研究方向1)G4-DNA 靶标的抗肿瘤药物研究;2)分子荧光识别、检测疾病靶点研究;3)有机小分子与生物大分子识别、组装效应在药物设计、合成及传输中的应用。
1999年毕业于抚顺石油学院,获学士学位;2002年于该校获硕士学位;2006年于大连理工大学获博士学位;2006 - 2007年法国国家生命与健康研究院生物物理所博士后;2007 - 2009年加拿大萨省大学化学系博士后;2009 - 2010年,美国新奥尔良大学化学系博士后;2011年 - 至今,沈阳药科大学工作。
自攻读博士学位以来,一直从事药物化学、化学生物学的相关研究。曾先后在 Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, International Journal of Nanomedicine, Tetrahedron, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, Current Drug Delivery 等国际刊物上共发表学术论文20余篇,获中国专利一项。
作为负责人承担的科研项目: 国家自然科学基金(青年基金)、辽宁省自然科学基金、辽宁省高校杰出青年学者成长计划等。
Curriculum Vitae(英文简历):
Educational Background (教育及科研经历):
2011 - now: Associate Professor, Principle Investigator, ShenYang Pharmaceutical University
2009 - 2010: Postdoctor fellow, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, USA, Supervisor: Prof. Bruce C. Gibb
2007 - 2009: Postdoctor fellow, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada, Supervisor: Prof. Ronald E. Verrall
2006 - 2007: Postdoctor researcher. The project was accomplished at two collaborative labs:
1) Laboratoire de Biophysique, INSERM, Paris, France, Supervisor: Prof. Jean-louis Mergny
2) Laboratoire de Chimie des Interactions Moléculaires ( Jean-Marie Lehn’s Lab) - Collège de France, Paris, France: Supervisor: Dr. Marie-Paule Teulade-Fichou
2002 - 2006: Ph.D., Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China, Supervisor: Prof Xuhong Qian
1999 - 2002: M.S. Fushun Petroleum Institute, Fushun, China, Supervisor: Prof. Kejian Liao
1995 - 1999: B.S. Fushun Petroleum Institute, Fushun, China
Representative Publications(代表论文):
1) Randeep Kaur, Jackson M Chitanda, Deborah Michel, Jason Maley, Ferenc Borondics, Peng Yang, Ronald E Verrall, Ildiko Badea*, International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2012, 7, 3851- 3866
2) Deborah Michel, Jackson M. Chitanda, Réka Balogh, Peng Yang, Jagbir Singh, Umashankar Das, Anas El-Aneed, Jonathan Dimmock, Ronald Verrall, Ildiko Badea*. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 2012, 81, 548 - 556
3) Jagbir Singh, Peng Yang, Ronald E. Verrall, Ildiko Badea*, Current Drug Delivery,2011, 8(3), 299-306
4) Peng Yang, Jagbir Singh, Shawn Wettig, Marianna Foldvari, Ronald E. Verrall, Ildiko Badea*, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 2010, 75(3), 311- 320
5) Peng Yang, Anne De Cian, Marie-Paule Teulade-Fichou,* Jean-Louis Mergny,* David Monchaud, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2009, 48(27), 2188 - 2191
6) David Monchaud, Peng Yang, Laurent Lacroix, Marie-Paule Teulade-Fichou and Jean-Louis Mergny*, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2008, 47(26), 4858 - 4861
7) Qing Yang*, Peng Yang, Xuhong Qian*, Lianpeng Tong, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2008, 18(23), 6210 - 6213
8) Peng Yang, Qing Yang, Xuhong Qian*, Lianpeng Tong, Xiaolian Li, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B, 2006, 84(3), 221- 226
9) Peng Yang, Qing Yang and Xuhong Qian*, Tetrahedron, 2005, 61(50), 11895 – 11901
10) Peng Yang, Qing Yang, Xuhong Qian,* and Jingnan Cui, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2005, 13, 5909- 5914
11) Qian Xuhong*, Yang Peng, China Patent: ZL **4.6
Conference Papers(国际会议论文):
1) Jagbir Singh, Peng Yang, Ronald Verrall*, Ildiko Badea*, Design and Development of a New Family of Self-assembling Gene Delivery Nanoparticles using Cationic Amino Acid Substituted Gemini Surfactants, 13th Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 2010, June 2-5
2) Jean-Louis Mergny*, Aurore Guédin, Phong Lan Thao Tran, Patrizia Alberti, Laurent Lacroix, Julien Gros, Sébastien Lyonnais, Chantal Trentesaux, Lionel Guittat, Anne De Cian, Peng Yang, David Monchaud, Marie-Paule Teulade-Fichou and Jean-Fran?ois Riou, G-quadruplexes: sequence effects and recognition by small ligands, 2nd International Meeting on Quadruplex DNA, Louisville, KY, USA, 2009, April 18-21
3) Anne De Cian, Julien Gros, Peng Yang, Samir Amrane, Patrizia Alberti, Lionel Guittat, Anne Bourdoncle, Laurent Lacroix, Jean-Fran?ois Riou and Jean-Louis Mergny*, Stability, Kinetics and Recognition of DNA quadruplexes, First International Meeting on Quadruplex DNA, Louisville, KY, USA, 2007, April 21-24
4) Jean-Louis Mergny*, Peng Yang, Julien Gros, Anne DeCian, Patrizia Alberti, Laurent Lacroix, Quadruplex-based DNA nanostructures and nanodevices, 4th Annual Conference on Foundations of Nanoscience: Self-assembled Architectures and Devices (FNANO07), Snowbird, USA, 2007, April 18-21
Current Research Interests(研究兴趣与方向):
1) To explore cell-permeable small molecules for in vivo recognition and visual detection of G-quadruplexes DNA and, to design the antitumor lead compounds on this basis.
2) To explore water-soluble deep cavitands’ (Cyclodextrin/Resorcinarene) self-assembly property for chemical drugs vectors.
3) To explore surfactants-like molecule for the carrier of gene/chemical drugs’ delivery.
沈阳药科大学 免费考研网/2016-05-05
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