姓 名: 谢丽萍
工作单位: 东北大学 中荷生物医学与信息工程学院
学 历: 工学博士
办 公 室: 生命楼B216
Q Q:
电子邮箱: xielp@bmie.neu.edu.cn
2018年8月——2019年8月 新加坡南洋理工大学 访问学者
2014年7月——至今 东北大学
主持1项国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,参与2项国家自然科学基金面上项目(主要参与者),并参与过国家863计划等研究工作。在Biosensors and Bioelectronics,Lab on chip,Anal.Chim. Acta ,Scientific Reports,The Journal of ?Physical Chemistry C等杂志上发表论文20余篇,总影响因子IF>50,授权发明专利2项,5项发明专利正在审批中,撰写国际著名出版社WILEY-VCH出版的《Engineering Nanobiomaterials for Improved Tissue Regeneration》一部。作为主编人撰写《西门子S7-200系列PLC快速入门与实践》、《西门子S7-300/400系列PLC快速入门与实践》并由人民邮电出版社出版。参与编写实验教材《模拟电子技术实验》(第二作者)。获得辽宁省自然科学学术成果二等奖一项,东北大学招生宣传先进个人荣誉称号等。受邀为国际知名期刊Chemical Communications,Nanoscale及Journal of Materials Chemistry B审稿。
1. Liping.Xie*, XingyuZi, Hedele Zeng, Jianjun Sun, Lisheng Xu, Shuo Chen. Low-cost fabrication of a paper based microfluidic using a folded pattern paper, Anal.Chim. Acta 2019, 1053(11), 131-138 https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1YUYJlYfTr6i. (Q1, IF=5.123)
2. Liping Xie*, Wei Qian, Jianjun Sun, Bo Zou. Engineering Nanobiomaterials for Improved Tissue Regeneration: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA 2018:281-304.
3. Junqi Zhang, Rongxin Fu, Liping Xie, QiLi,Wenhan Zhou, Ruliang Wang, Jiancheng Ye, Dong Wang, Ning Xue, Xue Lin, Ying Lu, Guoliang Huang. A smart device for label-free and real-time detection of genetic point mutations based on the highly dark phase contrast of vapor condensation. Lab on chip 2015, 15, 3891-3896. (co-first author). (Q1, IF=5.995)
4. Liping Xie, Hao Cheng, Hao Qi, Tongzhou Wang, Hui Zhao, Guoliang Huang, Yanan Du.Nanostructural morphology master-regulated the cell capture efficiency of multivalent aptamers.RSC advances 2015, 5, 39791-39798. (Q1, IF=2.936)
5. Liping Xie, Tongzhou Wang, Tianqi Huang,Wei Hou, Guoliang Huang, Yanan Du. Dew inspired breathing-based detection of genetic point mutation visualized by naked eye. Scientific Reports 2014, 4 (6300),1-4.(Q1,IF=4.122)
6. Liping Xie,Xiaojun Yan,Yanan Du. An aptamer based wall-less LSPR array chip for label-free and high throughput detection of biomolecules. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2014, 53(15), 58-64. (Q1, IF=8.173)
7. Tongzhou Wang, Liping Xie, Haley Huang, Xin Li, Ruliang Wang, Guang Yang, Yanan Du, Guoliang Huang. Label-free biomolecular imaging using scanning spectral interferometry. Chinese Optics Letters 2013, 11(11), 111102-111105 (2013) (co-first author).(Q2, IF=1.948)
8. Liping Xie, Hongwei Song, Yu Wang, Wen Xu, Xue Bai, Biao Dong. Influence of Concentration Effect and Au Coating on Photoluminescence Properties of YVO4:Eu3+Nanoparticle Colloids. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2010, 114(21), 9975-9980. (Q1, IF=4.848)
9. Liping Xie, Biao Dong, Zhenlong Jiang, Yu Wang, Tong Liu, Xue Bai. Synthesis of novel core-shell structural AuNR@MCM-41 for infrared light-driven release of drug. Journal of Materials Research 2011, 26(18), 2414-2419. (Q2, IF=1.495)
10. Liping Xie, Qian Wang,Jing Liu. Recent Patents on Biomedical Devices and Nanomaterials for Hyperthermal Therapy of Cancer. Recent Patents on Nanomedicine 2011, 4(6300), 19-37.
