

青海盐湖研究所 免费考研网/2016-01-29

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赖忠平 性 别

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  赖忠平,中国科学院“引进国外杰出人才百人计划”研究员,博导;男,1968年11月生于江西省安远县;1992年毕业于华东师范大学地理系,获学士学位。1992年至1994年在江西省安远县第一中学任地理教师;1997年毕业于中国科学院地球环境研究所黄土与第四纪地质国家重点实验室,获硕士学位。1997年获第三世界科学院南南合作奖学金于98年3月至99年3月在印度物理研究所工作一年,之后回到中国科学院地球环境研究所黄土与第四纪地质国家重点实验室工作。2001年获牛津大学克里莱顿全额奖学金(Clarendon Scholarship)到牛津大学地理与环境学院攻读博士学位,2002年被学院授予葆乌斯奖(Bowers Award),之后连续三年被授予优秀研究生奖学金(Graduate Scholarship)。获2004年度中国国家留学基金委员会授予的“国家优秀自费留学生”奖学金。2005年7月通过博士论文答辩。随即被德国洪堡基金会授予洪堡奖学金(Humboldt Fellowship)。2005年12月作为洪堡学者在德国马尔堡大学和拜罗伊特大学做博士后。2007年11月回国入选中国科学院“引进国外杰出人才百人计划”。兰州大学和青海师范大学兼职教授,博士生导师;华南师范大学客座教授。中科院优秀研究生指导教师(因指导的研究生获两篇中科院百篇优秀博士论文而自动获得该荣誉)。


  现任两个国际主流SCI刊物Quaternary Research和Aeolian Research副主编,国际SCI刊物Geochronometria物理方法领域编委,国际刊物International Journal of Luminescence and Applications编委,国际中文期刊《地球科学前沿》(Advances in Geosciences)编委。国际冰冻圈科学协会冰冻圈与第四纪研究专业委员会主任。







  1. Lai, Z.P.*, Mischke, S., Medsen, D., 2013. Paleoenvironmental implications of new OSL dates on the formation of the “Shell Bar” in the Qaidam Basin, northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. J of Palaeolimnology, in press, DOI:10.1007/s10933-013-9710-1. (SCI)

  2. Lai, Z.P.*, Fan, A.C., 2013. Examining quartz OSL age underestimation for loess samples from Luochuan in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Geochronometria, in press, DOI 10.2478/s13386-013-0138-1(SCI)

  3. Chang, H., An, Z.S., Liu, W.G., Ao, H., Qiang, X.K., Song, Y.G., Lai, Z.P., 2013. Quaternary structural partitioning within the rigid Tarim plate inferred from magnetostratigraphy and sedimentation rate in the eastern Tarim Basin in China. Quaternary Research, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.yqres.2013.10.018(SCI)

  4. Yang, J., Jiang, H.C., Dong, H.L., Wang, H.Y., Wu, G., Hou, W.G., Liu, W.G., Zhang, C.L., Sun, Y.J., Lai, Z.P., 2013. amoA-encoding archaea and thaumarchaeol in the lakes on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. Frontiers in Microbiology, in press, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2013.00329. (SCI)

  5. Han, W.X., Ma, Z.B., Lai, Z.P., Appeld, E., Fang, X.M., Yu, L.P., 2013. Wind erosion on the northern-eastern Tibetan Plateau: constraints from OSL and U-Th dating of playa salt crust in the Qaidam Basin. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, in press, DOI: 10.1002/esp.3483 (SCI)

  6. Mischke, S., Lai, Z.P., Zhang, C.J., 2013. Re-assessment of the paleoclimate implications of the Shell Bar in the Qaidam Basin, China. J Of Palaeolimnology, in press, DOI:10.1007/s10933-012-9674-6. (SCI)

  7. Madsen, D., Lai, Z.P., Sun, Y.J., Rhode, D., Liu, X.J., Brantingham, P.J., 2013. Late Quaternary Qaidam lake histories and implications for an MIS 3 ‘‘Greatest Lakes’’ period in northwest China. J Of Palaeolimnology, in press, DOI:10.1007/s10933-012-9662-x. (SCI)

  8. Ou X.J., Lai, Z.P.*, Zhou, S.Z., Zeng, L.H., 2013. Timing of glacier fluctuations and trigger mechanisms in eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau during the Late Quaternary. Quaternary Research, in press, DOI: 10.1016/j.yqres.2013.09.007 (SCI)

  9. Yu, L.P., Lai, Z.P.*, 2013. Holocene climate change inferred from stratigraphy and OSL chronology of aeolian sediments in the Qaidam Basin, northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary Research, in press, DOI:10.1016/j.yqres.2013.09.006(SCI)

