

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-20

内蒙古大学生态与环境学院 副教授/硕导

讲授课程: 草地资源与培育(48学时,硕士)、生态修复理论与实践(32学时,硕士)

2005.04 –2008.03: 博士,生命环境科学学院,日本筑波大学(University of Tsukuba),导师:中村徹教授;
2003.04 –2005.03:硕士,生命环境科学学院,日本筑波大学(University of Tsukuba),导师:中村徹教授;
1997.09 –2001.07:本科/学士,生态与环境科学系,内蒙古大学,导师:乌云娜教授。

2019.05– 至今:副教授,生态与环境学院,内蒙古大学;
2012.12 –2019.05: 副教授,草地农业科技学院,兰州大学;
2010.04 –2012.12: 项目研究员,日本鸟取大学干燥地研究中心(ALRC);
2008.04 –2010.03: 博士后,日本鸟取大学干燥地研究中心(ALRC),合作导师:恒川笃史教授。


1)国家重点研发计划项目,高寒草地-家畜系统区域耦合技术与模式(2016YFC**-02),2016.07 -2020.12,80万元,主持。
2)国家重点研发计划项目,高品质牦牛乳肉产品营养调控技术应用与示范(2018YF**-03),2018.06 -2020.12,42万元,主持。
3)国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,高寒草甸放牧管理与草地健康的相互关系(**),2015.01 -2017.12,24万元,主持。
5)中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目,青藏高原高寒放牧草地的健康评价(lzujbky-2013-84),2013.01 -2014.06,6万元,主持。
8)日本科学协会青年科学基金助成项目“モンゴル乾燥地における水源周辺植生の変化パターン解析(中文译文:蒙古国干旱区水源及其周边的植被变化解析)(编号:22-529)”(2010 -2011),主持。
9)日本学术振兴会青年****海外中期派遣基金(JSPS Institutional Program for Young Researcher Overseas Visits)项目“モンゴル草原の植生タイプはダスト発生にどう影響するか?(中文译文:蒙古国沙尘暴的发生与草地类型间的相关关系)”(2010-2011),主持。
10)日本学术振兴会青年****海外中期派遣基金(JSPS Institutional Program for Young Researcher Overseas Visits)项目“衛星画像解析によりモンゴルゴビ地域における水源周辺植生の変化の解析(中文译文:基于3S技术解析蒙古国戈壁荒漠区水源及周边的植被变化)”(2009-2010),主持。
11)日本文部省科学研究经费,基盘研究(C) 海外学术研究项目“モンゴルの野生哺乳類大移動の保全:新規鉄道建設前の実態把握と建設後の影響評価(中文译文:蒙古野生哺乳类动物大型迁移活动的保护:新铁路建设前的时态把握及建设后对生境影响评价)(编号:**)”(2012-2015),主要参与。
13)日本文部省科学研究经费,基盘研究(A) 海外学术研究项目“干ばつメモリの動態(中文译文:干旱动态研究)(编号:**)”(2008-2012),主要参与。
14)日本文部省教育研究处点项目/JSPS-Global COE Program项目“乾燥地科学の世界展開(中文译文:干旱地区科学在世界中展开)”(2007-2011),主要参与。
15)日本文部省科学研究经费,基盘研究(B) 海外研究项目“中央アジアのステップに対する農耕や牧畜の人為圧の影響評価および生物多様性の保全(中文译文:评价农耕、放牧等人为活动对中亚草原的影响及生物多样性保护)(编号:**)”(2007-2010),主要参与。
16)日本文部省科学研究经费,基盘研究(B) 海外学术研究项目“ユーラシア大陸のステップにおける大規模農業が草原生態系に与える影響評価(中文译文:大规模农业活动对亚欧大陆草原生态系统的影响)(编号:**)”(2003-2006),主要参与。