11. Qian Wang,Liping Xie, Zhizhu He, Derui Di,Jing Liu. Biodegradable magnesium nanoparticle-enhanced laser hyperthermia therapy. International Journal of Nanomedicine 2012, 7(1), 4715-4725. (Q1, IF=4.370)
12.Ying Jiang, Haiyu Wang, Liping Xie, Bingrong Gao, Lei Wang, Xulin Zhang, Qidai Chen, Han Yang, Hongwei Song, Hongbo Sun. Study of Electron?Phonon Coupling Dynamics in Au Nanorods by Transient Depolarization Measurements. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2010, 114(7), 2913-2917. (Q1, IF=4.484)
13. Xiaona Fang, Hongwei Song, Liping Xie, Qiong Liu, Hui Zhang, Xue Bai, Biao Dong, Yu Wang,Wei Han.. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2009, 131(5), 54506-54507. (Q1, IF=2.843)
14.Wei Liu,Yaqian Li, YangZeng, XinyongZhang, JingyuWang, Liping Xie, Xiaokang Li, Yanan Du. Microcryogels as injectable 3-D cellular microniches for site-directed and augmented cell delivery. Acta Biomaterialia 2014, 10(5), 1864-1875. (Q1, IF=6.838)
1. 杜亚楠,谢丽萍,鄢晓君.一种基于LSPR的无实体壁微阵列芯片及其应用:中国,CN(中国发明专利授权号)
2. 杜亚楠,谢丽萍.确定样品中是否存在目标物的方法:中国,CN(中国发明专利授权号)
3. 谢丽萍,曾何德乐,钱唯.一种纸质微流控芯片的制备方法.中国, CN9.2(中国发明专利申请号)
4. 谢丽萍, 钱唯. 一种用于检测基因芯片的汽凝仪及其使用方法:中国,CNA(中国发明专利公开号).
5. 王晟,左东昊,谢丽萍,钱唯,刘正阳,方致昊.高英淇,成奕霖.一种基于深度信息预分割的卷积神经网络物体识别方法:中国, CNA(中国发明专利公开号).
6. 谢丽萍,曾何德乐.一种纸基电容型柔性传感器的制备方法, 中国, CN9.0. (中国发明专利申请号).
7. 谢丽萍.一种高灵敏度电子皮肤的制备方法. 中国, CN6.0.(中国发明专利申请号).
1.? L.Xie, W. Qian, J. Sun, B. Zou,2017,Chapter12 EngineeringNanobiomaterialsfor Improved Tissue Regeneration.Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.KGaA, p. 281-304.
2. 孝大宇,谢丽萍,滕月阳,李建华. 2017.模拟电子技术实验,东北大学出版社,沈阳.
3.谢丽萍, 王占富, 岂兴明主编, 2010. 西门子S7-200系列PLC快速入门与实践.人民邮电出版社,北京.
4.王占富, 谢丽萍, 岂兴明主编, 2010. 西门子S7-300/400系列PLC快速入门与实践.人民邮电出版社,北京.
1. 2016.07.29获得辽宁省自然学术成果奖二等奖一项.