  10. Liu, X.J.*, Lai, Z.P.*, Yi, C.L., Lei, Y.B., 2013. Long term east-west asymmetry in monsoon rainfall on the Tibetan Plateau: Comment. Geology, in press, doi:10.1130/G34548C.1. (SCI)

  11. Zhao, J.D., Yin, X.F., Harbor, J.M., Lai. Z.P., Liu, S.Y., Li, Z.Q., 2013. Quaternary glacial chronology of the Kanas River valley, Altai Mountains, China. Quaternary International 311: 64-53. (SCI)

  12. Rao, Z.G., Chen, F.H., Cheng, H., Liu, W.G., Wang, G.A., Lai, Z.P., Bloemendal, J., 2013. High-resolution summer precipitation variations in the western Chinese Loess Plateau during the last glacial. Scientific Report 3: 1-6. doi:10.1038/srep02785. SCI)

  13. Liu, X.J., Lai, Z.P., Zeng, F.M., Madsen, D., E, C.Y., 2013. Holocene lake level variations on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geol Rundsch) 102: 2007-2016. DOI:10.1007/s00531-013-0896-2 (SCI)

  14. Fei, J., Lai, Z.P., Zhang, D.D., He, H.M., 2013. Extreme Sea ice events in the Chinese marginal seas during the past 2000 years. Climate Research 57, 123-132. doi: 10.3354/cr01174 (SCI)

  15. Yang, J., Jiang, H.C., Dong, H.L., Wu, G., Hou, W.G., Zhao, W.Y., Sun, Y.J., Lai, Z.P., 2013. Diversity of Carbon Monoxide-Oxidizing Bacteria in Five Lakes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Geomicrobiology Journal 30(8), 758-767. DOI:10.1080/**.2013.769652(SCI)

  16. Yang, J., Jiang, H.C., Dong, H.L., Wu, G., Hou, W.G., Zhao, W.Y., Sun, Y.J., Lai, Z.P., 2013. Abundance and Diversity of Sulfur-Oxidizing Bacteria along a Salinity Gradient in Four Qinghai-Tibetan Lakes, China. Geomicrobiology Journal 30 (9), 851-860. DOI:10.1080/**.2013.790921 (SCI)

  17. Fan, T.L., Fan Y.X., Zhao, H., Chen, F.H., Lai Z.P., 2013. Investigations on the degree of bleaching of quartz OSL signals using modern aeolian dust from western Loess Plateau, China. Geochronometria 40, 165-176. (SCI)

  18. Liu, D.M., Chen, G.C., Lai, Z.P., Wei, H.C., Zhou, G.Y., Peng, M., 2013. Late Glacial and Holocene Vegetation and Climate History in an Alpine Wetland in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Geological Quarterly 57(2):261-268. (SCI)

  19. Liu, X.J., Lai, Z.P.*, 2013. Optical dating of sand wedges and ice-wedge casts from Qinghai Lake area on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and its palaeoenvironmental implications. Boreas 42, 333-341. DOI:10.1111/j.1502-3885.2012.00288.x. (SCI)

  20. Yi, L.*, Lai, Z.P.*, Yu, H.J., Xu, X.Y., Su, Q., Yao, J., Wang, X.L., Shi, X.F., 2013. Chronologies of sedimentary changes in the south Bohai Sea, China: Constraints from luminescence and radiocarbon dating. Boreas 42, 267-284. DOI:10.1111/j.1502-3885.2012.00271.x. (SCI)

  21. Chen, G.Q., Yi, L., Xu, X.Y., Hong-Jun Yu, H.J., Cao, J.R., Su, Q., Yang, L.H., Lai, Z.P., 2013. Practical testing to the standardized growth curve (SGC) in quartz optically stimulated luminescence dating for marine sediments from the south Bohai Sea, China. Gechronometria 40, 101-112. DOI:10.2478/s13386-013-0103-z. (SCI)

  22. Lai, Z.P., 2012. Was late Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 warm and humid in nowadays arid northwestern China? Quaternary International 279-280, 261.(SCI)

  23. Yang, L.H.*, Wang, T., Zhou, J., Lai, Z.P.*, Long, H., 2012. Dune evolution of the Horqin dunefield in the northern China since the Last Glacial Maximum: OSL chronology and possible forcing mechanisms. Quaternary Research 78, 185-196. doi:10.1016/j.yqres.2012.05.002. (SCI)

  24. Chapot, M.S., Roberts, H.M., Duller, G.A.T., Lai, Z.P., 2012. A comparison of natural- and laboratory-generated dose response curves for quartz optically stimulated luminescence signals from Chinese Loess. Radiation Measurements 47, 1045-1052. DOI:dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.radmeas.2012.09.001(SCI)