(一) 期刊论文(*为通讯作者)
1)Ma, Q. , Chai, L. , Hou, F. , Chang, S. , Ma, Y. , Tsunekawa, A. ,Cheng Y.*Quantifying grazing intensity using remote sensing in alpine meadows on qinghai-tibetan plateau. Sustainability, 2019,11(2).
2)Huhe, X.J. Chen, F.J. Hou, Y.P. Wu, Cheng Y. *Bacterial and Fungal Community Structures in Loess Plateau Grasslands with Different Grazing Intensities. Frontiers in Microbiology, 07 April 2017, https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2017.00606
3)Huhe, Jiang C, Wu Y, Cheng Y.*Bacterial and fungal communities and contribution of physicochemical factors during cattle farm waste composting. MicrobiologyOpen. 2017,e518.
4)Huhe, Borjigin S., Buhebaoyin, Wu Y., Li M., Cheng Y.*Microbial Nitrogen-Cycle Gene Abundance in Soil of Cropland Abandoned for Different Periods. PLoS ONE 11(5): e**. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.**, 2016.
5)Bat-Oyun T., Shinoda M., Cheng Y.Purevdorj Y. Effects of grazing and precipitation variability on vegetation dynamics in a Mongolian dry steppe. Journal of Plant Ecology. 2016, 9 (5): 508-519.
6)Zhang Y., Chen X.J., Cheng Y., Chang S.H., Hou F.J.* Effects of stocking rates on functional group diversity and forage quality in rangeland of Qilian Mountain, China. Journal of Environmental Biology. 2015, 36(4):713-719.
7)Huhe, Borjigin, S., Cheng Y.X., Nomura, N., Nakajima, T., Nakamura, T., and Uchiyama, H.* Effect of Abandonment on Diversity and Abundance of Free-Living Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria and Total Bacteria in the Cropland Soils of Hulun Buir, Inner Mongolia. PLoS ONE 9: e106714, 2014.
8)Cheng Y. *, Wuyunna, Kamijo T., Tsubo M.,Nakamura T.Phytosociology of Hulunbeier Grassland Vegetation in Inner Mongolia, China. Phytocoenologia.2013, 43 (1-2): 41-51.
9)Shinchilelt B., Cheng Y., Nomura N.Relationships between the species composition of steppe vegetation and environmental factors in Midwestern Kazakhstan. Journal of Arid Land Studies. 2013, 22 (4): 463-472.
10)Ishizuka M., Mikami Y., Yamada Y., Kimura R., Kurosaki Y., Jugder D., Gantsetseg B., Cheng Y., Shinoda M. Dose ground surface soil aggregation affect transition of the wind speed threshold for saltation and dust emission? SOLA.2012,8:129-132.
