

东北大学 免费考研网/2016-05-01

李家驿博士,中组部“****”学者,现任东北大学生命科学与健康学院神经科学研究所教授、博士生导师。1982年毕业于泸州医学院医学专业。1988年在四川大学(华西医科大学)获得硕士学位。1995年在瑞典哥德堡大学获得博士学位。1999年任瑞典哥德堡大学副教授。2005年任瑞典隆德大学副教授,2011年任隆德大学教授。 在国际著名杂志包括Nature Medicine、Journal of Clinical Investigation、Stem Cells、Journal of Neuroscience、Trends in Neuroscience、Trends in Molecular Medicine 等发表100余篇论文,h-index 为39, 论文他引6000余次;多次在国内外学术会议上做大会报告。



2.神经退行性疾病中突触功能及轴浆运输功能障碍(synaptic and axonal dysfunction)的研究:我们提出了关于帕金森病与亨廷顿病发病机制的新假说,即变异的α-突触核蛋白和Huntingtin蛋白及其聚集物造成突触退化与神经细胞传递中断,由此导致神经细胞环路的“功能联系阻断”,最终引起神经细胞死亡。该假说为帕金森氏病和亨廷顿氏病发病进程中如何施以早期干预提供了一个新的研究方向。

3.干细胞治疗在神经退行性疾病的修复、移植策略和安全性评价的应用:证实干细胞分化程度与干细胞脑内移植后肿瘤形成的相关性,并对细胞治疗安全性进行评估。我们利用改良的移植技术,从发育生物学的角度,利用能影响人类胚胎干细胞(human embryonic stem cells, hESC)及诱导多能干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cells, iPSC)分化成为多巴胺神经细胞的信号分子通路,分化并生产可用于神经移植的神经细胞,以及作为研究相关疾病的模型。


1) Li W., Chen SD and Li J.-Y. (2015) Human induced pluripotent stem cells in Parkinson’s disease: a novel cell source of cell therapy and disease modeling. Prog. Neurobiol. (in press) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S**0982

2) Roybon L., Mastracci T. L., Li J., Stott S. R., Leiter A. B., Sussel L., Brundin P. and Li J.-Y. (2015) The origin, development and molecular diversity of rodent olfactory bulb glutamatergic neurons distinguished by expression of transcription factor NeuroD1. PlosOne, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.**.

3) Kiskis J.,Fink H., Nyberg L., Thyr J., Li J.-Y. and Enejder A. (2015) Plaque-associated lipids in Alzheimer’s diseased brain tissue visualized by nonlinear microscopy Sci. Report Aug 27;5:13489. doi: 10.1038/srep13489.

4) Vaikath NN, Majbour NK, Paleologou KE, Ardah MT, van Dam E, van de Berg WD, Forrest SL, Parkkinen L, Gai WP, Hattori N, Takanashi M, Lee SJ, Mann DM, Imai Y, Halliday GM, Li JY, El-Agnaf OM. (2015) Generation and characterization of novel conformation-specific monoclonal antibodies for a-synuclein pathology. Neurobiol Dis., 30:81-99.

5) Murmu R.P., Li W., Sepesi Z. and Li J.-Y. (2015). Altered sensory experience exacerbates stable dendritic spine and synapse loss in a mouse model of Huntington’s disease. J Neurosci. 35:287-298.

6) Holmqvist S., Marques O., Bousset L., Aldrin-Kirk P., Li W., Bj?rklund T., Wang Z.-Y. Roybon L., Melki R., and Li J.-Y. (2014) Direct evidence of Parkinson pathology spread from the gastrointestinal tract to the brain in rats. Acta Neuropath. PMID: **. 128: 805-820.

7) Kurowska, Z., Brundin P., Schwab M.E. and Li J.Y., (2014) Intracellular Nogo-A facilitates initiation of neurite formation in mouse midbrain neurons in vitro. Neuroscience 256: 456-466.

8) Murmu R.P., Li W., Holtmaat A.J., Li J.-Y. (2013) Dendritic spine instability leads to progressive neocortical spine loss in a mouse model of Huntington’s disease. J. Neurosci. 33: 12997-13009.

9) Hansen C., Bj?rklund T., Petit G.H., Lundblad M., Murmu R.P., Brundin P., Li J.-Y. (2013). A novel alpha-synuclein GFP mouse model displays progressive motor impairment, olfactory dysfunction and accumulation of alpha-synuclein GFP. Neurobiol. Dis. 56: 145-155.

