姓名:刘纬 性别:男 出生年月:1965年11月
职称:副教授 学院:经济管理系
体育物流的优化研究 成都体育学院博士点建设期专项资助课题 课题负责人;三台县循环经济规划研究 项目负责人;四川潼川豆豉厂技术改革项目可行性研究与报告编制 项目负责人;泸州市循环经济规划编制、泸州老窖循环经济规划编制主要研究人员
发表的论文先后被 SCI、EI、 ISTP等权威检索系统收录十余篇
Fuzzy Random Degree-constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-based System 107-115 volume 15, April 2007,SCI 收录,
Some Properties on Expected Value Operator for Uncertain Variables
Information-an international interdisciplinary journal, 13 (5):SCI收录
Supplier selection problem with random fuzzy demand
Proceedings of the fourth international conference on management science and engineering management: 155-157 2010 EI收录
Fuzzy fixed charge transportation problem: New models and algorithm
Proceedings of fifth international conference on information and management sciences 634-641, ISTP收录
Some mathematical programming models to supplier selection under fuzzy enviroment
Proceedings of sixth international conference on information and management sciences 430-435, ISTP收录
Rations among sequence convergence concepts for birandom variable
Proceedings of sixth international conference on information and management sciences 501-506,ISTP收录