2. 2018.05 东北大学招生宣传先进个人
生理信号的采集与分析。人体生理信号的采集与分析对于医疗健康监测起到至关重要作用,如血压、呼吸、脉搏等一系列健康信息,并将这些信息收集到智能设备中,经过分析和提取,帮助医生进行诊断。此外,在人类假肢或机器人上贴附相应柔性传感器及传感系统,可以实现对外界环境的感知,更方便准确地进行操控。其中涉及的关键问题如传感器的频率响应问题,保证传感器所能接收到的信号的频率上限足够大; 微弱生理信号的采集稳定性问题。在测量微弱的生理信号时,保证传感器所测得信号具有较大的信噪比。
基于纸质微流体的分析设备(μPAD)已经成为生物传感诊断、环境测试和食品分析的优秀分析平台。μPAD具有许多优点,包括易用性,低体积,可生物降解性,便携性和良好的生物相容性。最重要的方面是纸张的多孔性质具有内在的芯吸机制,因此流体可以通过毛细管作用通过亲水性纤维素运输而无需外部泵送系统。这些优势使得μPAD特别适用于资源有限的地区,其中低成本和简单性是必不可少的。具有亲水和疏水模式的μPAD可以设计用于同一个样品的多种分析物的分析或同一个测试中的多个重复分析,以及其他化学反应,如分离,富集,以及分析更复杂的样品,包括尿酸或血液等离子体。开发低成本的μPAD制作方法、开展基于μPAD的家用诊断工具,如葡萄糖、乳酸、尿液、血液中等生物标志物的诊断方法研究,为临床提供低成本的即时诊断手段。 (3)基于表面拉曼散射的癌症早期诊断方法研究
(08/2018-08/2019) Visiting Scholar Nanyang Technological University(06/2014-09/2010) Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering ????School of Medicine, Tsinghua University?????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Research: Biosensor, Lab on a Chip, POC, Paper-based Microfluidics, Tissue Engineering
(06/2010-09/2008) M.S. in Biomedical Engineering ????Institute of Electronic Science and Engineering, Jilin University
Research: Nanotechnology (rare earth nanoparticles, noble metal nanoparticles) and Its Application
?(06/2008-09/2004) B. S. in Biomedical Engineering? ??Institute of Electronic Science and Engineering, Jilin University
Research: Electronic Circuits and Medical Electronics
《Principles of Electric Circuits》,《Biochip and Micro/Nano Biochemical Analysis》,《Experiment of Analog Electronic Technology》,《Human Physiology and Anatomy Experiments》
《Project-Centered Curriculum Design》
1. Liping.Xie*, XingyuZi, Hedele Zeng, Jianjun Sun, Lisheng Xu, Shuo Chen. Low-cost fabrication of a paper based microfluidic using a folded pattern paper, Anal.Chim. Acta 2019, 1053(11), 131-138 https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1YUYJlYfTr6i. (Q1, IF=5.123)2. Liping Xie*, Wei Qian, Jianjun Sun, Bo Zou. Engineering Nanobiomaterials for Improved Tissue Regeneration: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA 2018:281-304.
3. Junqi Zhang, Rongxin Fu, Liping Xie, QiLi,Wenhan Zhou, Ruliang Wang, Jiancheng Ye, Dong Wang, Ning Xue, Xue Lin, Ying Lu, Guoliang Huang. A smart device for label-free and real-time detection of genetic point mutations based on the highly dark phase contrast of vapor condensation. Lab on chip 2015, 15, 3891-3896. (co-first author). (Q1, IF=5.995)
4. Liping Xie, Hao Cheng, Hao Qi, Tongzhou Wang, Hui Zhao, Guoliang Huang, Yanan Du.Nanostructural morphology master-regulated the cell capture efficiency of multivalent aptamers.RSC advances 2015, 5, 39791-39798. (Q1, IF=2.936)
5. Liping Xie, Tongzhou Wang, Tianqi Huang,Wei Hou, Guoliang Huang, Yanan Du. Dew inspired breathing-based detection of genetic point mutation visualized by naked eye. Scientific Reports 2014, 4 (6300),1-4.(Q1,IF=4.122)
6. Liping Xie,Xiaojun Yan,Yanan Du. An aptamer based wall-less LSPR array chip for label-free and high throughput detection of biomolecules. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2014, 53(15), 58-64. (Q1, IF=8.173)
7. Tongzhou Wang, Liping Xie, Haley Huang, Xin Li, Ruliang Wang, Guang Yang, Yanan Du, Guoliang Huang. Label-free biomolecular imaging using scanning spectral interferometry. Chinese Optics Letters 2013, 11(11), 111102-111105 (2013) (co-first author).(Q2, IF=1.948)
8. Liping Xie, Hongwei Song, Yu Wang, Wen Xu, Xue Bai, Biao Dong. Influence of Concentration Effect and Au Coating on Photoluminescence Properties of YVO4:Eu3+Nanoparticle Colloids. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2010, 114(21), 9975-9980. (Q1, IF=4.848)
9. Liping Xie, Biao Dong, Zhenlong Jiang, Yu Wang, Tong Liu, Xue Bai. Synthesis of novel core-shell structural AuNR@MCM-41 for infrared light-driven release of drug. Journal of Materials Research 2011, 26(18), 2414-2419. (Q2, IF=1.495)
10. Liping Xie, Qian Wang,Jing Liu. Recent Patents on Biomedical Devices and Nanomaterials for Hyperthermal Therapy of Cancer. Recent Patents on Nanomedicine 2011, 4(6300), 19-37.
