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20多年来研究成果主要集中在 1.卤虫的分类生物学、分子群体遗传学研究2.海洋鱼类和对虾的重要饵料生物—卤虫资源的开发利用3.海洋鱼类白化病的防治技术研究4.卤虫的胚胎发育相关基因的研究5.贝类稳定生产工艺技术研究,6.大连重要海洋经济动物—刺参、扇贝、鲍鱼的种质资源研究。
90年代初,中国两性生殖卤虫的分类地位的问题,在国内外一直没有得到解决,课题组应用分子生物学的方法对中国两性生殖卤虫各品系的分类地位进行了深入细致的研究,把中国两性生殖生殖卤虫各品系定名为Artemia sinica,主要解决了我国两性生殖卤虫的分类地位和系统发生问题。
对多个卤虫胚胎发育相关基因(如trp、acch、MyD88、GNBP、ste20、NUPR1 、sumo-1、Hox、APH、trh、V-ATPase、P26等)及刺参发育和再生相关基因的表达部位、各胚胎发育不同时期表达水平(用Real-Time PCR法)进行了深入的研究,以进一步探究卤虫滞育的分子机制。
1.TRP-ERK 通路在低温解除中国卤虫休眠胚胎滞育过程中的作用及分子机制,国家自然科学基金项目,2013.1—2016.12,编号:**, 主持人。
3.仿刺参定向选育、优质苗种生产及遗传稳定性评价. 辽宁省海洋与渔业厅科研项目,**,主持人。
4.仿刺参优良性状目标选育及遗传稳定性评价分析,辽宁省教育厅科研项目,2009.1-2011.12. 编号:2009T054,正在进行中。
1. Li ZR, Yao F, Chen YF, Zhang R, Lv Y, Zhao Na, Wang T, Xin WT, Hou L*, Zou XY. Molecular cloning, characterization and expression analysis of ubiquitin protein ligase gene (As-ubpl) from Artemia sinica. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B, 2013, DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpb.2013.03.009. (SCI)
2. Li QY, Zhang QZ, Han LL, Yuan Z, Tan J, Du B, Zou XY, Hou L*. Molecular Characterization and Expression of As-nurp1Gene From Artemia sinica During Development and in Response to Salinity and Temperature Stress. Biol. Bull. 2012, 222: 182–191.(SCI)
3. Tan J, Liu ZH, Perfetto M, Han LL, Li QY, Zhang QZ, Wu RJ, Yuan Z, Zou XY, Hou L*. Isolation and purification of the peptides from Apostichopus japonicus and evaluation of its antibacterial and antitumor activities. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 2012, 6(44):7139-7146. (SCI)
4. Zhang QZ, Hou L* Expression pattern of ClC gene in early embryonic development and salt stress of Artemia sinica. 2012,online:DOI: 10.1007/s11033-012-2441-y
5. Li X,Hou L*, Ma J,Liu YD, Zheng LP, Zou XY. Cloning and characterization of β-catenin gene in early embryonic developmental stage of Artemia sinica, Mol Biol Rep, 2012,39:701–707.(SCI)
6. Wang JQ, Hou L*, Yi N, Zhang RF, Zou XY. Molecular analysis and its expression of a pou homeobox protein gene during development and in response to salinity stress from brine shrimp, Artemia sinica. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A,2012,161 (1) : 36–43. (SCI)
7. Wang JQ, Hou L*, Yi N, Zhang RF, Zou XY,Xiao Q, Guo R. Molecular cloning and its expression of trachealess gene (As-trh) during development in brine shrimp, Artemia sinica. Mol Biol Rep, 2012,39(2):1659-1665.(SCI)
8. Zheng LP, Hou L*, Chang AK, Yu M, Ma J, Li X, Zou XY, Expression pattern of a Gram- negativ ebacteria-bindingproteininearly embryonic developmentof Artemia sinica and afterbacterialchallenge. Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2011,35(1):35—43. (SCI)
9. Han LL, Yuan Z, Hans-Uwe D, Li, Zhang QZ,Wu RJ, Tan J, Zou XY*, Hou L*. Molecular cloning, characterization and expression analysis of a C-type lectin (AJCTL) from the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus. Immunology Letters, 2012,143, 137—145.(SCI)
10. Yuan Z, Hans-Uwe Dahms, Han LL, Li QY, Zhang QZ, Wu RJ, Tan J, Zou XY, Hou L*. Cloning and characterization of a trypsin-like serine protease gene, a novel regeneration-related gene from Apostichopus japonicus, 502, 46—52. (SCI)
11. Wang JQ, Hou L*, He ZF, Li DZ, Jiang LJ. Bioinformatic analysis of embryo development related small heat shock protein Hsp26 in Artemia species, Front. Biol. 2012,DOI 10.1007/s11515-011-1999-4, Online.
