

本站小编 免费考研网/2020-03-23

     Li Xiaohua
Department of Computer Science,
Northeastern University, Shenyang, China
Email: lixiaohua@mail.neu.edu.cn
I am a member of NEU DB Group.



    Network Information Security
    Big Data Management



    Fundamentals of Information Security (For Undergraduate Students)
    Computer Security and Confidentiality (For Graduate Students)



    Sept, 2010 - Jan, 2018. Ph.D, College of Computer Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, China.
    Sept, 2005 - Mar, 2008. Graduate, College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, China.
    Sept, 1989 - Jul, 1993. Undergraduate, College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, China.



    01/2019~12/2020, Research on smart contract concurrency control based on blockchain, supported by Liaoning science and technology foundation (No. 20180550321). (PI)



    Xiaohua Li, Tao Qiu, Ning Wang, Bin Wang, Xiaochun Yang, and Ge Yu. Refreshment of the Shortest Path Cache with Change of Single Edge[J]. Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA). 2017, 67(1): 1-11.
    Xiaohua Li, Ning Wang, Kanggui Peng, Xiaochun Yang, and Ge Yu. An Update Method for Shortest Path Caching with Burst Paths Based on Sliding Windows[C]. Web-Age Information Management-17th International Conference(WAIM). 2016, 145-158.
    Xiaohua Li, Tao Qiu, Xiaochun Yang, Bin Wang, and Ge Yu. Refreshment Strategies for Shortest Path Caching Problem with Changing Edge Weight[C]. Springer International Publishing Switzerland (APWEB). 2014, 331-342.
    Xiaohua Li, Shimeng Wang, Xiaochun Yang, Bin Wang, and Ge Yu. An Improved Algorithm to Enhance the Utilization of Shortest Path Caches[C]. In Web Information System and Application (WISA). 2013, 419–424.
    Xiaohua Li, Shimeng Wang, Xiaochun Yang, and Ge Yu. Cache-based Shortest Path Query in Road Network[J]. Journal of Northeastern Univesity Natural Science. 2014, 35(02):199-203.
    Xiaohua Li, Shimeng Wang, Xiaochun Yang, and Ge Yu. Improving Shortest Path Query in Road Network Based on Grid Partition[J]. Journa of Chinese Computer Systems(JCCS), 2014, 35 (9):1937-1942.
    Xiaohua Li, Xiaomei Dong, Yulong Wang. Malicious Code Forensics Based on Data Mining[C]. Proceeding of the 10th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD)2013, 978-983.
    Xiaomei Dong, Qian Zhao, Xiaohua Li, and Yajie Fei. Network Forensics Based on Scenario Reconstruction and Alert Aggregation. (CCDC)2014, 29(1): 39-44.


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    本站小编 免费考研网 2020-03-23