

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-11-27

3)陕西省 “****” 长安大学****,任期:2012年至2017年2013-今;
4) GSTF地质学国际杂志主编。
1998-2002,博士后,加利福尼亚大学Riverside分校土壤与环境科学专业, 师从William A Jury 教授(美国科学院院士);
1993-1997,博士,比利时鲁汶大学水文学与土壤物理专业,师从Jan Feyen 教授;
2002-今,加利福尼亚州立大学 Fresno分校,理学院,地球与环境科学系助理教授、副教授、教授:担任全校GIS对外教学部主任、理学院院长遴选委员会委员、副校长遴选委员等。
动原理,多孔介质流体力学,土壤水与地下水动力学,液体污染物在地面及地下的运移过程,地质学与环境学,地理统计学,地理信息系统-GIS, 全球气候变化对地区水文生态之影 响,流域泥沙运移,流域水质及土壤质量评估,明渠水力学,量水装置与灌溉节水技术优化设计,渠系优化配水与自动化,灌排工程设计,水利工程规划设计。
Internal Research Grants
1. PI, Grants from College of Science and Mathematics. Faculty Professional Development (Performance) Awards ($15,000) 2003-2017; Faculty Sponsored University Undergraduate Research Grant (for Micheale Easley, $1000), 2016-17; Faculty Sponsored Student Research Award (for Kaitlyn Wellims, $1000) 2015-2016; Faculty Sponsored Student Research Award (for Kassandra Hishita, 2 x $1000), 2013-14, 2014-15; Graduate Student Research Award (for Ashley Ross $2000), 2010-2011; Faculty Sponsored Student Research Award 2011-12, $700; Faculty Research Equipment Awards ($66,686) including Hydrology and Environmental Science Lab Setup, EasyChem Analyzer ($45,000), 2005-06; Dewpoint Water potentiometer-WP4-T ($7,242.29), 2004-05; Data acquisition system ($5,641) 2003-04; Portable TDR for measuring soil water content ($8,803), 2002-03; College Minigrants: Education-Assisted Measurement and Modeling of Watersheds and Groundwater ($2,500), 2005-06; Measurement and modeling of stormwater and contaminant flow ($2,500), 2004-05; Light transmission investigation of water and contaminant movement in soils ($2,500), 2003-04; College13Scholarly and Creative Activity Award (24 WTUs), 2002-06; College Instructional Equipment award - GIS Lab upgrade: 14 computers, one scanner and one plotter (~$40,000) 2004-05, 12 computers and monitors ($7,216) 2003-04; New Faculty Start-up fund ($20,000), 2002-03.
2. PI: Provost’s Research Activity Award (Provost RAA, $2500), 2008. Collaborative grant writing for federal funding. Submitted an NSF proposal “Measurement and Modeling of Unstable Flow in Soils.”
3. PI, Office of Institutional Effectiveness (former Research, Assessment and Planning): Direct Measurement of Geology Student Learning for a Culminating Experience Field Course Geology 107. ($5,000). Co-PI: Dr. Robert Dundas, 2005-06. This project was designed to conduct a comprehensive test on the prerequisite courses before students begin the field course (Geology 107- Advanced Field Methods, 3 units, 9 lab hours). This assessment will permit us to evaluate student preparedness for the culminating experience course and to identify areas where the Department could improve the curriculum and note areas where we are doing well.
4. PI, US Department of Defense (DOD): Shallow Saline Aquifer Monitoring at NAS Lemoore. 2010-1013 ($138,566). Principal Investigator: Z. Wang (hydrologist). The major objective of this project is to develop a groundwater monitoring program in concert with parallel studies on plant and wildlife habitats (Dr. Paul Crosbie, biologist) at NAS Lemoore. This part of the project is focused on field monitoring of the shallow saline groundwater and soil qualities and their dynamic changes to support sustainable land use and training missions at the base. Recommendations on water supply, plant and wildlife choices should be developed based on specific studies on shallow saline groundwater aquifer, saline-sodic soil, irrigation water quality, plant suitability and wildlife habitats.
5. PI, California Department of Water Resources (DWR): Upper Fresno River Watershed Assessment Project. 2008-2010 ($187,366). PIs: S. Blumenshine (ecologist) and Z. Wang (hydrologist). Collaborators: Madera County and Central Sierra Watershed Committee. Major objectives are to develop GIS-based nutrient loading and vegetation distribution models that are capable of analyzing the fate and transport of nutrients and invasive plants in the Fresno River watershed. Using the data collected by the team, chart and quantify the septic systems, roads, water quality and species distribution within the watershed, identify watershed land use patterns associated with high nutrient loads and invasive weeds, and finally create a GIS-based geodatabase information system (web server) to help identify areas where nutrient input are highest, sources of point or non-point nature, and measures for watershed restoration.
