

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-03


姓 名:袁帅

职 称:副教授

性 别:男








袁帅, 1978年出生,副教授,2012年7月毕业于中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所,获博士学位。IEEE Member 会员。主持辽宁省自然科学基金重点项目(机器人联合基金),机器人学国家重点实验室开放课题项目,国家自然科学青年基金项目,辽宁省教育厅项目,国家博士后特别资助项目,国家博士后基金二等资助项目,作为科研骨干参与863项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目、省市自然科学基金多项。在《IEEE Transaction on Mechatronics》、《IEEE Transaction on Automation and Science Engineering》、《科学通报》、《仪器仪表学报》、《机械工程学报》、《控制理论与应用》、《Measurement Science and Technology》等科技期刊和国际、国内学术会议上发表论文50余篇,其中被SCI收录6篇、EI收录30余篇。荣获“学校研究生优秀指导教师”、“学校本科毕业设计优秀指导教师”、“学校先进工作个人”、“学校优秀教师”、“学校社会实践优秀指导教师”、“学校研究生电子设计竞赛优秀指导教师”等荣誉。学术交流中作为IEEE-ROBIO(机器人与仿生技术国际学会)2011年大会秘书,IEEE-CYBER 2016,IEEE-Nanomedicine2016,IEEE-CYBER 2017国际会议Publication chair,以及IEEE-ROBIO,IEEE-CYBER等会议与国际期刊的Reviewer。指导研究生与本科学生参加美国数学建模竞赛获得国家二等奖2项,辽宁省数学建模竞赛获三等奖1项,国家研究生电子竞赛二等奖,辽宁省电子竞赛与机器人竞赛三等奖等多项。目前从事图像处理与模式识别、机器人导航与控制等研究工作。


1.机器人导航与控制 利用超声波、激光、视觉及深度信息等传感器,进行机器人环境感知、运动估计,采用Kalman、EKF、UKF及PF滤波与机器学习方法进行机器人建图与定位,实现室内/外机器人的导航与控制。 目前已经发表SCI/EI 30余篇论文,承担国家/省部级项目多项; 2.图像处理与模式识别 利用图像传感器采集图像,提取图像特征点,采用Hough变换、主动轮廓、概率图与深度神经网络等算法对特征点进行图像边缘提取,轮廓识别与目标匹配,可应用于机器人的场景建模与分析、人体跟踪、机械手臂抓取等研究领域。 目前已经发表SCI/EI 10余篇论文,承担省部级项目多项:


[1] Shuai,Yuan, Zhidong,Wang,Lianqing,Liu,Ning,Xi,Yuechao, Wang, "Stochastic Approach for Feature-based Localization andPlanning in Nano-manipulations",IEEE Transactions on Automation Scienceand Engineering, 14(4): 1643-1654 ,2017.

[2] Yuan Shuai, Yao Xiao, Luan Fangjun, ShiJingang, Liu Lianqing, Qi Yuanwei, "Accurate and Rapid Modeling of AFM TipMorphology through Scanning Sphere Nanoparticles", International Journalof Simulation and Process Modelling(EI). 12(3-4):328-337, 2017.

[3] 袁帅,尧晓,栾方军,郭耸,冯吉远. 基于随机方法的AFM探针位置最优估算研究[J],仪器仪表学报, 2017,38(9): 2120-2129

[4] Shuai Yuan, Lianqing Liu, Zhidong Wang, JingyiXing, Ning Xi, Yuechao Wang,"Path Planning and Design for AFM basedNano-manipulation using Probability Distribution",Icbs2017.

[5] Shuai Yuan, Lianqing Liu, Zhidong Wang, NingXi, Yuechao Wang,"Study of nano-manipulation approach based on the least actionprinciple by using AFM based robotic system" CCC 2017.

[6] Shuai Yuan, Patrice Monkam, Siqi Li, HaolinSong, Feng Zhang."Active Contour Model via Local and Global IntensityInformation for Image Segmentation" CCC 2017.

