyria Digyna, In. J. Chem., 40 B: 1219-1222 (2001)
6. Dingyong Wang, Qiye Ye, Bogang Li, Guolin Zhang, New anthraquinones from Gladiolus gandavensis, Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 5 (4): 279-301 (2003)
7. Bin Chen, Chun Feng, Bogang Li, Guolin Zhang. A new sesquiterpene glucoside from Erigeron breviscarpus, Natural Product Research, 17 (1): 37-40 (2003)
8. Bin Chen, Chun Feng, Bogang Li, Guolin Zhang, Two new alkaloids from Miliusa cuneata, Natural Products Research, 17 (6): 397-402 (2003)
9. Mingfu Yang, Yuyuan Li, Xiaoping Gao, Bogang Li, Guolin Zhang, Steroidal saponins from the Myriopten extensum and their cytotoxic activity,Planta Medica, 70 (6), 556-560 (2004)
10. Chongqian Li, Bogang Li, Huayi Qi, Qilin Li, Fengpeng Wang, Guolin Zhang, Three cyclooctapeptides and one glucoside from Microtoena prainiana, Journal of Natural Products, 67 (6), 978-982 (2004)
11. Xiaohong Yuan, Bogang Li, Xiuyun Zhang, Min Zhou, Hua-yi Qi, Guolin Zhang, Two diterpenes and three diterpene glucosides from Philogacanthus curviflorus, Journal of Natural Products, 68: 86-89 (2005)
12. Guoyou Li, Bogang Li, Tao Yang, Jianhua Yin, Huayi Qi, Guangye Liu, Guolin Zhang, Four new sesterterpenes and one new alkaloid from Aspergillus terreus, Journal of Natural Products, 68: 1243-1246 (2005)
13. Xiaohong Yuan, Bogang Li, Chunxia Xu, Min Zhou, Huayi Qi, Guolin Zhang, Cipadesins A-F: Novel Tetranortriterpenoids from Cipadessa cinerascens, Organic Letters, 7 (22): 5051-5053 (2005)
14. Yinggang Luo, Min Zhou, Huayi Qi, Bogang Li, Guolin Zhang, Novel cadinane and norcadinane sesquiterpenes from Goldfussia psilostachys, Planta Medica, 71:1081-1084 (2005)
15. Hui Guo, Bogang Li, Zhijun Wu, Guolin Zhang, Lupane triterpenoids and a diarylhenpoid from Clematoclethra actinidioides, Planta Medica, 72: 180-183 (2006)
16. Guoyou Li, Bogang Li, Tao Yang, Guangye Liu, Guolin Zhang, Chaetoindicins A-C, three isoquinoline alkaloids from fungus Chaetomium indicum, Organic Letters, 8 (16): 3613-3615 (2006)
17. Guoyou Li, Bogang Li, Tao Yang, Jufang Yan, Guangye Liu, Guolin Zhang, Chaetocochins A-C: three polythiodioxopiperazines from Chaetomium cochliodes, Journal of Natural Products, 69:1374-1376 (2006)

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