6. Co-PI, CA-DWR: Upper San Joaquin River Watershed Assessment Project. 2008-2010 ($94,778). PI: John Suen (hydrgeologist), Co-PIs: Z. Wang (hydrologist) and S. Blumenshine (ecologist). Collaborators: Sierra Resources Conservation District and Central Sierra Watershed Committee. Major objectives are to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the watershed in the following areas: Evaluation of water quantity and quality concerning the Sierra Navada snow packs, streams, lakes and groundwater; Climate change effects on the snow packs and the entire ecosystems; Impacts of regional air pollution on water quality and vegetation in the watershed; Status of hydrogeology, topography, soils and other physical aspects; Status of forest, aquatic habitats, biodiversity, invasive species and groundwater dependent ecosystems; Elements of hydrologic cycle including precipitation, evapotranspiration, groundwater recharge and infiltration; and Policy and management issues pertinent to the long-term sustainability and environmental conservation of the watershed.
7. PI, California EPA: Fresno River-Hensley Lake Water Quality Monitoring. 2003-04. Total funding $134,600. PIs: S. Blunmenshine and Z Wang. The main tasks include: Sampling and monitoring of water discharge, water quality (physical, nutrients, algae) and disease-causing bacteria concentrations along the main Fresno River, its 7 tributaries and the Hensley Lake with a total of 24 monitory sites.
8. Co-PI, NSF: Acquisition of an X-ray Diffraction Instrument. 2004-2005. Total funding $148,421, PI: Keith Putirka. The range of research projects include: 1) issues in regional geology, volcanology and metamorphic petrology, 2) the identification of asbestiform minerals related to construction projects, 3) igneous barometery and the refinement of unit cell parameters of clinopyroxenes, 4) study of soil mechanics and soil contamination through the analysis of clay minerals and gypsum mineral fractions in agricultural soils, 5) problems in groundwater flow, and the relationship between mineralogy and clay fraction on flow-rates and mode of water transport through soils, and 6) the analysis of dust particles produced from dairy operations, recognized as a significant health hazard in regard to air quality.
9. Participant, NSF: Geoscience Mentoring, Education, Training, Research and Outreach (METRO) Center at CSU Fresno. 2010-14 NSF OEDG (Opportunities for Enhancing Diversity in the Geosciences) program. PI: Alam Hassan; Collaborators: Zhi Wang et al. Funded for $1.4 millions (2010-14) to set up the METRO Center at CSU Fresno.
10. Participant, NSF: Resilience in an urban socioecological system: water management as a driver of landscape and biodiversity in Fresno-Clovis, California. NSF ULTRA program, $299,232 (2010-13). PIs: Madhusudan Katti et al.; Participants: Zhi Wang et al.
1.通过遥感,地理信息系统空间分析,水文模拟,以及与当地社区居民-流域管理委员会密切合作,研究了全球气候变化对加州水雪资源涵养量及当地生态系统的影响,确定了未来几十年的缺水格局和时间动态。有关论文发表于国际高水平杂志Journal of Hydrology, Hydrology Research, Water Resources Research等。
2.通过高密度田间测验和地理统计学分析,确定了评价土壤质量的综合指标参数。成果可用于分析在各种因素(如污水灌溉)影响下土壤质量的变化或土壤有用功能的可持续性研究。有关论文发表于Geoderma, Environmental Geology等。
3.运用多孔介质流体力学理论分析和大量实验验证,证明在土壤水动力学中通用的Rechards方程将无法预测优先性非稳定流,或称“指形流”。而这种流态一定会发生在最常见的情形下(如层状土,均质粗粒土,饱和降雨入渗时遇到土壤气阻,入渗结束后土壤水再分布过程,非饱和降雨入渗过程,斥水性有机土壤中的入渗过程, 等),从而导致地下水会比预测的“提前”污染。在理论分析中提出了预测非稳定“指形流”的24项公式已及指形流直径计算公式, 称为Wang Equations.这些成果已被收录于美国传统教材《Soil Physics》, 6th edition, by W.A. Jury and R. Horton, 2008。有关论文发表于Water Resources Research,Vadose Zone Journal, Soil Science Society of America Journal等。
4.运用流体力学理论,推导出考虑土壤气阻影响的二相流入渗公式,并经大量实验验证核实。此项成果不仅完善了包气带土壤水文学模型,也为地面灌溉,地下水回灌等工程设计 计算提供了更可靠的依据。该论文与世界著名土壤物理学家Van Genuchten, D Nielsen等人发表于Water Resources Research,被大量引用。
1. Scudiero, E., D.L. Corwin, R.G. Anderson, K. Yemoto, W. Clary, Z. Wang, T.H. Skaggs. Mapping San Joaquin Valley soil salinity through multi-year canopy reflectance remote sensing. California Agriculture, April 2017, DOI: 10.3733/ca.2017a0009, Online: https://doi.org/10.3733/ca.2017a0009, PDF at http://ucanr.edu/repositoryfiles/ca2017a0009-165335.pdf, 2017.
