

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-14

分享胡玥副教授/硕士研究生导师 / 硕士研究生导师 扫一扫在手机打开此页面所在单位:环境与土木工程学院,地下水科学与工程 研究领域:环境生物地球化学,地下水数值模拟 职????务: huyue17@cdut.edu.cn29040464484077542成都市成华区二仙桥东三路1号个人简介 Introduction发表论文 Paper Publications出版专著 Published Books科研项目 Research Projects 基本信息 Introduction胡玥,博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师。主讲《流体力学》、《同位素水文地质学》等课程。从事地下水环境与工程研究领域的研究工作,其在流域尺度生物地球化学过程、碳氮生源物质迁移转化方面的研究成果在Journal of Geophysical Research:Biogeosciences、Science of the Total Environment、Environmental Research、Water等期刊上发表。近年来共发表论文10余篇,以第一及通讯作者发表SCI检索论文5篇;主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、成都理工大学科研启动基金1项、国家重点研发计划子任务1项,主研川藏铁路重大科研项目1项、科技部重大科技专项课题“地下水污染监测预警与数字化技术平台研究”1项、国家自然科学基金面上项目1项等。 荣誉称号 Academic Awards and Honors 工作经历 Work Experience2019.07- 2020.07至今, 新罕布什尔大学, 访问学者 2017.07- 2021.03至今, 成都理工大学, 副教授 个人新闻更多友情链接更多教育经历Education Background 2008.09-2012.06,北京大学工学院,能源与资源工程系,本科 2012.09-2017.06,北京大学工学院,力学(能源动力与资源工程),博士研究生 发表论文Paper Publications[1]. Yue Hu, YueHan Lu, Jennifer Edmonds, Chuankun Liu, Qiang Zhang, Chunmiao Zheng.Irrigation alters source-composition characteristics of groundwater dissolved organic matter in a large arid river basin, Northwestern China,Science of the Total Environment, 2020 ,1 (767):1-11 ( SCI收录; )[2]. Chuankun Liu, Yue Hu, Ting Yu, Qiang Xu, Chaoqing Liu, Xi Li, Chao Shen.Optimizing the Water Treatment Design and Management of the Artificial Lake with Water Quality Modeling and Surrogate-Based Approach,Water, 2019 ,2 (11):391 ( SCI收录; )[3]. Hu, Yue; Yao, Ling; Cheng, Zhen; Wang, Yungang.Long-term atmospheric visibility trends in megacities of China, India and the United States,ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 2017 ,159 (-):466-473 ( SCI收录; )[4]. Yue Hu, Yuehan Lu, Chuankun Liu, Peng Shang, Jie Liu and Chunmiao Zheng.Sources and Dynamics of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus in a Large Agricultural River Basin in Arid Northwestern China,Water, 2017 ,1 (9):415 ( SCI收录; )[5]. Yue Hu, YueHan Lu, Jennifer W. Edmonds, Chuankun Liu, Sai Wang, Oindrila Das, Jie Liu, and Chunmiao Zheng.Hydrological and land use control of watershed exports of dissolved organic matter in a large arid river basin in northwestern China,Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2016 ,1 (121):466-478 ( SCI收录; )[6]. 胡玥, 刘传琨, 卢粤晗, 刘 杰, 郑春苗.环境同位素在黑河流域水循环研究中的应用,地球科学进展, 2014 ,10 (29):1158-1166 ( 北大核心期刊; )1[1]. Irrigation alters source-composition characteristics of groundwater dissolved organic matter in a large arid river basin, Northwestern China.. 2020. [2]. Optimizing the Water Treatment Design and Management of the Artificial Lake with Water Quality Modeling and Surrogate-Based Approach.. 2019. [3]. Long-term atmospheric visibility trends in megacities of China, India and the United States.. 2017. [4]. Sources and Dynamics of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus in a Large Agricultural River Basin in Arid Northwestern China.. 2017. [5]. Hydrological and land use control of watershed exports of dissolved organic matter in a large arid river basin in northwestern China.. 2016. [6]. 环境同位素在黑河流域水循环研究中的应用.. 2014. [1]. Yue Hu, YueHan Lu, Jennifer Edmonds, Chuankun Liu, Qiang Zhang, Chunmiao Zheng. Irrigation alters source-composition characteristics of groundwater dissolved organic matter in a large arid river basin, Northwestern China.:, 2020 [2]. Chuankun Liu, Yue Hu, Ting Yu, Qiang Xu, Chaoqing Liu, Xi Li, Chao Shen. Optimizing the Water Treatment Design and Management of the Artificial Lake with Water Quality Modeling and Surrogate-Based Approach.:, 2019 [3]. Hu, Yue; Yao, Ling; Cheng, Zhen; Wang, Yungang. Long-term atmospheric visibility trends in megacities of China, India and the United States.:, 2017 [4]. Yue Hu, Yuehan Lu, Chuankun Liu, Peng Shang, Jie Liu and Chunmiao Zheng. Sources and Dynamics of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus in a Large Agricultural River Basin in Arid Northwestern China.:, 2017 [5]. Yue Hu, YueHan Lu, Jennifer W. Edmonds, Chuankun Liu, Sai Wang, Oindrila Das, Jie Liu, and Chunmiao Zheng. Hydrological and land use control of watershed exports of dissolved organic matter in a large arid river basin in northwestern China.:, 2016 [6]. 