

成都生物研究所 考研网/2016-01-18


孙书存研究员先后主持和参加多项国家自然科学基金项目,发表论文20余篇。主要论著(*, 通讯作者)有:

Jinxin Wang, Pei Qin and Shucun Sun*. 2007. The flux of chloroform and tetrachloromethane along an elevational gradient of a coastal salt marsh, East China. Environmental Pollution, 148: 10-20
Jinxin Wang, Rongjin Li, Yingyan Guo, Pei Qin and Shucun Sun*. 2006. The flux of methyl chloride along an elevational gradient of a coastal salt marsh, Eastern China. Atmospheric Environment, 40: 6592-6605
Jinxin Wang, Rongjin Li, Yingyan Guo, Pei Qin and Shucun Sun*. 2006. Removal of methyl chloroform in a coastal salt marsh of eastern China. Chemosphere, 65:1371-1380
Shucun Sun, Dongmei Jin, and Rongjin Li. 2006. Timing of leaf emergence in relation to leaf traits of woody species in eastern Chinese Quercus fabri forests. Acta Oecologica, 30:212-222.
Shucun Sun, Dongmei Jin, and Peili Shi. 2006. The leaf size–twig size spectrum of temperate woody species along an altitudinal gradient: an invariant allometric scaling relationship. Annals of Botany 97: 97–107
Shucun Sun, Xianming Gao, Lingzhi Chen. 2004. High acorn predation prevents the regeneration of Quercus liaotungensis in Dongling Mountain, North China. Restoration Ecology, 12: 335-342.
Shucun Sun, Yongli Cai, Xingjun Tian. 2003. Vegetation change in a salt marsh after a short-term tidal restrictin: implication for competitive displacement between Scirpus mariqueter and Scirpus tabernaemontani. Wetlands, 23: 257-266
Shucun Sun, Yongli Cai, Shuqing An. 2002. Differences in morphology and biomass allocation of Scirpus mariquter between creekside and inland communities in the Changjiang Estuary. Wetlands, 22: 786-793.
Shucun Sun, Yongli Cai, Xianming Gao. 2001. Variations in sexual and asexual reproductions of Scirpus mariqueter along an elevational gradient. Ecological Research, 16: 263-274.
