
东北大学导师教师师资介绍简介-姚 国

本站小编 免费考研网/2020-03-23

姓       名:     姚 国
工作单位:     机械工程与自动化学院
职      称:     副教授、硕士生导师
学      历:     工学博士
出生年月:     1980.10
电      话:    
电子邮箱:     yaoguo@mail.neu.edu.cn、 yaoguo@me.neu.edu.cn
通讯地址:     沈阳市和平区文化路3号巷11号,东北大学机械工程与自动化学院319信箱  邮编:110819
办公地点:     东北大学南湖校区新机械实验楼319室
研究方向:     机械系统动力学、气动弹性力学、飞行器气动设计、非线性隔振设计


    Yongheng Yu, Guo Yao*, Zhihua Wu. Nonlinear primary responses of a bilateral supported X-shape vibration reduction structure. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2020, 140: 106679
    Yao G., Li F. Nonlinear global resonance analysis of an embedded plate interacting with outside subsonic airflow. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2019, 68: 286-301.
    Yao G., Li F. Nonlinear primary resonances of lattice sandwich beams with pyramidal truss core and viscoelastic surfaces. Acta Mechanica, 2018, 229(10): 4091-4100.
    Yao G., Zhang Y., Li C. Aeroelastic reliability and sensitivity analysis of a plate interacting with stochastic axial airflow. International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 2018, 6(2): 561–570.
    Zhihua Wu, Yimin Zhang*, Guo Yao. Nonlinear primary and super-harmonic resonances of functionally graded carbon nanotube reinforced composite beams. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019, 153-154: 321-340.
    Wu Z., Yao G.*. Vibration analysis of a thin eccentric rotating circular cylindrical shell, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2019, 233(5): 1588-1600.
    Zhou Y., Zhang Y., Yao G.*. Stochastic forced vibration analysis of a tapered beam with performance deterioration. Acta Mechanica, 2017, 228(4): 1393–1406.
    Yao G., Zhang Y. Dynamics and stability of an axially moving plate interacting with surrounding airflow. Meccanica, 2016, 51(9): 2111–2119.
    Yao G., Zhang Y., Li C., Yang Z. Stability analysis and vibration characteristics of an axially moving plate in aero-thermal environment. Acta Mechanica, 2016, 227:3517–3527.
    Yao G., Li F.M. Stability and vibration properties of a composite laminated plate subjected to subsonic compressible airflow. Meccanica, 2016, 51, (10): 2277–2287. 
    Yao G.,Li F.M. Nonlinear vibration of a two-dimensional composite laminated plate in subsonic air flow. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2015, 21(4): 662-669.
    Yao G., Li F.M. Chaotic motion of a composite laminated plate with geometric nonlinearity in subsonic flow. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2013, 50(4): 81-90.
    Yao G., Li F.M. The stability analysis and active control of a composite laminated open cylindrical shell in subsonic airflow. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2014, 25(3): 259-270.
    Yao G., Zhang Y. Reliability and sensitivity analysis of an axially moving beam. Meccanica, 2016, 51(3): 491–499.
    Yao G., Li F.M. Stability analysis and active control of a nonlinear composite laminated plate with piezoelectric material in subsonic airflow. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2014, 89: 147-161.
    Li F.M., Yao G. 1/3 Subharmonic resonance of a nonlinear composite laminated cylindrical shell in subsonic air flow. Composite Structures, 2013, 100(6): 249-256.
    Li F.M., Yao G., Zhang Y. Active control of nonlinear forced vibration in a flexible beam using piezoelectric material. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2016, 23(3): 311-317.
    Meng L., Li F., Yao G., Zhang W. Nonlinear dynamics analysis of a thin rectangular plate in subsonic airflow. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 2016, 21(10): 1184–1197
    Yao G., Li F.M. Stability and nonlinear vibration of an axially moving isotropic beam. IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Technology in Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems. 2015:1982-1985.(EI) 
    姚国, 李凤明. 横向均布载荷下亚音速大挠度薄板的混沌运动. 振动工程学报, 2012, 25(6): 674-679.(EI) 
    姚国, 李凤明. 亚音速气流作用下薄板结构混沌运动的时滞反馈控制. 固体力学学报, 2013, 34(5): 521-526.(EI)



1、中国博士后科学基金:流-固-热多场耦合作用下轴向运动板的建模及振动分析. 主持

2、中央高校基本科研业务费:碳纤维增强复合材料层合结构多场耦合动力学稳定性与非线性振动特性研究. 主持

3、东北大学博士后基金:复合材料层合板结构气动弹性特性研究. 主持




7、国家自然科学基金面上项目,五轴铣车机床进给系统动力学参数快变与渐变耦合的可靠性设计理论研究. 参与

8、国家重点基础研究计划课题:无人采掘装备动力传递部件渐变可靠性建模与设计理论. 参与


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