本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-11-27
1.Zhenfu Tian*, YongbinGe. A fourth-order compact finite difference scheme forthe steady streamfunction-vorticity formulationofthe Navier-Stokes/Boussinesq equations. InternationalJournal forNumerical Methods inFluids, 2003, 41: 495-518
2.Z. F.Tian, Y. B.Ge. A fourth-order compact ADI method forsolving two-dimensional unsteady convection-diffusionproblems. Journal ofComputational andAppliedMathematics, 2007,198:268-286
3.YongbinGe. Multigrid method and fourth-order compact difference discretizationscheme with unequal meshsizes for3D Poissonequation. Journal ofComputationalPhysics, 2010, 229: 6381-6391
4.Yuezhen Ma, YongbinGe*, A high-order finite difference method with Richardsonextrapolationfor3D convectiondiffusionequation. AppliedMathematics andComputation,2010, 215: 3408- 3417
5.YongbinGe*, Funjun Cao. Multigrid method based onthe transformation-free HOC scheme onnonuniform grids for2D convectiondiffusionproblems. Journal ofComputationalPhysics, 2011,230: 4051-4070
6.YongbinGe*, Fujun Cao, Jun Zhang. A transformation-free HOC scheme and multigrid method forsolving the 3D Poissonequationonnonuniform grids. Journal ofComputationalPhysics, 2013, 234: 199-216
7.YongbinGe, Zhenfu Tian*, Jun Zhang. An exponential high-order compact ADI method for3D unsteady convection-diffusionproblems. NumericalMethods for Partial Differential Equations,2013, 29: 186-205
8.BinLan, YongbinGe*, Yan Wang, Yong Zhan. High order compact difference scheme and multigrid method for2D elliptic problems with variable coefficients and interior/boundary layers onnonuniform grids. Journal ofApplied Mathematics and Physics,2015, 3: 509-523
9.Sheng Qin*, Ge Yongbin. A numerical endeavor with nonlinear Kawarada equations. Dynamic Systems and Applications, 2016, 25:543-556
10.Funjun Cao, Yongbin Ge*, Hai-Wei Sun. Partial semi-coarsening multigrid method based on the HOC scheme on nonuniform grids for the convection-diffusion problems. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2017, 94(12): 2356-2372
11.Funjun Cao, Dongfang Yuan, Yongbin Ge. The adaptive mesh method based on HOC difference scheme for convection diffusion equations with boundary layers. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2018, 37(2): 1581-1600
12.Yongbin Ge, Fei Zhao, Jianying Wei*. A high order compact ADI method for solving 3D unsteady convection diffusion problems. Applied and Computational Mathematics, 2018, 7(1): 1-10
13.Yongbin Ge*, Zhiquan Cai, Qin Sheng. A compact adaptive approach for degenerate singular reaction-diffusion equations. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 2018, 34(4): 1166-1187
14.Yan Wang, Yongbin Ge*. High-order compact difference scheme and multigrid method for solving the 2D elliptic problems. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018, Volume 2018, Article ID **,11 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/**
15.Jianhua Chen, Yongbin Ge*. High order locally one-dimensional methods for solving two-dimensional parabolic equations. Advances in Difference Equations, 2018: 361, https://doi.org/10.1186/s13662-018-1825-2
16.Xiaojia Yang, Yongbin Ge*, Lin Zhang. A class of high-order compact difference schemesfor solving the Burgers’equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2019, 358: 394-417
17.Tingfu Ma, Yongbin Ge*. A higher-order blended compact difference (BCD) method for solving the general 2D linear second-order partial differential equation. Advances in Difference Equations, 2019:98, https://doi.org/10.1186/s13662-019-2034-3
18.Tingfu Ma, Yongbin Ge*. A blended compact difference (BCD) method for solving 3D convection-diffusion problems with variable coefficients. International Journal of Computational Methods, 2019, 16: ** (34 pages) DOI:10.1142/S02**221
