

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-20


2012.9—2017.12 西北农林科技大学林学院生态学专业,硕博连读,博士;
2016.9—2017.9 加州大学洛杉矶分校生态与进化生物系,联合培养博士;
2008.9—2012.6 中南林业科技大学生命科学与技术学院生态学专业,学士。
2018.7—至今 内蒙古大学生态与环境学院生态学系,讲师。
? 国家自然科学基金项目,独立导管间管胞桥结构对被子植物水分运输的影响机制,2021.01-2024.12,主持;
? 内蒙古自治区科技重大专项,库布其沙漠生态修复与植物资源产业化利用技术示范,植被耗水规律、阈值的分析及人工植被配置技术课题,2019.09-2022.08,参与;
? 内蒙古自治区自然科学基金项目,不同树种茎段和叶片栓塞脆弱性对气孔导度的影响,2019.09-2021.12,主持;
? 内蒙古大学高层次人才引进科研启动金,2018.11-2021.12,主持。
? Pan RH, Geng J, Cai J, Tyree M T* (2015) A comparison of two methods for measuring vessel length in woody plants. Plant Cell and Environment, 38, 2519-2526.
? Wang YJ, Pan RH, Tyree M T* (2015) Studies on the tempo of bubble formation inrecently cavitated vessels: a model to predict the pressure of air bubbles. Plant Physiology, 168, 521-531.
? Liu MM#, Pan RH#, Tyree M T* (2017) Intra-specific relationship between vessel length and vessel diameter of four species with long-to-short species average vessel lengths: further validation of the computation algorithm. Trees, 32, 51-60.
? Trueba S*, Pan RH, Scoffoni C, John G P, Davis S D, Sack L (2018) Thresholds for leaf damage due to dehydration: declines of hydraulic function, stomatal conductance and cellular integrity precede those for photochemistry. New Phytologist, 223, 134-149.
? Pan RH*, Tyree M T (2018) How does water flow from vessel to vessel? Further investigation of the tracheid bridge concept. Tree Physiology, 39, 1019–1031.
? Henry C, John G P, Pan RH, Bartlett M K, Fletcher L R, Scoffoni C, Sack L*(2019) A stomatal safety-efficiency trade-off constrains responses to leaf dehydration, Nature Communications, 10, 1-9.
? Lu YY#, Xu KC#, Zhang LS, Deguchi M, Shishido H, Arie T, Pan RH, Hayashi A, Shen L, Akita S, Takei K*, Multimodal Plant Healthcare Flexible Sensor System ACS Nano (2020), 14, 10966-10975.

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