

本站小编 Free考研网/2020-03-22

4、《批判 构建 启思——福斯特生态马克思主义思想研究》(合著)获得辽宁省政府2011-2012社科成果二等奖
13.《社会主义才是未来——第十三次共产党和工人党国际会议述评》 《红旗文稿》(CSSCI)2012年第4期。
14.《塞浦路斯劳动人民进步党执政与失政的原因与启示》《社会主义研究》(CSSCI),2013年第3期 人大复印资料《世界社会主义运动》2014年第1期转载。

English version
Wang Ximan is Professor, doctoral tutor, and the director of the Center for Study of Marxist Political Party in Contemporary World at Liaoning University. He is awarded the honor of “hundreds people level” of “ the hundreds—thousands projects, outstanding talent and teaching expert of ideological and political education in Liaoning Province, Shenyang technology model .He is engaged in researching Marxist political parties and genres.
Dr. Wang is the specially invited researcher of World Socialism Research Center of CASS, the specially invited researcher of Foreign Marxist Political Party Research Center at Central China Normal University, the director of Contemporary World Socialism Professional Committee of Chinese Society for Scientific Socialism, the researcher ofSocialism Research Center with Chinese Characteristics at Liaoning University, the assessment expert on China Postdoctoral Science Foundation and extension specialist at Liaoning University.
Dr. Wang was born in 1981, Qingdao, Shandong Province. After he received his Ph.D degree from Central China Normal University in June 2010,he teaches at Liaoning University students course “Maos’ Thought and the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics”, graduate course “A Study on the Frontier of Scientific Socialism”, “Introduction to Political Science ”,as well as doctoral course “A Study on the Frontier Issues of Basic Principles of Marxism”.
Learning Experience
2000—2004(LL.B),Major in Political Science and Public Administration,Shandong University of Technology
2004—2007(M.L),Major in Scientific Socialism and the Communist Movement, the Communist Party School of Liaoning Province
2007—2010(Ph.D),Major in Foreign Marxist,Central China Normal University
Research Situation
Dr. Wang has submitted more than 7 consulting report to the General Office ,CCCPC and Central Organization Department and International Department of CPC. And he has published more than 60 papers, in which 20 papers was published in the CSSCI at least .What’s more, he has finished 2 books alone and 7 books finished with others. In addition,Dr. Wang has finished 8 projects (approved and examined by Ministry of Education,and so on) and 5 major projects (approved and examined by National Social Science Fund).
Books (Monograph and Cooperation)
1. Theory and Practice of Greek Communist Party’s Exploration for Democracy and Socialist Revolution ( First books to explain the party systematically in China ;Be listed the Eleventh Five—Year Plan of National Important Books)
2. The Theory and Practice of Socialist Reform by the Working People's Progressive Party of Cyprus (First books to explain the party systematically in China ;Be listed the Eleventh Five—Year Plan of National Important Books )
3. A Study of Holism in Marxism (Coauthor) (The Third Prize of the Seventh College Humanities and Science Department of the Ministry of Education)
4. Critiques, structuring and inspiration.——a study on Foster's eco-Marxism ideas (Coauthor) (The Second Prize of Social Sciences of Liaoning Provincial Government 2011-2012)
5. New Stage, New Exploration, New Maroh——Theory and Practice of Communist Parties in Contemporary Capitalist Countries (Coauthor) (The Second Prize of the Tenth Social Sciences of Hubei Province)
6. Study on theTheoreticalSystem ofSocialism with ChineseCharacteristics, people's publishing house, 2011 edition.
1. Youth Project of National Social Science (A Study on the International Conference of the Communist Party and the Workers' Party in Contemporary World)
2. TheHumanities and Social Sciences Project of the Ministry of Education (A Study on the Theory and Practice of the Greek Communist Party 's Anti - Imperialist and Anti - Monopoly and Democratic Revolution)