  25. Sun, Y.J., Lai, Z.P.*, Madsen, D., Hou, G.L. 2012. Luminescence dating of a hearth from the archaeological site of Jiangxigou in the Qinghai Lake area of the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary Geochronology 12, 107-110. DOI:10.1016/j.quageo.2012.01.010. (SCI)

  26. E, C.Y.*, Lai, Z.P.*, Sun, Y.J., Hou, G.L., Yu, L.P., Wu, C.Y., 2012. An OSL chronology research on loess in the Ili River Basin, Xingjiang, China. Quaternary Geochronology 10, 50-55. doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2012.04.022. (SCI)

  27. Zhang, J.R., Lai, Z.P.*, Jia, Y.L., 2012. Luminescence chronology for late Quaternary lake levels of enclosed Huangqihai Lake in East Asian monsoon marginal area in northern China. Quaternary Geochronology 10, 123-128. DOI:10.1016/j.quageo.2012.04.015. (SCI)

  28. Zhao, J.D., Lai, Z.P., Liu, S.Y., Song, Y.G., Li, Z.Q., Jiang, H.L., 2012. OSL and ESR dating of glacial deposits and its implications for glacial landform evolution in the Bogeda Peak area, Tianshan range, China. Quaternary Geochronology 10, 237-243. DOI:10.1016/j.quageo.2012.03.004. (SCI)

  29. Hou, G.L., Lai, Z.P.*, Sun, Y.J., Ye, M.L., 2012. OSL and radiocarbon chronologies for archaeological Erfang Site of Xindian Culture in Guanting Basin of the northeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary Geochronology 10, 394-398. DOI: 10.1016/j.quageo.2012.02.024. (SCI)

  30. Liu, X.J., Lai, Z.P.*, Yu, L.P., Sun, Y.J., Madsen, D., 2012. Luminescence chronology of aeolian deposits from the Qinghai Lake area in the Northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and its palaeoenvironmental implications. Quaternary Geochronology 10, 37-43. DOI: 10.1016/j.quageo.2012.01.016. (SCI)

  31. Jia, Y.L., Lai, Z.P.*, Zhang, J.R., Peng, X.M., Zhang, B., Zhang, Z., Wang, P.L., 2012. Chronology and provenance of aeolian sediments from Poyang Lake area in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River in China. Quaternary Geochronology 10, 44-49. DOI: 10.1016/j.quageo.2012.01.011. (SCI)

  32. Zhang, B., Ou, X.J., Lai, Z.P.*, 2012. OSL ages revealing the glacier retreat in the Dangzi valley in the eastern Tibetan Plateau during the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Geochronology 10, 244-249. DOI: 10.1016/j.quageo.2012.01.013. (SCI)

  33. ,*Cao, G.C., Long, H. Zhang, J.R., Lai, Z.P., 2012. Quartz OSL dating of last glacial sand dunes near Lanzhou on the western Chinese Loess Plateau: A comparison between different granulometric fractions. Quaternary Geochronology 10, 32-36. doi:10.1016/j.quageo.2011.12.002. (SCI)

  34. Long, H., Lai, Z.P.*, Frenzel, P., Fuchs, M., Haberzett, T., 2012. Holocene moist period recorded by the chronostratigraphy of a lake sedimentary sequence from Lake Tangra Yumco on the south Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary Geochronology 10, 136-142. doi:10.1016/j.quageo.2011.11.005. (SCI)

  35. Hou, G.L., Lai, Z.P., Xiao, J.Y., E, C.Y., 2012. Reconstruction of cultivated land during mid-Holocene in the middle and lower reaches of Yellow River and human impact on vegetations. Chinese Geographic Sciences, 22(5): 933-945. DOI: 10.1007/s11442-012-0974-6(SCI)

  36. Yu, L.P., Lai, Z.P.*, 2012. OSL chronology and palaeoclimatic implications of aeolian sediments in the eastern Qaidam Basin of the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 337-338, 120-129. DOI:10.1016/j.palaeo.2012.04.004. (SCI)

  37. Long, H., Lai, Z.P.*, Fuchs, M., Zhang, J.R., Li, Y., 2012. Timing of Late Quaternary palaeolake evolution in Tengger Desert of northern China and its possible forcing mechanisms. Global and Planetary Change, 92–93: 119–129, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2012.05.014. (SCI)

  38. Long, H., Lai, Z.P.*, Fuchs, M., Zhang, J.R., Yang, L.H., 2012. Palaeodunes intercalated in loess strata from the western Chinese Loess Plateau: timing and palaeoclimatic implications. Quaternary International 263, 37-45. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2010.12.030. (SCI)