10) ZhangH., PetitG., GaughwinP.M., Hansen C. ZuoX., RanganathanS., SmithR., RoybonL., BrundinP., MobleyW.C. and Li J.-Y. (2013) NGF improves the spatial working memory via the augmentation of cholinergic function and neurogenesis in R6/1 Huntington’s disease transgenic mice. J. Huntington Dis. 2: 69-82.

11) Li J.-Y and Conforti L. (2013) Axonopathies in Huntington’s disease. Exp. Neurol. 246: 62-71.

12) Hansen C. and Li J.-Y. (2012) Beyond alpha-synuclein transfer: Pathology propagation in Parkinson’s disease. Trends Mol. Med. 18: 248-255.

13) Jeon I*, Lee N.*, Li J.-Y*, Park I-H., Park K.S., Moon J., Shim S.H., Choi C., Chang D.-J., Kwon J., Oh S.-H. Shin D.A. Kim, H.S., Do J.T., Lee D.J., Kim M., Kang, K.-S., Daley G. Q. Brundin P. and Song J. (2012) Neuronal properties, in vivo effects and pathology of a Huntington’s disease patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells. Stem cells, 30: 2054-2062 (* equal contribution and shared first authors).

14) Kurowska Z., Englund E., Widner H., Lindvall O*., Li J.-Y*, #. and Brundin P*. (2011) Signs of degeneration in 12-22-year old grafts of mesencephalic dopamine neurons in patients with Parkinson’s disease. J. Park. Dis, 1: 83-92 (*Senior authors; # Correspondence author)

15) Hansen C., Angot E., Bergstr?m A.-L., Steiner J.A., Pieri L., Paul G., Outeiro T.F., Melki R., Kallunki P., Fog K., Li J.-Y.* and Brundin P*. (2011) α-synuclein propagates from mouse brain to grafted dopaminergic neurons and seeds aggregation in cultured human cells. J. Clin. Invest. 121: 715-725. (* Senior authors).

16) Roybon L., Mastracci T. L., Ribeiro D., Sussel L., Brundin P. and Li J.-Y. (2010) GABAergic differentiation induced by Mash1 is compromised by the bHLH proteins Neurogenin2, NeuroD1 and NeuroD2. Cerebral Cortex 20: 1234-1244.

17) Li J.-Y, Englund E., Widner H., Rehncrona S., Bj?rklund A., Lindvall O*. and Brundin P*.(2010) Characterization of Lewy body pathology in 12- and 16-year old intrastriatal mesencephalic grafts surviving in a patient with Parkinson’s disease. Mov. Disord 25:1091-1096. (* Equal contribution).

18) Roybon L., Hjalt T., Stott S., Guillemot F., Li J.-Y.* and Brundin P.* (2009) Neurogenin 2 directs hippocampal granule neurogenesis through a NeuroD1-controlled mechanism of cell-cycle exit and neuronal commitment, PloS One. 4: e4779 (* senior authors)

19) Roybon L., Deerborg T., Brundin P. and Li J.-Y. (2009) Involvement of Ngn2, Tbr and NeuroD proteins during postnatal olfactory bulb neurogenesis. Eur. J. Neurosci., 29: 232-243.

20) Smith R., Bacos K., Fedele V., Soulet D., Walz H., Obermüllerr S., Lindqvist A., Bj?rkqvist M., Klein P., Brundin P., Mulder H. and Li J.-Y. (2009) Mutant huntingtin interact with beta-tubulin and disrupts vesicular transport and insulin secretion. Human Mol. Gen.. 18:3942-3954.

21) Li J.-Y, Englund E, Holton J.L., Soulet D., Hagell P., Lees A.J., Lashley T., Quinn N.P., Rehncrona S., Bj?rklund A., Widner H., Revesz T.*, Lindvall O.* and Brundin P.* (2008) Lewy bodies in grafted neurons in subjects with Parkinson’s disease suggest host-to-graft disease propagation. Nat. Med. 14: 501-503. (*Equal contribution).

22) Li J.-Y., Christophersen N.S., Hall V., Soulet D. and Brundin P. (2008) Critical issues of clinical human embryonic stem cell therapy for brain repair. Trends Neurosci. 31: 146-153.




3. E-mail: jiayili@mail.neu.edu.cn; wl1042@gmail.com


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