齐建全 教授(特聘) Office:综合实验楼1226
Phone: ? Fax: ? Email: jianquanqi@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn?? or? qijq@mail.neuq.edu.cn
2003, Ph. D. Tsinghua University( 工学博士, 清华大学, 材料系)
1992, M. S. Tsinghua University(工学硕士, 清华大学,核能技术研究院)
1989, B. S. Tsinghua University(工学学士, 清华大学, 材料系)
【Professional Experience】(工作经历)
2010- Professor,Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao Branch(特聘教授, 东北大学秦皇岛分校,资源与材料学院)
2002-2010, Associate professor, Tsinghua University(副教授,清华大学,材料系)
2003-2005, Post Doctoral Fellow,the Hong Kong Polytechnic Univesity(香港理工,应用物理系)
1993-2001, Lecturer , Tsinghua University( 清华大学,材料系)
1995-1997, Head Engineer, Diyu Company(迪宇公司)
1992-1995, Manager, Plant of PTCR of Tsinhua Ziguan Company, (清华紫光)
【Research Interests】(研究兴趣)
(1)Semiconducting Ceramics: Obtained the dense BaTiO3 ceramics with the best resistance jumping in the world till this time using vapor doping method which was developed in 1997 by Dr Qi (the jumping almost reached greater than 8 orders’ degree).
(2)Dielectric Ceramics:High voltage BaTiO3 based capacitor materials: >4kv/mm(AC), dielectric constant>20000, meeting Y5V specifications. Media-low temperature BaTiO3-based X7R MLCC materials: dielectric constant>3500, sintered at <1150 ℃, meeting x7r specifications. (sintered at 1250℃, the dielectric constant can be greater than 4500.)
(3)Nano-scaled Ceramic powders: Developed a new method to synthesize perovskite nanomaterials directly from solution near or at room temperature under the normal pressure.
【Selected Publications】(部分代表作品)
?【Chapter of Books(书籍)】
1. Qi Jianquan, “Direct Synthesis Perovskite Nanoparticles from Solution”, Editor: George V. Karas, “New Developments in Crystal Growth Research”, 75-102, 2006, ISBN: 1-59454-539-1, Nova Science Publishers, NY
2. Jian Quan Qi, Helen Lai Wah Chan, Hu Yong Tian, Wan Ping Chen, Long Tu Li, “Fabrication of Core-shell Structured Perovskite Nanoparticles with Heterogeneous Oxide Shells and their Ceramics” Editor: R. Jiménez-Contreras, “Nanotechnology Research Developments”, 95-136, 2008, ISBN: 1-60021-899-7, Nova Science Publishers, NY.
【Journal publications(部分英文文章)】
[1]Jianquan Qi, Li Sun, Xiwei Qi, Yu Wang, Helen Laiwah Chan, Grain size modulation on BaTiO3 nanoparticles synthesized at room temperature Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2011,184: 2690–2694.
[2]Jian Quan Qi, Tao Peng, Yong Ming Hu, Li Sun, Yu Wang, Wan Ping Chen, Long Tu Li, Ce Wen Nan and Helen Lai Wah Chan, Direct synthesis of ultrafine tetragonal BaTiO3 nanoparticles at room temperature, Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:466
[3]Jian Quan Qi, Li Sun, Yu Wang, Wan Ping Chen, Peng Du, You Guo Xu, Long Tu Li, Ce Wen Nan, Helen Lai Wah Chan, Excess titanium in barium titanate nanoparticles directly synthesized from solution, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2010, 71:1676–1679
[4]Jian Quan Qi, Li Sun, Peng Du , Wan Ping Chen, You Guo Xu, Long Tu Li, Stoichiometry of BaTiO3 nanoparticles, J. Nanopart. Res., 2010, 12[7]: 2605-2609
[5]Jianquan Qi, Li Sun , Peng Du, Longtu Li,Slurry Synthesis of Bismuth Sodium Titanate with Transient Aurivillius-type Structure, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2010, 93[4]:1044–1048
[6]Jian Quan Qi, Hu Yong Tian, Long Tu Li, Helen Lai Wah Chan, Fabrication of CuO nanoparticle interlinked microsphere cages by solution method, Nanoscale Research Letters, 2007, 2:107–111