[7] Shuai Yuan, Patrice Monkam, Sufang Li, HaolinSong, Feng Zhang, Olaoluwa Esho and Siqi Li. "Additive Local and GlobalIntensity Active Contour Model for Inhomogeneous Image Segmentation" Cyber2017

[8] Xiaoyu Song, Ting Jing, Shuai Yuan*, Song Guo,Yuxin Li,"Scanning Line Based Random Sample Consensus Algorithm for FastArc Detection",IEEE Robotics and Biomimetics, 2016, China;

[9] Shuai Yuan*, Haolin Song, Patrice Monkam,Fenglong Kan, feng Zhang,"Gauss Based Auxiliary Particle Filter",IEEERobotics and Biomimetics, 2016, China;

[10] Gongxin Li, Wenxue Wang, Yuechao Wang, ShuaiYuan, Wenguang Yang, Ning Xi, Lianqing Liu. Nano-Manipulation Based onReal-Time Compressive Tracking. IEEE Transactions onNanotechnology,2015.vol.14,no.5:837-846SCI: 000364504200009

[11] Shuai, Yuan, Dong Zaili, Miao Lei, Xi Ning,andWang Yuechao, "Research on the reconstruction of fast and accurate AFMprobe model," Chinese Science Bulletin, vol. 55, pp. 2750-2754, 2010.(SCI: 000280920600024)

[12] Shuai Yuan, Fangjun Luan, Xiaoyu Song,Lianqing Liu and Jifei Liu, "Reconstruction of an AFM image based onestimation of the tip shape" Measurement Science and Technology, vol.24,no.10, pp. 2013:105404.(SCI: 000324621900038)

[13] Jing Hou, Lianqing Liu, Zhiyu Wang, ZhidongWang, Ning Xi, Yuechao Wang, ChengDong Wu, Zaili Dong, Shuai Yuan. "AFMBased Robotic Nano-Hand for Stable Manipulation at Nanoscale, " IEEETransactions on Automation Science and Engineering. " vol.10, no.2, pp.2013: 285-295.(SCI: 000320994500007)

[14] 袁帅,刘连庆,王志东,王智宇,侯静.基于探针定位的原子力显微镜纳米操作虚拟夹具实. 机械工程学报,2014,vol.50.no.11:43-48

[15] 宋晓宇,袁帅,郭寒冰,刘继飞. 基于自适应阈值区音的广义Hough变换图形识别算法. 仪器仪表学报.2014, vol. 35, no.5:1109-1117

[16] 张凤,黄陆君,袁帅,赵岚光,孙阳. 基于Gaussian模型的移动机器人超声波环境建模研究. 仪器仪表学报,2014, vol.35,no.9: 100-106

[17] Feng Zhang, Lujun Huang, Shuai Yuan, Kuan Huang.A novel strategy of localization based on EKF for mobile robot.2014, 333-338

[18] 张凤,黄陆君,袁帅,戴敬,黄宽. NLOS 环境下基于 EKF 的移动机器人定位研究控制工程, 2015, vol.22, no.1:14-19

[19] 宋晓宇,郭寒冰,袁帅,马俊俊. 基于自适应阈值区间的动态采样Hough变换直线检测算法沈阳建筑大学学报, 2014, vol.30, no.5: 945-952

[20] 刘天波,刘瑜,袁帅,刘丹,侯静. 基于最小作用量原理的纳米颗粒操作模型研究高技术通讯, 2015, vol.25,no.7:725-733

[21] 张凤, 孙阳, 袁帅, 李昌国, 赵岚光. 基于能观测性分析的机器人EKF-SLAM算法研究. 沈阳工业大学学报, vol.38,no.3:319:325

[22] 王永会李昱鑫郭耸袁帅. 基于切线段匹配的快速圆弧检测算法. 计算机应用2016. No.4: 1126-1131

[23] 侯静,袁帅,许可,李孟歆,吴成东. 基于局部扫描的实时反馈纳米操作系统. 沈阳工业大学学报, 2016, vol.38,no.1:74-79

[24] Shuai, Yuan, Liu Lianqing, Wang Zhidong, XiNing, Wang Yuechao, Dong Zaili, and Wang Zhiyu, "A probabilistic approachfor on-line positioning in nano manipulations,"  in IntelligentControl and Automation (WCICA), 2010 8th World Congress on, pp. 450-455, 2010.EI: 20104313324657

[25] 袁帅, 董再励, 缪磊, 席宁, 王越超, "快速与精确的AFM探针模型重构研究," 科学通报, vol. v.55, pp. 396-400, 2010.

[26] Shuai, Yuan, Liu Lianqing, Wang Zhidong, XiNing, Wang Yuechao, Dong Zaili, and Wang Zhiyu, "AFM Tip On-LinePositioning by Using the Landmark in Nano-Manipulation," Proceedings ofIEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology Materials and Devices,. NMDC2010. pp. 75-80.(EI: 20110313602373)

[27] Dong Wang Zaili Dong Niandong JiaoShuai YuanLei Zhou Wen J. L, "An Asymmetric PI Hysteresis Modelfor Piezoceramics in Nanoscale AFM Imaging," presented at theIEEE-MEMS‘10. pp. 1075 – 1079, 2010.