2. Liang, X., D.R. Su, Z. Wang, and X. Qiao. Effects of turfgrass thatch on water infiltration, surface runoff, and evaporation. J. of Water Resources and Protection, DOI: 10.4236/jwarp.2017.97053, 9(7), 799-810, 2017.
3. Wang, H.,Z.F. Jia,Y.D. Lu,Z.L. He,Y.K. Wang,Y.M. Chen,Z. Wang. Dew condensation time and frequency in the loess hilly region of Ansai County, northern Shaanxi Province, China. J. of Applied Ecology, Doi: 10.13287/j.1001-9332.201708.15, 28(8), 2017.
4. Wang, H.,Z.F. Jia,Z. Wang. Dew amount and it’s inducing factors in the loess hilly region of Ansai County, northern Shaanxi Province, China. J. of Applied Ecology (Accepted in August 27, 2017).
5. Wang Z. Shallow Saline Aquifer Monitoring at Naval Air Station Lemoore, Fresno and Kings County, California. Final Report to the US Department of Defense, Cooperative Agreement No. W9126G-10-2-0029. 160 p. March 2013.
6. He, Z.L., Z. Wang, C.J. Suen, and X. Ma. Hydrologic sensitivity of the Upper San Joaquin River Watershed in California to climate change scenarios. Hydrology Research, 44.4: 723-736. doi:10.2166/nh.2012.441, 2013.
7. Liu, X.H., Z. Wang, L. Li, A. Hu. Hydrochemical characterization of a groundwater aquifer and its water quality suitability for irrigation in Jinghuiqu Irrigation District of China. Water Environment Research, 85(3):245-58, 2013.
8. Liu, Y., B.J. Fu, Y.H. Lü, Z. Wang, G.Y. Gao. Hydrological responses and soil erosion potential of abandoned cropland in the Loess Plateau, China. Geomorphology, 138: 404–414, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.10.009, 2012.
9. Jin, T.T., B.J. Fu, G.H. Liu, and Z. Wang. Hydrologic feasibility of artificial forestation in the semi-arid Loess Plateau of China. Hydrology and Earth System Sci., 15: 2519–2530, doi: 10.5194/hess-15-2519-2011, 2011.
10. Liu, X.H., B. He, Z. Li, J. Zhang, L. Wang, Z. Wang. Influences of land terracing on agricultural and ecological environment in Loess Plateau regions, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, doi: 10.1007/s12665-010-0567-6, 2010.
11. Liang, X., D.R. Su, S. Yin, and Z. Wang. Leaf water absorption and desorption functions for three turfgrasses. Journal of Hydrology, 376: 243–248. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.07.035, 2009.
12. Lan J.Y., H.E. Li, W.J. Shi, J.F. Zhang, and Z. Wang. Finger flow experiments in homogeneous and layered soils. Water Saving Irrigation (Chinese), 11: 53-70, 2009.
13. Li, H.L., H.E. Li, Zhi Wang, W.J. Shi. Research of Finger Flow in Porous Media: Review and Perspective, Soils (Chinese), 41: 27-33, 2008.
14. Kim, S.B., H.S. On, D.J. Kim, W. A. Jury, and Z. Wang. Determination of bromacil transport as a function of water and carbon content in soils. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B, 42, 529–537. DOI: 10.1080/**392482, 2007.
15. Wang, Z. Watershed Monitoring and Hydrologic Simulation using GIS, CSU Geospatial Review, Vol. 4, Spring 2006.
16. Mathieu, J., Z. Wang, J. Feyen, D. Elrick and M. Vanclooster. Correction to “Prediction of fingering in porous media”. Water Resources Research., Vol. 41, No. 4, W04005, doi:10.1029/2004WR003831, 2005.
17. Wang, Z. Invited Book Review: Seepage in soils – principles and applications by Lakshmi N. Reddi. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Vadose Zone Journal, 3: 728-729, 2004.
18. Wang, Z., W.A. Jury, A. Tuli, and D.J. Kim. Unstable flow during redistribution: Controlling factors and practical implications. Vadose Zone Journal, 3: 549-559, 2004.
19. Wang, Z, A. Tuli, and W.A. Jury. Unstable flow during redistribution in homogeneous soil, Vadose Zone Journal, 2: 52-60. 2003.
20. Jury, W.A., Z. Wang, and A. Tuli. A conceptual model of unstable flow in unsaturated soil during redistribution, Vadose Zone Journal, 2: 61-67, 2003.
2008, 加利福尼亚州立大学Fresno分校校长学术奖(2500美金);

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