  39. Fei, J., Lai, Z.P., He, H.M., Zhou, J., 2012. Water Level Change over 1758-1902 AD of Lake Weishan, China. Limnology, 13, 117-124. DOI:10.1007/s10201-011-0361-5. (SCI)

  40. An, F.Y., Ma, H.Z., Wei, H.C., Lai, Z.P.*, 2012. Distinguishing aeolian signature from lacustrine sediments of the Qaidam Basin in northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and its palaeoclimatic implications. Aeolian Research 4, 17-30. (SCI)

  41. Liu, K., Lai, Z.P.*, 2012. Chronology of Holocene sediments from the archaeological Salawusu site in the Mu Us Desert in China and its palaeoenvironmental implications. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 45, 247-255. (SCI)

  42. Yi, L., Yu, H.J., Ge, J.Y., Lai, Z.P., Xu, X.Y., Qin, L., Pen, S.Z., 2012. Reconstructions of annual summer precipitation and temperature in north-central China since 1470 AD based on drought/flood index and tree-ring records. Climatic Change 110: 469-498. DOI 10.1007/s10584-011-0052-6. (SCI)

  43. Seong, Y.B., Kang, H.C., Ree, J.H, Choi, J.H., Lai, Z.P., Long, H., Yoo, H.O., 2011. Geomorphic constraints on active mountain growth by the lateral propagation of fault-related folding: A case study on Yumu Shan, NE Tibet. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 41, 184-194. doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2011.01.015. (SCI)

  44. Zhang, J.R., Jia, Y.L., Lai, Z.P.*, Long, H., Yang, L.H., 2011. Holocene evolution of Huangqihai Lake in semi-arid northern China based on sedimentology and luminescence dating. The Holocene 21, 1261-1268. doi:10.1177/**5232. (SCI)

  45. Yang, L.H., Lai, Z.P.*, Long, H., Zhang, J.R., 2011. Construction of a quartz OSL standardised growth curve (SGC) for aeolian samples from the Horqin dunefield in Northeastern China. Geochronometria 38, 391-396.(SCI)

  46. Liu, X.J., Lai, Z.P.*, Madsen, D., Yu, L.P., Liu, K., Zhang, J.R., 2011. Lake level variations of Qinghai Lake in northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau since 3.7 ka based on OSL dating. Quaternary International 236, 57-64. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2010.08.009. (SCI)

  47. Long, H., Lai, Z.P.*, Wang, N.A., Zhang, J.R., 2011. A combined study on luminescence and radiocarbon datings of lacustrine sediments from arid northern China. Quaternary Geochronology 6, 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2010.06.001. (SCI)

  48. Hou, G.L., Lai, Z.P., Xiao, J.Y., E, C.Y., 2012. Reconstruction of cultivated land during mid-Holocene in the middle and lower reaches of Yellow River and human impact on vegetations. Chinese Geographic Sciences, 22(5): 933-945. DOI: 10.1007/s11442-012-0974-6(SCI)

  49. Yu, L.P., Lai, Z.P.*, 2012. OSL chronology and palaeoclimatic implications of aeolian sediments in the eastern Qaidam Basin of the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 337-338, 120-129. DOI:10.1016/j.palaeo.2012.04.004. (SCI)

  50. Long, H., Lai, Z.P.*, Fuchs, M., Zhang, J.R., Li, Y., 2012. Timing of Late Quaternary palaeolake evolution in Tengger Desert of northern China and its possible forcing mechanisms. Global and Planetary Change, 92–93: 119–129, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2012.05.014. (SCI)

  51. Long, H., Lai, Z.P.*, Fuchs, M., Zhang, J.R., Yang, L.H., 2012. Palaeodunes intercalated in loess strata from the western Chinese Loess Plateau: timing and palaeoclimatic implications. Quaternary International 263, 37-45. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2010.12.030. (SCI)

  52. Fei, J., Lai, Z.P., He, H.M., Zhou, J., 2012. Water Level Change over 1758-1902 AD of Lake Weishan, China. Limnology, 13, 117-124. DOI:10.1007/s10201-011-0361-5. (SCI)

  53. An, F.Y., Ma, H.Z., Wei, H.C., Lai, Z.P.*, 2012. Distinguishing aeolian signature from lacustrine sediments of the Qaidam Basin in northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and its palaeoclimatic implications. Aeolian Research 4, 17-30. (SCI)

  54. Liu, K., Lai, Z.P.*, 2012. Chronology of Holocene sediments from the archaeological Salawusu site in the Mu Us Desert in China and its palaeoenvironmental implications. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 45, 247-255. (SCI)