11. Qian Wang,Liping Xie, Zhizhu He, Derui Di,Jing Liu. Biodegradable magnesium nanoparticle-enhanced laser hyperthermia therapy. International Journal of Nanomedicine 2012, 7(1), 4715-4725. (Q1, IF=4.370)
12.Ying Jiang, Haiyu Wang, Liping Xie, Bingrong Gao, Lei Wang, Xulin Zhang, Qidai Chen, Han Yang, Hongwei Song, Hongbo Sun. Study of Electron?Phonon Coupling Dynamics in Au Nanorods by Transient Depolarization Measurements. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2010, 114(7), 2913-2917. (Q1, IF=4.484)
13. Xiaona Fang, Hongwei Song, Liping Xie, Qiong Liu, Hui Zhang, Xue Bai, Biao Dong, Yu Wang,Wei Han.. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2009, 131(5), 54506-54507. (Q1, IF=2.843)
14.Wei Liu,Yaqian Li, YangZeng, XinyongZhang, JingyuWang, Liping Xie, Xiaokang Li, Yanan Du. Microcryogels as injectable 3-D cellular microniches for site-directed and augmented cell delivery. Acta Biomaterialia 2014, 10(5), 1864-1875. (Q1, IF=6.838)
1.Development and Application of Bio-detection Chips Based on Vapor Condensation(NSFC),Project approval number: **,Funding Amount:¥216,000 ,201601-201812,Position:Project Leader.2. Molecular mechanisms of the virulence protein-mediated transition from latent tuberculosis to active tuberculosis (NSFC), Project approval number:**, Funding Amount: ¥600,000, 201801-202112, Position: Core Member.
3. Construction of cell necrosis responsive materials based on chimeric aptamers to realize active regulation of angiogenesis(NSFC), Project approval number: **, Funding Amount:¥850,000, 201301-201612, Position: Core Member.
4. Participating in The Outstanding Youth Funding Project "The frontier science problem in the luminescence of rare earth doped nanomaterials "(NSFC) (No.**) and The National 863 Project " Application of gold and silver infrared photosensitive nanomaterials to targeted cancer therapy"(NSFC).
1. Liping Xie, H. zeng. Preparation method of a paper-based capacitive flexible sensor, China, Application No.CN9.0. 2018.2. Liping Xie. A preparation method for highly sensitive electronic skin. China, Application No.CN6.0. 2018.