胡玥, 刘传琨, 卢粤晗, 刘 杰, 郑春苗. 环境同位素在黑河流域水循环研究中的应用.:, 2014 1[1]. . Irrigation alters source-composition characteristics of groundwater dissolved organic matter in a large arid river basin, Northwestern China. . , 2021.09.13 [2]. . Optimizing the Water Treatment Design and Management of the Artificial Lake with Water Quality Modeling and Surrogate-Based Approach. . , 2021.09.13 [3]. . Long-term atmospheric visibility trends in megacities of China, India and the United States. . , 2021.09.13 [4]. . Sources and Dynamics of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus in a Large Agricultural River Basin in Arid Northwestern China. . , 2021.09.13 [5]. . Hydrological and land use control of watershed exports of dissolved organic matter in a large arid river basin in northwestern China. . , 2021.09.13 [6]. . 环境同位素在黑河流域水循环研究中的应用. . , 2021.09.13 [1] .. Irrigation alters source-composition characteristics of groundwater dissolved organic matter in a large arid river basin, Northwestern China.,2021.09.13 [2] .. Optimizing the Water Treatment Design and Management of the Artificial Lake with Water Quality Modeling and Surrogate-Based Approach.,2021.09.13 [3] .. Long-term atmospheric visibility trends in megacities of China, India and the United States.,2021.09.13 [4] .. Sources and Dynamics of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus in a Large Agricultural River Basin in Arid Northwestern China.,2021.09.13 [5] .. Hydrological and land use control of watershed exports of dissolved organic matter in a large arid river basin in northwestern China.,2021.09.13 [6] .. 环境同位素在黑河流域水循环研究中的应用.,2021.09.13 [1]. Irrigation alters source-composition characteristics of groundwater dissolved organic matter in a large arid river basin, Northwestern China.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [2]. Optimizing the Water Treatment Design and Management of the Artificial Lake with Water Quality Modeling and Surrogate-Based Approach.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [3]. Long-term atmospheric visibility trends in megacities of China, India and the United States.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [4]. Sources and Dynamics of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus in a Large Agricultural River Basin in Arid Northwestern China.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [5]. Hydrological and land use control of watershed exports of dissolved organic matter in a large arid river basin in northwestern China.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [6]. 环境同位素在黑河流域水循环研究中的应用.:2021.09 - 2021.09 1出版专著Published Books[1]. 郑春苗,姚莹莹,刘杰,郑一,张爱静,刘传琨,胡玥,田勇,卢粤晗.黑河流域中下游生态水文过程的系统行为与调控研究,, 2020 , : ()1[1]. 黑河流域中下游生态水文过程的系统行为与调控研究.. 2020. “十三五”国家重点出版物规划项目 [1]. 郑春苗,姚莹莹,刘杰,郑一,张爱静,刘传琨,胡玥,田勇,卢粤晗. 黑河流域中下游生态水文过程的系统行为与调控研究.北京:科学出版社, 2020 1[1]. . 黑河流域中下游生态水文过程的系统行为与调控研究. “十三五”国家重点出版物规划项目. , 2021.09.13 [1] .. 黑河流域中下游生态水文过程的系统行为与调控研究.,2021.09.13 [1]. 黑河流域中下游生态水文过程的系统行为与调控研究.:2021.09 - 2021.09 1科技奖励Science&Tech Awards111发明专利Patents111软件著作权Software Copyrights111科研项目Research Projects[1]. .干旱区农业对流域溶解有机质迁移转化影响研究,, 2018 , : ()1[1]. 干旱区农业对流域溶解有机质迁移转化影响研究.. 2018. 国家自然科学基金 [1]. . 干旱区农业对流域溶解有机质迁移转化影响研究.:, 2018 1[1]. . 干旱区农业对流域溶解有机质迁移转化影响研究. 国家自然科学基金. , 2021.09.13 [1] .. 干旱区农业对流域溶解有机质迁移转化影响研究.,2021.09.13 [1]. 干旱区农业对流域溶解有机质迁移转化影响研究.青年基金:2019.01 - 2021.12 1相关资源均是用户自行上传分享,仅供学术交流之用?2019 环境与土木工程学院地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室技术支持:应子科技(成都)有限公司