  55. Yi, L., Yu, H.J., Ge, J.Y., Lai, Z.P., Xu, X.Y., Qin, L., Pen, S.Z., 2012. Reconstructions of annual summer precipitation and temperature in north-central China since 1470 AD based on drought/flood index and tree-ring records. Climatic Change 110: 469-498. DOI 10.1007/s10584-011-0052-6. (SCI)

  56. Yang, J., Jiang, H.C., Wu, G., Hou, W.G., Sun, Y.J., Lai, Z.P., Dong, H.L., 2012. Co-occurrence of nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidizing and anaerobic ammonia oxidizing bacteria in two Qinghai-Tibetan saline lakes. Frontiers of Earth Science, 6(4): 383-391. (SCI)

  57. Seong, Y.B., Kang, H.C., Ree, J.H, Choi, J.H., Lai, Z.P., Long, H., Yoo, H.O., 2011. Geomorphic constraints on active mountain growth by the lateral propagation of fault-related folding: A case study on Yumu Shan, NE Tibet. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 41, 184-194. doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2011.01.015. (SCI)

  58. Zhang, J.R., Jia, Y.L., Lai, Z.P.*, Long, H., Yang, L.H., 2011. Holocene evolution of Huangqihai Lake in semi-arid northern China based on sedimentology and luminescence dating. The Holocene 21, 1261-1268. doi:10.1177/**5232. (SCI)

  59. Yang, L.H., Lai, Z.P.*, Long, H., Zhang, J.R., 2011. Construction of a quartz OSL standardised growth curve (SGC) for aeolian samples from the Horqin dunefield in Northeastern China. Geochronometria 38, 391-396.(SCI)

  60. Liu, X.J., Lai, Z.P.*, Madsen, D., Yu, L.P., Liu, K., Zhang, J.R., 2011. Lake level variations of Qinghai Lake in northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau since 3.7 ka based on OSL dating. Quaternary International 236, 57-64. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2010.08.009. (SCI)

  61. Long, H., Lai, Z.P.*, Wang, N.A., Zhang, J.R., 2011. A combined study on luminescence and radiocarbon datings of lacustrine sediments from arid northern China. Quaternary Geochronology 6, 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2010.06.001. (SCI)

  62. Yang, L.H., Zhou, J., Lai, Z.P.*, Long, H., Zhang, J.R., 2010. Lateglacial and Holocene dune activities in the Horqin desert of northeastern China based on OSL dating. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 296, 44-51.(SCI)

  63. Xu, L.B., Ou, X.J., Lai, Z.P., Zhou, S.Z., Wang, J., Fu, Y.C., 2010. Timing and style of Late Pleistocene glaciation in the Queer Shan, northern Hengduan Mountains in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Quaternary Science 25, 957-966.(SCI)

  64. Long, H., Lai, Z.P., Wang, N.A., Li, Y., 2010. Holocene climate variations from Zhuyeze terminal lake records in East Asian monsoon margin in arid northern China. Quaternary Research 74, 46-56. (SCI)

  65. Liu, X.J., Lai, Z.P.*, Long, H., Fan, Q.S., Sun, Y.J., 2010. Timing of high lake levels of Qinghai Lake in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau since Last Interglaciation based on quartz OSL dating. Quaternary Geochronology 5, 218-222.(SCI)

  66. Long, H., Lai, Z.P.*, Fan, Q.S., Sun, Y.J., Liu, X.J., 2010. Applicability of a quartz OSL standardised growth curve for De determination up to 400 Gy for lacustrine sediments from the Qaidam Basin of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary Geochronology 5, 212-217.(SCI)

  67. Lai, Z.P.*, Zhang, W.G., Chen, X., Jia, Y.L., Liu, X.J., Fan, Q.S., Long, H., 2010. OSL chronology of loess deposits in East China and its implications for East Asian monsoon history. Quaternary Geochronology 5, 154-158.(SCI)

  68. Lai, Z.P.*, 2010. Chronology and the upper dating limit for loess samples from Luochuan section in Chinese Loess Plateau using quartz OSL SAR protocol. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 37, 176-185. (SCI)

  69. Sun, Y.J., Lai, Z.P.*, Long, H., Liu, X.J., Fan, Q.S., 2010. Quartz OSL dating of archaeological sites in Xiao Qaidam Lake of the NE Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and its implication for palaeoenvironmental changes. Quaternary Geochronology 5, 360-364. (SCI)

  70. Fan, Q.S., Lai, Z.P.*, Long, H., Sun, Y.J., Liu, X.J., 2010. OSL chronology for lacustrine sediments recording high stands of Gahai Lake in Qaidam Basin, northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary Geochronology 5, 223-227.(SCI)