[7]Jian Quan Qi, Yu Wang, Wan Ping Chen, Long Tu Li, Helen Lai Wah Chan, Perovskite Barium Zirconate Titanate Nano-Particles Directly Synthesized from Solutions, J. Nanopart. Res. 2006, 8[6]:959-963
[8]Jian Quan Qi, Yu Wang, Wan Ping Chen, Hu Yong Tian, Long Tu Li, Helen Lai Wah Chan, Room Temperature Synthesis of Titania Microspheres by Hydrolysis of Titanium Alkoxide using water vapor, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2006, 413/1-2:307-311
Qi JQ, Chen WP, Lu M, et al. Fabrication of copper ferrite nanowalls on ceramic surfaces by an electrochemical method, Nanotechnology, 2005, 16[12]: 3097-3100
[9]Jian Quan Qi, Ting Zhang, Mei Lu, Yu Wang, Wan Ping Chen, Long Tu Li, Helen Lai Wah Chan, Conversion of Conventional NiO Powders into Nanostructures by a Simple Chemical Method, Chemistry Letters, 2005, 34[2]:180-181
[10]Jian Quan Qi, Hu Yong Tian, Yu Wang, Geoffrey Kin Hung Pang, Long Tu Li, Helen Lai Wah Chan, Analyzing core-shell structured zinc doped MgO wrapped Ba1-xSrxTiO3 nanoparticles, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2005, 109[29]:14006-14010
[11]Jian Quan Qi, Yu Wang, Wan Ping Chen, Long Tu Li, Helen Lai Wah Chan, Direct large-scale synthesis of perovskite barium strontium titanate nano-particles from solutions, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2005, 178[1]: 279-284
[12]Qi, JQ; Chen, WP; Wang, Y; Chan, HLW; Li, LT, Dielectric properties of barium titanate ceramics doped by B2O3 vapor, Journal Of Applied Physics, 2004, 96[11]: 6937-6939
[13]Qi, JQ; Li, LT; Wang, YL; Gui, ZL, Preparation of nanoscaled BaTiO3 powders by DSS method near room temperature under normal pressure, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2004, 260[3-4]: 551-556
[14]Qi, JQ; Chen, WP; Wang, HY; Wang, Y; Li, LT; Chan, HLW, Low temperature sintering behavior of B2O3 vapor in BaTiO3-based PTCR thermistors, Sensors and Actuators A-physical, 2004, 116 [2]:215-218
[15]Qi, JQ; Gui, ZL; Zhu, Q; Wang, YL; Wu, YJ; Li, LT, Doping behavior of CdO in BaTiO3-based PTCR ceramics, Sensors and Actuators A-physical, 2002, 100[2-3]: 244-246
[16]Qi, JQ; Zhu, Q; Wang, YL; Wu, YJ; Li, LT, Enhancement of positive temperature coefficient resistance effect of BaTiO3-based semiconducting ceramics caused by B2O3 vapor dopants, Solid State Communications, 2001, 120[12]:505-508
[17]Qi, JQ; Gui, ZL; Wu, YJ; Li, LT, Enhancement of PTCR effect of semiconducting Ba1-xSrxTiO3 by Sb2O3 vapor, Sensors and Actuators A-physical, 2001, 93[1]: 84-85
[18]Qi, JQ; Gui, ZL; Li, LT; Wu, YJ, Positive temperature coefficient resistance effect in Ba1-xSrxTiO3 ceramics modified with Bi2O3 and PbO by a vapor-doping method, Journal of Materials Research 1999, 14[8]: 3328-3329
[19]Qi, JQ; Chen, WP; Wu, YJ; Li, LT, Improvement of the PTCR effect in Ba1-xSrxTiO3 semiconducting ceramics by doping of Bi2O3 vapor during sintering, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 1998, 81 [2]: 437-438
[3]齐建全,李龙土,王永力,桂冶轮,”钛酸钡纳米粉体的溶液直接合成法”,钛工业进展 2003(03),25-27
[4]齐建全,吴音,张少华等,”BaTiO3陶瓷烧结过程中晶粒生长的新机制”,稀有金属材料与工程,2003, 32(supp1): 449-451
[5]齐建全,李雯,王永力,桂治轮,李龙土,”中低温烧结的温度稳定型Ba1-xCdxTiO3介电材料”,无机材料学报, 2002(06),1199-1202
[6]齐建全,李龙土,王永力,桂治轮,钛酸钡陶瓷中Y2O3 掺杂过程的XRD分析,稀有金属材料与工程, 2002, 31(supp1), 237-240
[7]齐建全,李龙土, 朱 青, 王永力,桂治轮,”CdO掺杂对BaTiO3基半导化陶瓷PTCR效应的改善”,化学学报,2001,59 (11): 1942-1945
本站小编 Free考研网/2020-03-23
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