

本站小编 Free考研网/2020-03-23

姓名: 李磊 性别: 男
出生年月: 1979.03 政治面貌 群众
职称: 讲师 职务: 无
E-mail: lilei@epm.neu.edu.cn
主要研究方向:1. 合金凝固组织晶体学分析; 2. 铝中间合金
2000 至2004 东北大学 本科
2004 至2006 东北大学 硕士
2006 至2010 东北大学/梅斯大学 博士
2010-12 至2011-5 梅斯大学LEM3 实验室 博士后
2012-03至~ 东北大学 讲师
2014年第二学期 本科生 1名 已毕业
1. 国家自然科学青年基金,25万
2. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,5万
3. 中央高校基本科研业务费,15万
SCI论文:Lei Li, Yudong Zhang, Claude Esling, Zhihao Zhao, Yubo Zuo, Haitao Zhang, Jianzhong Cui. Formation of feathery grains with the application of a static magnetic field during direct chill casting of Al-9.8wt%Zn alloy [J], Journal of Materials Science, 2009, 44(4):1063-1068. (SCI检索 - 影响因子:1.471)
Lei Li, Yudong Zhang, Claude Esling, Zhihao Zhao, Yubo Zuo, Haitao Zhang, Jianzhong Cui. Formation of twinned lamellas with the application of static magnetic fields during semi-continuous casting of Al-0.24wt%Fe alloy [J], Journal of Crystal Growth, 2009, 311(11):3211-3215. (SCI检索 - 影响因子:1.534)
Lei Li, Yudong Zhang, Claude Esling, Huixue Jiang, Zhihao Zhao, Yubo Zuo, Jianzhong Cui. Crystallographic features of primary Al3Fe phase [J], Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2010, 43(1):1108-1112. (SCI检索 - 影响因子:3.792)
Lei Li, Yudong Zhang, Claude Esling, Huixue Jiang, Zhihao Zhao, Yubo Zuo, Jianzhong Cui. Crystallographic features of primary Al3Zr phase [J], Journal of Crystal Growth, 2011, 316(1):172-176. (SCI检索 - 影响因子:1.737)
Lei Li, Yudong Zhang, Claude Esling, Huixue Jiang, Zhihao Zhao, Yubo Zuo, Jianzhong Cui. Influence of a high magnetic field on the precipitation behaviors of the primary Al3Fe phase during the solidification of hypereutectic Al-3.31wt% Fe alloy [J], Journal of crystal growth, 2012, 339(1):61-69. (SCI检索 - 影响因子:1.552)
Lei Li, Yudong Zhang, Claude Esling, Ke Qin, Zhihao Zhao, Yubo Zuo, Jianzhong Cui. <!DOCTYPE IUCR-ART PUBLIC "IUCr//DTD IUCr article dtd V1.1//EN"><iucr-art jid="J000000" aid="xx0000" access="pay" docsubty="FA" crt="International Union of Crystallography" language="0"><jnlinfo name="Journal of Applied Crystallography" yr="2004" issue="1" volume="37" abbrtitle="J. Appl. Cryst." coden="JACGAR" editor="G. Kostorz" issn="0021-8898" fpage="0" lpage="0"><fm><atl>A microstructural and crystallographic investigation on the precipitation behaviour of primary Al3Zr phase under high magnetic field [J], Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2013, 46(1):421-429. (SCI检索 - 影响因子:3.95)
Lei Li, Zhihao Zhao, Yubo Zuo, Qingfeng Zhu, Jianzhong Cui. Effect of a high magnetic ?eld on the morphological and crystallographic features of primary Al6Mn phase formed during solidi?cation process [J], Journal of Materials Research, 2013, 28(12):1567-1573. (SCI检索 - 影响因子:1.815)
Lei Li, Zongbin Li, Yudong Zhang, Claude Esling, Haitao Liu, Zhihao Zhao, Qingfeng Zhu, Yubo Zuo, Jianzhong Cui. <!DOCTYPE IUCR-ART PUBLIC "IUCr//DTD IUCr article dtd V1.1//EN"><iucr-art jid="J000000" aid="xx0000" access="pay" docsubty="FA" crt="International Union of Crystallography" language="0"><jnlinfo name="Journal of Applied Crystallography" yr="2004" issue="1" volume="37" abbrtitle="J. Appl. Cryst." coden="JACGAR" editor="G. Kostorz" issn="0021-8898" fpage="0" lpage="0"><fm><atl>AACrystallographic effect of a high magnetic field on hypoeutectic Zn-Al during solidification process [J], Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2014, 47: 606–612. (SCI检索 - 影响因子:3.95)
Lei Li, Qingfeng Zhu, Hui Zhang, Yubo Zuo, Chunyan Ban, Lizi He, Haitao Liu, Jianzhong Cui, Morphological and crystallographic characterization of solidified Al–3Ti–1B master alloy under a high magnetic field. Materials Characterization, 2014, 95, 1-11. (SCI检索 - 影响因子:1.925)
李磊,秦克,张海涛,赵志浩,朱庆丰,左玉波,崔建忠. 亚共晶Zn-4.45%Al合金凝固组织的晶体学特征[J],材料研究学报,2014,28(2):126-132.

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