11)Tsubo M., Nishihara E., Nakamatsu K., Cheng Y., Shinoda M. Plant volatiles inhibit restoration of plant species communities in dry grassland. Basic and Applied Ecology.2012,13: 76-84.
12)Cheng Y. *, Tsubo M., Ito T.Y., Nishihara E., Shinoda M.Impact of rainfall variability and grazing pressure on plant diversity in Mongolian grasslands. Journal of Arid Environments.2011, 75: 471-476.
13)Cheng Y. *, Tsendeekhuu T., Narantuya N., Nakamura T. Phytosociological study of steppe vegetation in Mongolia. Grassland Science. 2008, 54: 107-116.
14)Kawada K., Kurosu M., Cheng Y., Tsendeekhuu T., Wuyunna, Nakamura T., Hayashi I. Floristic composition, grazing effects and above-ground plant biomass in the Hulunbeier grasslands of Inner Mongolia, China.Journal of Ecology and Field Biology.2008, 31: 297-307
15)Cheng Y. *, Nakamura T. Phytosociological study on steppe vegetation in East Kazakhstan. Grassland Science. 2007, 53: 172-180.
16)Cheng Y. *, Nakamura T. Phytosociological study on steppe vegetation in the vicinity of Kharkiv, Ukraine. Grassland Science. 2006, 52: 61-68.
17)周国利,程云湘*,马青青,申波,曲久,田富,常生华 牦牛放牧强度对青藏高原东缘高寒草甸群落结构与土壤理化性质的影响,草业科学,2019,36(4):1022–1031.
18)田富,程云湘*,周国利,马青青,申波,曲久,常生华高原鼠兔洞穴密度与高寒草甸植物群落结构以及土壤因子的关系,草业科学,2019, 36(4):1094–1104.
20)柴林荣,孙义,程云湘*,常生华,侯扶江 牦牛放牧强度对甘南高寒草甸群落特征与牧草品质的影响,草业科学,2018, 35(1): 18-26.
21)申波,马青青,程云湘*,常生华,李悦,郭金梅,侯扶江 不同放牧制度对土壤种子库的影响——以青藏高原东缘高寒草甸为例,草业科学,2018,35(4): 791-799.
22)宋娅妮,呼和,程云湘*,侯扶江,常生华 放牧对草地生态系统温室气体的影响,草业科学,2018, 35(2): 256-265.
23)马青青,柴林荣,马海玲,常生华,程云湘*玛曲高寒草甸放牧强度的遥感监测,草业科学,2018, 35(5): 941-948.
24)张瑜,常生华,宋娅妮,程云湘*,侯扶江. 植物化感作用在农业生态系统中的应用. 中国农学通报,2018, 34(5): 61-68.
25)罗惦,柴林荣,常生华,程云湘*,侯扶江. 我国青藏高原地区牦牛草地放牧系统管理及优化. 草业科学,2017, 34(4): 881-891.
26)李福厚,王召锋,侯扶江,程云湘*. 藏绵羊燕麦青干草冷季补饲特征. 中国畜牧兽医,2016,43(9):2358-2365.
27)呼和,陈先江,程云湘*. 撂荒地亚硝酸还原酶基因nirK和nirS丰度动态. 草业科学,2016, 33(7):1253-1259.
28)王迎新,王召锋,程云湘,侯扶江*. 浅议毒害草在草地农业系统中的作用,草业科学,31(3):381-387,2014.
29)翟洋洋, 程云湘*, 常生华, 侯扶江. 干旱地区农田生态系统土壤温室气体排放机制. 中国农学通报,31(9):231-236,2015.
30)程云湘* (2012) 中央アジア乾燥地の植生と砂漠化 日本緑化工学会37(4): 460-461.
31)程云湘* (2010) 最近の博士学位論文から ユーラシア大陸におけるステップ植生の植物社会学的研究 植生情報(14),86-87.
32)荒木真之?程云湘(2005) 地球温暖化による内蒙古草原の移動可能性 森林立地学会誌47(2),85-94.
33)烏云娜?程云湘?岡本勝男?谷山一郎(2004) 中国内蒙古半乾燥草原における放牧強度による植物群落構造の変化 システム農学会 20(2), 160-167.
34)川田清和?西村香?程云湘?中村徹(2005) 内蒙古シリンゴル盟にある-農場の社会状況 砂漠研究 15-1, 27-36.