3. Liping Xie, Hedele Zeng. Preparation method of a paper microfluidics chip: China, Application No.9. 2018
4. Liping Xie, Wei Qian. A vapor condensation apparatus used for detection of gene chip and its application. Application No.CN0.2, 2016
5. Wang Sheng, Donghao, Zuo, Liping Xie, Wei Qian, Zhengyang Liu, Zhihao Fang, Yingqi Gao, Yilin Cheng. A method of convolution neural network object recognition based on depth pre-segmentation. China, Application No.CN2.8, 2017
6. Yanan Du, Liping Xie & Xiaojun, Yan. A wall-less LSPR microarray chip and its application, China, License No. CN, 2015
7. Yanan Du, Liping Xie, A method on determination whether there is a target in the sample, China, License No.CN, 2016
1.Liping Xie, Wei Qian, Jianjun Sun, Bo Zou. Engineering Nanobiomaterials for Improved Tissue Regeneration: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2018:281-304.2.Dayu Xiao, Liping Xie, Yueyang Teng, Jianhua Li. Experiment of Analog Electronic Technology experiment: Northeastern University Press, Shenyang. 2017
3.Liping Xie, Zhanfu Wang, Xingming Qi. Siemens S7-200 series PLC Quick Start and Practice Posts & Telecom Press, Beijing. 2010
4.Zhanfu Wang, Liping Xie, Xingming Qi. Siemens S7-300/400 series PLC Quick Start and Practice Posts & Telecom Press, Beijing. 2010
2016.7?2nd Award of Natural Science Academic Achievement in Liaoning Province
2014.6?Sailing Silver Prize of Tsinghua University
2013.9 National Graduate Scholarship (in Tsinghua University)
2010.4 Outstanding Graduate Student of Jilin University
2009-2010 The First-Class Graduate Excellent Scholarship
2009-2010?Honor of Excellent Graduate Student
2009.11?Suzhou Industrial Park Scholarship
2007.09?The Second Prize of the Jilin Province Undergraduate National Electronic Design Contest
2007-2008?The First Prize Scholarship
2006-2007 Excellent Student of Jilin University
2006-2007 National Encouragement Scholarship
2005-2006 National Scholarship?
2005-2006 The Second Prize Scholarship
2005-2006 Excellent Student of School
2004-2005 The Third Prize Scholarship
Stretchable Electronic Materials & Devices, Biosensor, Deep Learning
Microfluidics: Lab on a Chip, Paper-based Microfluidics, Detection Based on Smart Phone
Engineering: Biomaterials, IVD/POCT, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Advanced Materials
Self-motivated and highly energetic professional with years of solid scientific research experience, and strong record of success in multi-interdisciplinary research. Experienced in different field of research (Nanotechnology, Biosensor, Physical chemistry, Electronic devices). Recognized for fast leaning skill, teamwork skills and great leadership potential.
Northeastern University, Sino-Dutch Biomedical and Information EngineeringSchool,No. 195, Chuangxin Road, Hunnan District, Shenyang, Liaoning, China 110169
Email: xielp@bmie.neu.edu.cn
姓 名: 谢丽萍
工作单位: 东北大学 中荷生物医学与信息工程学院
学 历: 工学博士
办 公 室: 生命楼B216
Q Q:
电子邮箱: xielp@bmie.neu.edu.cn
2018年8月——2019年8月 新加坡南洋理工大学 访问学者
2014年7月——至今 东北大学
主持1项国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,参与2项国家自然科学基金面上项目(主要参与者),并参与过国家863计划等研究工作。在Biosensors and Bioelectronics,Lab on chip,Anal.Chim. Acta ,Scientific Reports,The Journal of ?Physical Chemistry C等杂志上发表论文20余篇,总影响因子IF>50,授权发明专利2项,5项发明专利正在审批中,撰写国际著名出版社WILEY-VCH出版的《Engineering Nanobiomaterials for Improved Tissue Regeneration》一部。作为主编人撰写《西门子S7-200系列PLC快速入门与实践》、《西门子S7-300/400系列PLC快速入门与实践》并由人民邮电出版社出版。参与编写实验教材《模拟电子技术实验》(第二作者)。获得辽宁省自然科学学术成果二等奖一项,东北大学招生宣传先进个人荣誉称号等。受邀为国际知名期刊Chemical Communications,Nanoscale及Journal of Materials Chemistry B审稿。