19.F.Tian, Y. B.Ge, Z. F.Tian*. Exponential high-order compact finite difference method for convection-dominated diffusion problems on nonuniform grids. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 2019, 75(3): 145-177
20.Xiaogang Li, Guodong Li*, Yongbin Ge. Improvement of third-order finite difference WENO scheme at critical points. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2020, 34(1): 1-13
21.Xiaoliang Zhu, Yongbin Ge*. Adaptive ADI numerical analysis of 2D quenching-type reaction diffusion equation with convection Term. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020, Volume 2020, Article ID **,19 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/**
22.Yunzhi Jiang, Yongbin Ge*. An explicit fourth-order compact difference scheme for solving the 2D wave equation. Advances in Difference Equations, 2020: 415, https://doi.org/ 10.1186/s13662-020 -02870-z
23.Tingfu Ma, Yongbin Ge*. High-order blended compact difference schemes for the 3D elliptic partial differential equation with mixed derivatives and variable coefficients. Advances in Difference Equations, 2020: 525,https://doi.org/10.1186/s13662-020-02949-7
24.Xiaoliang Zhu, Yongbin Ge*. Adaptive high-order finite difference analysis of 2D quenching -type convection-reaction-diffusion equation. Advances in Mathematical Physics, Volume 2020, Article ID **, 19 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/**
25.Tingfu Ma, Yongbin Ge*. High-order compact difference method for two-dimensional elliptic and parabolic equations with mixed derivatives. Tbilisi Mathematical Journal, 2020,13(4): 141-167
26.Miaomiao Yang, Wentao Ma, Yongbin Ge*. A meshless collocation methodwith barycentric Lagrange interpolation for solving the Helmholtz equation. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 2021,126(1): 25-54
27.Xiaogang Li, Guodong Li*, Yongbin Ge. A new fifth-order finite difference WENO scheme for dam-break simulations. Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2021, 13(1): 58-82
28.Xiaojia Yang, Yongbin Ge*, Bin Lan. A class of implicit high order compact difference method for solving the 2D and 3D Burgers equations. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2021, 185: 510-534
29.Bo Hou, Yongbin Ge*. High-order compact LOD methods for solving high dimensional convection equations. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2021 (Accepted)
上一条:许新忠 下一条:李西宁
相关话题/统计学院 数学
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姓名:李西宁职称:教授导师类型:硕士导师E-mail:xnli89@163.com专业方向:应用数学教育背景、社会兼职及获奖情况(1)2005-09至2007-07,宁夏大学,计算数学,硕士;(2)1982-09至1986-07,宁夏大学,数学,学士。研究领域:生物数学与计算数学代表性研究成果[1] ...宁夏大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-11-27宁夏大学数学统计学院导师教师师资介绍简介-崔倩倩
姓名:崔倩倩职称:副教授职务:无导师类型:硕导E-mail:cmengqian@nxu.edu.com专业方向:生物数学、传染病动力学、种群动力学教育背景、社会兼职及获奖情况教育经历:2005.09-2009.07,商丘师范学院,数学与应用数学,学士2009.09-2012.06,新疆大学,应用数学 ...宁夏大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-11-27宁夏大学数学统计学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张启敏
姓名:张启敏职称:教授导师类型:博士研究生导师E-mail:zhangqimin64@sian.com专业方向:生物数学教育背景、社会兼职及获奖情况(1)2002-02至2004-06,西安交通大学,应用数学,博士;(2)1992-09至1995-06,四川大学,应用数学,硕士;(3)1982-09 ...宁夏大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-11-27宁夏大学数学统计学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘智永
姓名:刘智永职称:副教授导师类型:硕导E-mail:zhiyong@nxu.edu.cn专业方向:计算数学教育背景、社会兼职及获奖情况2017.04-2019.12复旦大学,博士后,导师:吴宗敏教授2011.09-2014.09西安交通大学,博士,导师:何银年教授2007.09-2010.06湘潭大 ...宁夏大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-11-27宁夏大学数学统计学院导师教师师资介绍简介-杨丽霞
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姓名:杜庆辉职称:副教授E-mail:duqinghui2526@nxu.edu.cn专业方向:系统分析与集成专业教育背景、社会兼职及获奖情况2015年获上海理工大学理学博士学位2014年获博士研究生国家奖学金研究领域非线性控制代表性研究成果[1].QinghuiDu,ChaoliWang,Gang ...宁夏大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-11-27宁夏大学数学统计学院导师教师师资介绍简介-马婧瑛
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