1)程云湘,李福厚,王召锋,侯扶江,郭鹏辉,常生华. 一种可拆卸藏绵羊消化代谢实验装置. ZL7.9. 实用新型。
2)程云湘,申波,罗惦,常生华,侯扶江. 一种预测牦牛消化率的方法. ZL2.4. 发明专利。
3)程云湘,周国利,申波,常生华. 一种简易地上生物量取样剪刀. ZL4.X. 实用新型。

(三) 著书
1)田村憲司?程云湘 (2009) 乾燥地の土壌?植生.篠田雅人編:乾燥地科学シリーズ2:乾燥地科学.古今書院,東京 69-92.

(四) 学术会议论文
1)Zhou GL, Ma QQ, Shen B, Tian F, Chang SH, Cheng Y.*Effects of Yak Grazing on the Characteristics of Alpine Meadow Community in the Eastern Edge of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Chain. The 4th International Grassland Agro-ecosystems Conference 2018. IGAC2018-268, Lanzhou, China (Sep 24-27, 2018)
2)Tian F, Ma QQ, Shen B, Zhou GL, Chang SH, Cheng Y.*The relationship between density gradient of different mouse holes and vegetation community and soil factor in alpine meadow,The 4th International Grassland Agro-ecosystems Conference 2018. IGAC2018-263, Lanzhou, China (Sep. 24-27, 2018)
3)Chai LR, Hou FJ, Saman Bowatte, Cheng Y.*Effects of Yak grazing on plant community characteristics of meadow grasslands in the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, China. EGU General Assembly 2017. Vol 19, EGU2017-3461,Vienna, Austria (April 23-28, 2017)
4)Cheng Y.*, Sun Y., Tsubo M., Ito TY, Hou FJ. Plant species diversity along a precipitation gradient in temperate grasslands of China and Mongolia.22nd International Grassland Conference, Sydney, Australia (15-19 September 2013)
5)Cheng Y.*Impact of rainfall variability and grazing pressure on plant diversity in grasslands.Kubuqi International Desert Forum2013. Kubuqi, China. (August 2-4, 2013) (应邀会议报告)
6)Cheng Y.*Vegetation of Central Asian and desertification in arid lands. The 17th Symposium of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology. Yokohama, Japan. (January, 2012) (in Japanese) (应邀会议报告)
7)Nagamatsu D., Utadagawa T., Cheng Y., Tsubo M. Root-shoot relations in Alliumspecies at Mongolian steppe. Joint Meeting of the 59th Annual Meeting of ESJ & the 5th EAFES International Congress. Otsu, Japan. (March, 2012)
8)Cheng Y.*, Ito T.Y.,Asano M.,Undarmaa J.,Shinoda M. Interannual changes in satellite-estimated vegetation around water points in Great Gobi A Strictly Protected Area, Mongolia. The 25th International Congress for Conservation Biology. Auckland, New Zealand. p184. (December 5-9, 2011)
9)Cheng Y.*, Tsubo M., Ito T.Y., Nishihara E., Shinoda M.Impact of rainfall variability and grazing pressure on plant diversity in Mongolian grasslands.The 54th International Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science. Lyon, France. p89. (June 20-24, 2011)
10)Cheng Y.*, Tsubo M., Ito T.Y., Shinoda M. Impact of rainfall variability on vegetation in grazing land: A case from Mongolia. The 58th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan (ESJ58), Sapporo, Japan. (March, 2011)
11)Cheng Y.*., Asano M., Ito T.Y., Undarmaa J., Shinoda M. Plant communities of Great Gobi A Strictly Protected Area, Mongolia. The 14th Annual Meeting of the Society of Vegetation Science, Tottori, Japan. (October, 2009) (in Japanese).
12)Asano M., Cheng Y., Ito T.Y., Undarmaa J., Tamura K. Soil properties of Great Gobi A Strictly Protected Area, Mongolia. Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Kyoto, Japan. (September, 2009) (in Japanese).
13)Cheng Y.*, Kamijo T., Nakamura T. Phytosociological study of steppe vegetation in the Eurasian Continent. The 13th Annual Meeting of the Society of Vegetation Science, Tokyo, Japan. (October, 2008) (in Japanese).
14)Nakamura T.,Cheng Y.Phytosociological study on Mongolian steppe. The 7th Tunisian-Japanese Symposium on Society, Science and Technology, p8. Sousse, Tunisian. (December, 2006)
15)Cheng Y.*, Nakamura T. Phytosociological study of steppe vegetation in Kazakhstan. Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Grassland Science, Tsukuba, Japan. 52(1): 28-29.(March, 2006) (in Japanese).
16)Obata K., Kawada K., Cheng Y., Nakamura T. Floristic similarity between Mongolian Steppe and Japan. The 2nd EAFES International Congress, Niigata, Japan.(March, 2006)
17)Cheng Y.*, Kawada K., Wuyuna, Nakamura T. Phytosociological study of steppe vegetation in Mongolia. The 11th Annual Meeting of the Society of Vegetation Science, Matsumoto, Japan. (October, 2006) (in Japanese).
18)Cheng Y.*, Nakamura T. Phytosociological study on steppe vegetation in the Western Eurasian Continent. The 8th International Conference on Desert Technology.p75.Nasu, Japan. (December, 2005)
19)Nakamura T, Cheng Y.Phytosociological study on steppe vegetation in the Western half of the Eurasian Continent. The 6th Tunisian-Japanese Seminar on Culture, Science and Technology, p37.Sousse, Tunisian. (November, 2005)
20)Cheng Y.*, Kawada K., Nakamura T. A Phytosociological study of steppe vegetation in the Western Eurasian Continent. The 10th Annual Meeting of the Society of Vegetation Science, Hiroshima, Japan. (October, 2005) (in Japanese).
21)Cheng Y.*, Nakamura T. Phytosociological study on steppe vegetation in the vicinity of Kharkiv, Ukraine. The 9th Annual Meeting of the Society of Vegetation Science, Miyazaki, Japan. (October, 2004) (in Japanese).


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