  71. He, Z., Zhou, J., Lai?, Z.P.*, Yang, L.H., Liang, J.M., Long, H., Ou, X.J., 2010. Quartz OSL dating of sand dunes of Late Pleistocene in the Mu Us Desert in northern China. Quaternary Geochronology 5, 102-106.(SCI)

  72. Ou, X.J., Xu, L.B., Lai, Z.P.*, Long, H., He, Z., Fan, Q.S., Zhou, S.Z., 2010. Potential of quartz OSL dating on moraine deposits from eastern Tibetan Plateau using SAR protocol. Quaternary Geochronology 5, 257-262. (SCI)

  73. Kaiser, K., Lai, Z.P., Schneider, B., Junge, F.W., 2010. Late Pleistocene genesis of the middle Yarlung Zhangbo Valley, southern Tibet (China), as deduced by sedimentological and luminescence data. Quaternary Geochronology 5, 200-204. (SCI)

  74. Miao, X.D., Lindsey, D.A., Lai, Z.P., Liu, X.D., 2010. Contingency table analysis of pebble lithology and roundness: a case study of Huangshui River, China and comparison to rivers in the Rocky Mountains, USA. Sedimentology Geology 224, 49-53. (SCI)

  75. Xiao, S.B., Liu, W.G., Li, A.C., Yang, S.Y., Lai, Z.P., 2010. Pervasive autocorrelation of the chemical index of alteration (CIA) in sedimentary profiles and its implications for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Sedimentology 57, 670-676.(SCI)

  76. Lai, Z.P.*, Kaiser, K, Brückner, H., 2009. Luminescence dated aeolian deposits of late Quaternary age in the southern Tibetan Plateau and their implications for landscape history. Quaternary Research 72, 421-430.(SCI)

  77. Kaiser, K., Lai, Z.P., Schneider, B., Schoch, W.H., Shen, X.H., Miehe, G., Brückner, H. 2009. Sediment sequences and paleosols in the Kyichu Valley, southern Tibet (China), indicating Late Quaternary environmental changes. Island Arc 18, 404-427.(SCI)

  78. Kaiser, K., Lai, Z.P., Schneider, B., Reudenbach, C., Miehe, G., Brückner, H. 2009. Stratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental implications of Pleistocene and Holocene aeolian deposits in the Lhasa area, southern Tibet (China). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 271, 329-342.(SCI)

  79. Lai, Z.P.*, Brückner, H., Z?ller, L., Fülling, A. 2008. Effects of thermal treatment on the growth curve shape for OSL of quartz extracted from Chinese loess. Radiation Measurements 43, 763-766.(SCI)

  80. Lai, Z.P.*, Z?ller, L., Fuchs, M., Brückner, H., 2008. Alpha efficiency determination for OSL of quartz extracted from Chinese loess. Radiation Measurements 43, 767-770.(SCI)

  81. Lai, Z.P.*, Brückner, H., 2008. Effects of feldspar contamination on equivalent dose and the shape of growth curve for OSL of silt-sized quartz extracted from Chinese loess. Geochronometria 30, 49-53.(SCI)

  82. Lai, Z.P.*, Brückner, H., Z?ller, L., Fülling, A., 2007. Existence of a common growth curve for silt-sized quartz OSL of loess from different continents. Radiation Measurements 42, 1432-1440.(SCI)

  83. Lai, Z.P.*, Wintle, A.G., Thomas, D.S.G., 2007. Rates of dust deposition between 50 ka and 20 ka revealed by OSL dating at Yuanbao on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 248, 431-439.(SCI)

  84. Lai, Z.P.*, Wintle, A.G., 2006. Locating the boundary between the Pleistocene and the Holocene in Chinese loess using luminescence. The Holocene 16, 893-899.(SCI)

  85. Lai, Z.P.*, 2006. Testing the use of an OSL standardised growth curve (SGC) for De determination on quartz from the Chinese Loess Plateau. Radiation Measurements 41, 9-16. (SCI)

  86. Lai, Z.P.*, Murray, A., Bailey, R., Huot, S., B?tter-Jensen, L., 2006. Quartz red TL SAR equivalent dose overestimation for Chinese loess. Radiation Measurements 41, 114-119. (SCI)

  87. Lai, Z.P.*, Murray, A.S., 2006. Red TL of quartz extracted from Chinese loess: bleachability and saturation dose. Radiation Measurements 41, 836-840.(SCI)

  88. Lai, Z.P.*, Stokes, S., Bailey, R., Fattahi, M., Arnold, L., 2003. IR stimulated red luminescence from Chinese loess: basic observations. Quaternary Science Reviews 22, 961-966.(SCI)

  89. Porter, S.C., Singhvi, A.K., An, Z.S., Lai, Z.P., 2001. Luminescence age and palaeoenvironmental implications of a late Pleistocene ground wedge on the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 12(2), 203-210.(SCI)

  90. Liu X.J., Lai, Z.P., Ma, Y.W., Yu, L.P., 2010. Land cover changes in Qaidam Area from 2000 to 2008. ICMT2010, 1387-1390. (EI)

  91. Lai, Z.P.*, Arnold, L., Stokes, S., Bailey, R., Fattahi, M., 2002. Detection of Far-Red IRSL from Loess. Ancient TL 20(2), 41-46.

