
Advanced Biomass Utilization and Hydrogen Energy

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-08

In recent years, advanced biomass gasification technology, bio-oil upgrading technology, biorefinery and nanocellulose extraction and application technology were developed in our group. In this report, I will introduce how to design an efficient biomass gasification process, how to design a catalyst with high activity, long-term stability and high selectivity for bio-oil upgrading, and how to extract nanocellulose from biomass using an environmental-friendly way and its potential application in various fields. By the way, I would like to introduce another research theme on hydrogen production by using water splitting in our lab.

Short Biography:

Dr. Guoqing Guan is a full professor of Hirosaki University, Japan. He received his B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from Sichuan University in 1990, and was then awarded with two Ph.D degrees respectively in Chemical Engineering from Sichuan University in 1995 and in Material Chemistry from Kyushu University, Japan, in 2004. He has then worked as, in succession, a postdoctoral research fellow in Kyushu University, Japan, in 1999-2001; a researcher in National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology, Japan, in 2001-2005; an Alexander von Humboldt research fellow in IMM, Germany, in 2005-2006; a JSPS research fellow in Fukuoka Women‘s University, Japan, in 2006-2009; a project assistant professor in The University of Tokyo, Japan, in 2009-2010; an associate professor in North Japan Research Institute for Sustainable Energy (NJRISE), Hirosaki University, in 2010-2016. His research interests include coal &biomass pyrolysis & gasification, biorefinery, heterogeneous catalysts for energy conversion, energy materials, gas & ion separation technologies & water splitting for hydrogen production. He has published over 180 international journal papers & 7 book chapters, & applied 12 patents Four papers have been selected as top-cited papers in 2017. He has received 2 awards from The Society of Chemical Engineers of Japan & many awards in various conferences.


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