[28] Shuai, Yuan, Liu Lianqing, Wang Zhidong, XiNing, Wang Yuechao, Dong Zaili, and Wang Zhiyu, "A probability approachfor on-line tip localization with local scan based landmark sensing innanomanipulations,"3M NANO2011. (Best conference paper Top2)

[29] 袁帅, 董再励, 缪磊, 王志迁, 许可. "基于数学形态学方法的AFM探针建模研究, " 仪器仪表学报(正刊), 2010315:1102-1107. (EI: 20102713063104)

[30] Shuai, Yuan, Liu Lianqing, Wang Zhidong, XiNing, Wang Yuechao, Dong Zaili, and Wang Zhiyu,, "Feature referenced tiplocalization enhanced by probability motion model for AFM basednanomanipulations," ROBIO  pp. 1421-1426, 2011.

[31] Zhiyu Wang, Lianqing Liu, Zhidong Wang, ZailiDong, Shuai Yuan, "An extended PI model for hysteresis and creepcompensation in AFM based nanomanipulation," in IEEE ROBIO Conference,2010: 923-928. (EI: 20111313856167).

[32] Zhiyu Wang, Lianqing Liu, Jing Hou, ZhidongWang, Shuai Yuan, Zaili Dong, "Virtual Nano-Hand: A Stable PushingStrategy in AFM Based Sensorless Nanomanipulation," in IEEE ROBIOConference, 2011: 1409-1414.

[33] Zhibo Wang,Lianqing Liu,Yuechao Wang,NingXi,Zaili Dong,Mi Li,and Shuai Yuan, "A fully automated system formeasuring cellular mechanical properties," J Lab Autom, vol. 17, no. 6,pp. 2012: 443-8.(SCI: 068DH)

[34] Shuai Yuan, Lianqing Liu, Zhidong Wang, NingXi, Yuechao Wang, Zaili Dong, "Active Landmark Configuration for AccurateNano-Positioning" 6th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems 2013, pp.594-599 (EI:20133216595696)

[35] 袁帅,刘继飞,侯静,刘连庆,董再励. 基于规则球型纳米颗粒的探针建模与重构,高技术通讯,vol.23,no.9,pp. 2013:946-950

[36] 袁帅, 王越超, 席宁, 于海波, 焦念东, 于鹏, 刘连庆. 机器人化微纳操作研究进展  科学通报机器人专刊 2013

[37] Shuai Yuan,Lujun Huang,Feng Zhang,Yang Sun,Kuan Huang. A line extraction algorithm for mobile robot using sonar sensorWCICA2014, 3630 – 3635

[38] Shuai Yuan,Lianqing Liu,Zhidong Wang,NingXi.Yuechao Wang. Stochastic trajectory planning and navigation for AFM basednano robotic manipulation. WCICA2014,958-963

[39] Fangjun Luan, Weiqi Xie, Shuai Yuan, XinghuaXia and Fenglong Kan. AFM image reconstruction research based on driftcorrelation model. ROBIO 2015, 1906-1911EI: 20161802327817

[40] Feng Zhang,  Changguo Li, Shuai Yuan,Kuan Huang. Research on kinematic modeling and path following for wheeledmobile robot. Chinese Control Conference 2016 pp.4481-4486(EI:20163802827736)

[41] Shuai Yuan, Hongmin Mao,Feng Zhang,Yang Sun,Kuan Huang.Research on A DSmT based model of the ultrasonic sensor detectionfor indoor environment contour. Chinese Control Conference 2016pp.4883-4888(EI:20163802828598)


基于环境感知的室内移动机器人定位与导航关键技术研究(20180520037) 辽宁省自然科学基金重点项目 主持

基于显微视觉的细胞轮廓识别与跟踪方法研究(zkysyzdhyjs2018-01) 机器人学国家重点实验室 主持

基于随机方法的AFM探针实时定位与操作研究(61305125) 国家自然科学基金委员会 主持

面向智能家居/智慧生活的服务机器人关键技术研究(LJZ2017020)   辽宁省教育厅     主持

面向DNA自组装的AFM纳米操作研究(2013M530955) 中国博士后科学基金委 主持

面向微纳器件装配的AFM探针操作建模与路径规划研究(2014T70265)中国博士后科学基金委 主持

不确定环境中纳米操作方法研究(LJZ2017046)                    辽宁省教育厅     参加