  92. Lai, Z.P.*, Singhvi, A.K., Chen, H.Z., Zhou, W.J., 1999. Luminescence chronology of Holocene sediments from Taipingchuan in loess/desert transitional zone, China and its implication. Man and Environment 14(1), 91-97.



  1. Yu, L.P., Lai, Z.P.*, An, P., 2013. OSL chronology and palaeoclimatic implications of paleodunes in the middle and southwestern Qaidam Basin, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions 5(2):0211-0219.

  2. Ou, X.J., Lai, Z.P.*, Zeng, L.H., Zhou, S.Z., 2012. OSL dating of glacial sediments from the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and its bordering mountains: a review and methodological suggestions. Journal of Earth Environment 3(2), 829-842.

  3. 赖忠平*, 欧先交, 2013. 光释光测年基本流程. 地理科学进展, 32(5): 683-693.

  4. 欧先交, 赖忠平*, 曾兰华, 2013. 不同释光方法测试冰川沉积物等效剂量的尝试. 核技术, 36(2): 1-6.

  5. 刘瑞元,赖忠平,刘向军。2013。OSL 测年中标准生长曲线法(SGC)求单个测片De 误差的数学分析。核技术 36(3), 030205-1--030205-5.

  6. 欧先交,张彪,赖忠平*,周尚哲,曾兰华。2013。青藏高原东部当子沟末次冰期冰川演化光释光测年。地理科学进展,33(2):262-269.

  7. 于禄鹏,赖忠平*,安萍。2013。柴达木盆地中部与西南部古沙丘的释光年代学研究. 中国沙漠, 33(2):453-462.

  8. 杨渐,蒋宏忱,孙永娟,吴耿,侯卫国,董海良,赖忠平。2013。青藏高原湖泊沉积物硫酸盐还原菌种群分布。盐湖研究,1:7-13.

  9. 赵婉雨,杨渐,董海良,吴耿,王尚,孙永娟,赖忠平,蒋宏忱。2013。柴达木盆地达布逊盐湖微生物多样性研究。地球与环境,41(4):398-405.

  10. 孙政,沈冠军,赖忠平,2012。26Al-10Be等时线埋藏测年法基本原理与应用简介。盐湖研究20(2):66-72.

  11. 欧先交, 曾兰华, 周尚哲, 赖忠平*, 2012。四川西部黄土沉积与环境演变研究综述. 地球环境学报 3(1): 692-704.

  12. 刘瑞元,赖忠平,2012。OSL测年中SGC法求De均值的计算方法比较,盐湖研究 20(4):21-24。

  13. 张志刚,王建,赖忠平,徐孝彬,白世彪,张茂恒。2012。稻城冰帽冰碛物光释光测年研究中遇到的问题及探讨。地质学报 86:602-610。

  14. 刘德梅,陈桂琛,赖忠平,刘向军,周国英,宋文珠。2012。彭敏基于光释光测年研究青海湖三种沼泽湿地的发育及沉积速率。盐湖研究 3:9-14.

  15. 徐佳佳,贾玉连,赖忠平,王彭岭,徐敏,申洪源。2012。黄旗海湖泊沉积记录的早中全新世大湖期环境的差异性。沉积学报 4:731-738.