3. The Eighth Batch of Special Funding on China Postdoctoral Fund (The Theory and Practice of Socialist Reform by the Working People's Progressive Party of Cyprus)
4. The First—Class Funding on China Postdoctoral Fund (The Theory and Practice of the Communist Party of Greece for Socialist after the Violent Change of Soviet Union and Eastem Europe.)
5. The Second—Class Funding on China Postdoctoral Fund (A Study on the Initiative of the European Communist Partyand Workers' Party)
6. The Project of The Hundreds—Thousands on Liaoning Province (The Theory, Strategy and Enlightenment of the Communist Party in the Capitalist Countries on the Current Economic Crisis)
7. The Humanities and Social Sciences Project of the Liaoning Province (A Study on the Ruling or Participation of the Communist Party in the Capitalist Countriesafter the Violent Change of Soviet Union and Eastem Europe )
8. The Project of Philosophy and Social Science Research Major Issues of the Ministry of Education in 2008 (A Study of the Theory and Practice of the Communist Party in Contemporary Capitalist Countries)
9. The Project of Philosophy and Social Science Research Major Issues of the Ministry of Education in 2013 (A Study on the Historical Evolution of the Main Schools of World Socialism )
Main Papers
1. An Analysis of the International Conference of the Communist Party and the Workers' Party During 1999 to 2011 , 12﹣04﹣15
2. An Analysis of the Initiative of the European Communist Party and Workers' Party , 16﹣07﹣15
3. The Evaluation of the Communist Party of Greece to the October Revolution ,08﹣05﹣04
4. The Greek Communist Party 's Views on the Current World Economic Crisis , 09﹣03﹣04
5. Metabolism and its Fracture Theory,08﹣06﹣10
6. The Social and Historical Roots of the Socialism Theory with Chinese Characteristics , 11﹣03﹣25
7. The Greek Communist Party 's Exploration of the Road of Socialist Development after the Violent Change of Soviet Union and Eastem Europe ,10﹣02﹣15
8. Marx 's View of Natural Society and Its Enlightenment, 11﹣11﹣25
9. Socialism is the Future - The Consensus of the Thirteenth World International Conference of the Communist Party and the Workers' Party , 12﹣04﹣10
10. The Latest Achievements of Marxist Hellenism - An Analysis of Theory of the Greek Communist Party on the Anti-imperialist and Anti-monopoly Socialist Revolution ,11﹣05﹣15
11. An Analysis of the 21st International Symposium on Communism, 12﹣08﹣20
12. Striving for Equality, Democracy, Peace and Socialism - An Analysis of the 26th Congress of the Communist Party of Israel,12﹣09﹣15
13. Socialism is the Future - A Review of the Thirteenth International Conference of the Communist Party and the Workers' Party, 12﹣04﹣10
14. The Reasons and Enlightenment of the Failure of Being in Power of the Working People's Progressive Party of Cyprus’, 13﹣06﹣10
15. The Impact of the Hungarian Workers 'Party around the Party' s Media in the Contemporary Working Class Struggle, 13﹣09﹣15
16. On the Theoretical Foundation of the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, 13﹣06﹣10
17. On the Path and Consciousness of Marxism 's Innovation in Contemporary China,14﹣01﹣25
18. The Consensus and Differences between the 15th International Conference of the Communist Party and the Workers' Party, 14﹣04﹣20
19. The Theory and Practice of the Communist Party of Greece to Explore the International Union of World Socialism,14﹣06﹣20
20. The Results, Characteristics and Functions of the Seventeenth International Conference of the Communist Party and the Workers' Party, 16﹣02﹣20
21. New Trends of Regional Cooperation in the European Communist Party, 16﹣06﹣25
22. Israel' s Triple Crisis and The Viewpoints of Israel 's Communist Party towards The Late Capitalism, 17﹣04﹣20
23. The Evolution of The Greek Communist Party’Alliance Organization Form In Thirty Years,17-6-25
Tel /Fax:
Address:School of Marxism, Liaoning University, No.66, Central Chongshan Road, Huanggu District, Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China
Postal code: 110036
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