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分享薛小强副教授 扫一扫在手机打开此页面所在单位:环境与土木工程学院,土木工程(道路工程) 研究领域:桥梁与隧道工程 职????务: 598462819@qq.com598462819个人简介 Introduction发表论文 Paper Publications 基本信息 Introduction薛小强,男,1976生,副教授,国家一级注册结构工程师 主要从事桥梁与隧道工程结构行为的教学和研究工作。 主要研究方向: 1、复杂地质条件下的桥梁结构行为研究 2、桥梁结构的检测与加固 3、组合结构桥梁的结构行为研究 主要承担《土木工程材料》、《混凝土结构设计原理》、《桥梁工程》等课程。主持了和参与了大量的科研项目,其中国家级3项,省部级1项;发表学术论文十多篇,其中SSCI论文一篇,SCI论文2篇,EI论文1篇,CSSCI论文1篇,中文核心期刊论文3篇 天行健君子以自强不息,地势坤君子以厚德载物 爱好羽毛球,体育舞蹈,音乐,太极,愿与您快乐学习生活,共同进步 联系邮箱598462819@qq.com 荣誉称号 Academic Awards and Honors 工作经历 Work Experience2005.07- 2007.07至今, 成都理工学院, 助教 2007.07- 2017.12至今, 成都理工大学, 讲师 ,任教 2017.12- 2018.04至今, 成都理工大学, 副教授 ,任教 个人新闻更多友情链接更多西南交通大学成都理工大学图书馆教育经历Education Background 1997.07-2001.07,兰州铁道学院,桥梁工程,本科 2002.09-2005.07,西南交通大学,桥梁工程,硕士研究生 2007.09-2018.01,成都理工大学,地质工程,博士研究生 发表论文Paper Publications[1]. Lu, Junfu; Li, Di; Xue, Xiaoqiang; Ling, Shenlin.Macro-Micromechanical Properties of Sandy Pebble Soil of Different Coarse-Grained Content,EARTH SCIENCES RESEARCH JOURNAL, 2018 ,22 (1):65-71 ( SCI收录; )[2]. Xue, Xiaoqiang; Lu, Junfu.Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Investigation of a Polyurethane Coating on Bridge 16Mnq Steel Surface,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE, 2017 ,12 (4):3179-3187 ( SCI收录; )[3]. Lu, Junfu; Xue, Xiaoqiang.RESEARCH ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF LIFE-CYCLE SAFETY MONITORING LEVELS OF SUBSEA TUNNELS,POLISH MARITIME RESEARCH, 2017 ,24 (-):125-132 ( SCI收录; EI收录; )[4]. Lu, Junfu; Xue, Xiaoqiang.Training Mode of Innovative Talents of Civil Engineering Education Based on TRIZ Theory in China,EURASIA JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION, 2017 ,13 (7):4301-4309 ( SCI收录; SSCI收录; )[5]. Lu, Junfu(1); Xue, Xiaoqiang(1); Ji, Feng(1).Influence of the scale and close distance of lateral karst cave on the surrounding rock deformation of shield tunnel,Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2016 ,13 (2):1363-1368 ( EI收录; )1[1]. Macro-Micromechanical Properties of Sandy Pebble Soil of Different Coarse-Grained Content.. 2018. [2]. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Investigation of a Polyurethane Coating on Bridge 16Mnq Steel Surface.. 2017. [3]. RESEARCH ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF LIFE-CYCLE SAFETY MONITORING LEVELS OF SUBSEA TUNNELS.. 2017. [4]. Training Mode of Innovative Talents of Civil Engineering Education Based on TRIZ Theory in China.. 2017. [5]. Influence of the scale and close distance of lateral karst cave on the surrounding rock deformation of shield tunnel.. 2016. [1]. Lu, Junfu; Li, Di; Xue, Xiaoqiang; Ling, Shenlin. Macro-Micromechanical Properties of Sandy Pebble Soil of Different Coarse-Grained Content.:, 2018 [2]. Xue, Xiaoqiang; Lu, Junfu. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Investigation of a Polyurethane Coating on Bridge 16Mnq Steel Surface.:, 2017 [3]. Lu, Junfu; Xue, Xiaoqiang. RESEARCH ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF LIFE-CYCLE SAFETY MONITORING LEVELS OF SUBSEA TUNNELS.:, 2017 [4]. Lu, Junfu; Xue, Xiaoqiang. Training Mode of Innovative Talents of Civil Engineering Education Based on TRIZ Theory in China.:, 2017 [5]. Lu, Junfu(1); Xue, Xiaoqiang(1); Ji, Feng(1). Influence of the scale and close distance of lateral karst cave on the surrounding rock deformation of shield tunnel.:, 2016 [1]. . Macro-Micromechanical Properties of Sandy Pebble Soil of Different Coarse-Grained Content. . , 2021.09.13 [2]. . Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Investigation of a Polyurethane Coating on Bridge 16Mnq Steel Surface. . , 2021.09.13 [3]. . RESEARCH ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF LIFE-CYCLE SAFETY MONITORING LEVELS OF SUBSEA TUNNELS. . , 2021.09.13 [4]. . Training Mode of Innovative Talents of Civil Engineering Education Based on TRIZ Theory in China. . , 2021.09.13 [5]. . Influence of the scale and close distance of lateral karst cave on the surrounding rock deformation of shield tunnel. . , 2021.09.13 [1] .. Macro-Micromechanical Properties of Sandy Pebble Soil of Different Coarse-Grained Content.,2021.09.13 [2] .. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Investigation of a Polyurethane Coating on Bridge 16Mnq Steel Surface.,2021.09.13 [3] .. RESEARCH ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF LIFE-CYCLE SAFETY MONITORING LEVELS OF SUBSEA TUNNELS.,2021.09.13 [4] .. Training Mode of Innovative Talents of Civil Engineering Education Based on TRIZ Theory in China.,2021.09.13 [5] .. Influence of the scale and close distance of lateral karst cave on the surrounding rock deformation of shield tunnel.,2021.09.13 [1]. Macro-Micromechanical Properties of Sandy Pebble Soil of Different Coarse-Grained Content.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [2]. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Investigation of a Polyurethane Coating on Bridge 16Mnq Steel Surface.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [3]. RESEARCH ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF LIFE-CYCLE SAFETY MONITORING LEVELS OF SUBSEA TUNNELS.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [4]. Training Mode of Innovative Talents of Civil Engineering Education Based on TRIZ Theory in China.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [5]. Influence of the scale and close distance of lateral karst cave on the surrounding rock deformation of shield tunnel.:2021.09 - 2021.09 出版专著Published Books1科技奖励Science&Tech Awards1发明专利Patents1软件著作权Software Copyrights1科研项目Research Projects1相关资源均是用户自行上传分享,仅供学术交流之用?2019 环境与土木工程学院地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室技术支持:应子科技(成都)有限公司