  16. 马玉伟,张静然,刘向军,赖忠平。2011。青海湖末次冰消期以来的湖面变化。盐湖研究 19:19-25。

  17. 白旸,王乃昂,何瑞霞,李景满,赖忠平。2011。巴丹吉林沙漠湖相沉积的探地雷达图像及光释光年代学证据。中国沙漠 31:842-847。

  18. 杨林海,赖忠平,周杰,隆浩,张静然。2011。光释光测年和孢粉分析揭示的晚冰期以来科尔沁沙地演化过程?。地理科学31: 695-701。

  19. 欧先交,曾兰华,隆浩,许刘兵,周尚哲,赖忠平*。2011。横断山地区末次冰期冰碛物石英光释光测年的适应性。冰川冻土 33:110-117。

  20. 刘向军,赖忠平*。2010。青海湖晚第四纪湖面变化研究进展。地球环境学报1:79-88。

  21. 樊启顺,赖忠平*,刘向军,孙永娟,隆浩。2010。晚第四纪柴达木盆地东部古湖泊高湖面光释光年代学。地质学报 84:1652-1660。

  22. 刘凯,赖忠平,樊启顺,李保生。2010。萨拉乌苏地区末次冰期酒坊台剖面光释光年代及其环境意义。盐湖研究18:1-7。

  23. 何忠,周杰,赖忠平,杨林海,隆浩,梁剑鸣。2010。.石英光释光测年揭示的晚第四纪毛乌素沙地演化。第四纪研究 29:744-754。

  24. 赖忠平。2008。基于光释光测年的中国黄土中氧同位素阶段2/1和3/2界限位置及年代的确定。第四纪研究25:883-891。

  25. 赖忠平,周杰,夏应菲,张景昭,陈骏。2001。南京下蜀黄土红外释光测年。自然科学进展11:203-207。

  26. 赖忠平,周杰,夏应菲,张景昭,陈骏。2001。下蜀黄土释光底层年代学。中国沙漠21:116-121

  27. 赖忠平,张景昭,卢演俦。2001。中国沙漠黄土边界带湖相沉积红外释光测年。海洋地质与第四纪地质21:75-80。

  28. 赖忠平,苗晓东,周杰,张景昭。2001。沙漠黄土边界带风成沙再生法单片技术等效剂量分布。核技术24:1022-1024。

  29. 赖忠平,周杰,卢演俦,西格威。2000。风成沉积红外释光与绿光释光测年比较。海洋地质与第四纪地质20:57-61。

  30. 赖忠平,张景昭,卢演俦。1999。红外释光测年中黄土样品预热条件的确定。核技术22:612-615。

  31. 赖忠平,周杰,卢演俦,西格威。1999。风称沉积单片技术释光测年。中国沙漠19:403-406。

  32. 赖忠平,周杰,卢演俦,西格威。1999。绿光释光测年中基于单片技术的再生/附加法。地质力学学报5:89-93。

  33. 李力,孙友斌,鹿化煜,赖忠平,安芷生。1998。末次冰期黄土高原粉尘事件与大西洋冷事件对比。科学通报43:90-93。

34. 张景昭, 赖忠平。1997。黄土样品红外释光测年晒退实验。核技术20:485-488。


  2.柴达木盆地察尔汗盐湖成盐期的光释光年代学研究,国家自然科学基金,面上,(2009-2011) 57万,主持



  5.青藏高原东部玉树及毗邻地区地震释光年代学,国家自然科学基金,面上,(2012-2015), 85万,主持

  6.柴达木盆地新生代沉积记录的西风气候演化,国家自然科学基金,重大二级课题, (2012-2016), 250万,主持



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  • 中国科学院青海盐湖研究所研究生导师简介-山发寿
    姓 名山发寿 性 别男职 务副主任 职 称研究员地 址青海省西宁市新宁路18号, 邮编:810008邮 编810008 电 邮shanfsh@isl.ac.cn 简历 1986年7月毕业于兰州大学地质系,1994年12月被中国科学院青海盐湖研究所特评为副研究员、2002年7月聘为研究员。本人长 ...
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  • 中国科学院青海盐湖研究所研究生导师简介-韩凤清
    姓 名韩凤清 性 别男职 务盐湖地质与环境实验室主任 职 称研究员地 址青海省西宁市新宁路18号, 邮编:810008邮 编810008 电 邮hanfq@isl.ac.cn 简历 1990年毕业于青海盐湖研究所 研究领域盐湖地球化学 社会任职 获奖及荣誉 代表论著 承担科研项目 ...
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  • 中国科学院青海盐湖研究所研究生导师简介-高东林
    姓 名高东林 性 别男职 务无 职 称研究员地 址青海省西宁市新宁路18号邮 编810008 电 邮gaodl@isl.ac.cn 简历 高东林,男,1965年生,博士,研究员。1986年毕业于兰州大学地质系地质学专业,同年分配到中国科学院青海盐湖研究所工作。2000年考入兰州大学资源环境学院 ...
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  • 中国科学院青海盐湖研究所研究生导师简介-宋富根
    姓 名宋富根 性 别男职 务无 职 称副研究员地 址青海省西宁市新宁路18号邮 编810008 电 邮songfugen@isl.ac.cn 简历 2002毕业于东华理工大学化学工程与工艺专业,获学士学位;2005年毕业于首都师范大学物理化学专业,获硕士;2005-2007年于青海师范大学化学 ...
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