12. Zheng LP, Hou L*, Chang AK, Yu M, Ma J, Li X, Zou XY, Expression pattern of a Gram- negative bacteria-binding protein in early embryonic developmentof Artemia sinica and after bacterial challenge. Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2011,35(1):35–43. (SCI)
13. Sun X, He Y, Hou L, Yang WX. Myosin Va Participates in Acrosomal Formation and Nuclear Morphogenesis during Spermatogenesis of Chinese Mitten Crab Eriocheir sinensis. PLoS one,2010, 5(9):1–9.(SCI)
14. Yu KM, Hou L*, Zhu JQ, Ying XP, Yang WX. KIFC1 participates in acrosomal biogenesis, with discussion of its importance for the perforatorium in the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. Cell Tissue Res 2009,337 (1):113–23.(SCI)
15. Liu XJ, Li-Ling J, Hou L, Li QW, Ma F.Identification and characterization of a chitinase-coding gene from Lamprey (Lampetra japonica) with a role in gonadal development and innate immunity. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 2009, (33): 257–263 (SCI)
16. Li X, Liu QH, Hou L, Huang J. Effect of VP28 DNA vaccine on white spot syndrome virus in Litopenaeus vannamei Aquacult Int,2010,18(6):1035–1044 .(SCI)
17. Ma XJ, Jesse Li-Ling, Huang QL, Chen X, Hou L, Ma F. Systematic analysis of alternative promoters correlated with alternative splicing in human genes. Genomics, 2009, (93): 420–425 (SCI)
18. Shan ZG, Li HJ, Bao XB, He CB, Yu HN, Liu WD*, Hou L*, Wang J, Zhu D, Sui LJ, Zhu B, Li YF. A selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase in the Japanese scallop, Mizuhopecten yessoensis: cDNA cloning, promoter sequence analysis and mRNA expression. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B, 2011, 159: 1–9. (SCI).
19. Wang JQ, Hou L. Unigene derived SSR analysis for the Fugu rubripes and insights into the characteristics of EST-SSR distribution in tissues/organs. Front. Agric. China, 2010, 4(1): 121–127.
20. Wang JQ, Hou L*, Zou XY, Yao F, Li XY, Zhao XT, Zhang RF, Jiang LJ, Sun WJ, An JL. Cloning and characterization of a novel albinism related zinc finger protein gene by differential mRNA display in Japanese flounder,Fish Physiol Biochem ,2007,33(2):143—151. (SCI).
21. Jiang LJ, Hou L*, Zou XY, Zhang RF, , Wang JQ, Sun WJ, Zhao XT, An JL. Cloning and expression analysis of p26 gene in Artemia sinica. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 2007, 39(5): 351-358 (SCI)
22. Wang W, Hou L*, Zou XY, Yao F, Yin B, Chen LQ. Effects of enriched live foods in prevention of albinism of flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) in large-scale industrial farming. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture, 2007, 59 (3): 137-145(SCI).
23. Wang W, Chen LQ, Yang P, Hou L, He CB, Gu ZM, Liu ZJ. ssessing genetic diversity of populations of topmouth culter (Culter alburnus) in China using AFLP markers. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2007, (35): 662-669(SCI)
24. Wang JQ, Hou L*, Zhang RF, Zhao XT, Jiang LJ, Sun WJ, An JL, Li XY. Tyrosinase gene family and albinism in fish.2006, Chinese Journl Oceanology and Limnology, 2006,24(4):352-358.
25. Hou L*, Bi XD, Zou XY, He CB, Yang L, Qu RZ, Liu ZJ. Molecular systematics of bisexual Artemia populations. Aquaculture Research, 2006, 37, 671—680.(SCI)
26. Hou L*, Lü HL, Zou XY, Bi XD, Yan DQ, He CB. Genetic characterizations of Mactra veneriformis (Bivalve) along the Chinese coast using ISSR-PCR markers. Aquaculture, 2006, 261:865—871. (SCI).
27. Hou L*, Li HY, Zou XY, Yao F, Bi XD, He CB. Population genetic structure and genetic differentiation of Artemia parthenogenetica in China.J.shellfish research, 2006, 25(3): 999—1006. (SCI)
28. Hou L*, Chen ZJ, Xu MY, Lin SG, Wang L. Hox genes and study of Hox genes in crustacean. Chinese Journl Oceanology and Limnology, 2004,22(4):392-398.
29. 孙丽哲 侯 林*. Notch的结构、功能和相关信号通路. 中国细胞生物学学报, 2010, 32(6):1-7
30. 郑路平,于淼,邹向阳,侯林*.革兰氏阴性菌结合蛋白(Toll/GNBPs)和肽聚糖识别蛋白(PGRPs)在无脊椎动物先天免疫应答中的作用.中国微生态学杂志,2010,22(2):171–174.
31. 王家庆, 侯林*,齐遵利,李代宗,钟尉方,姚 锋. 褐牙鲆白化相关基因zfp123的组织表达谱与蛋白结构分析. 应用与环境生物学报 2008,14(6): 779-782.
32. 董长永,侯林*,隋娜,张筠,王明昌,李妍. 中国沿海蛾螺科5属10种28S rRNA基因的系统学分析.动物学报,2008,54(5):814-821.
33. 王家庆,侯林*,邹向阳,姚峰,李晓燕.大菱鲆白化相关基因(DEN-1、DEN-2)的分离鉴定及特征分析.动物学报,2007,5(1):159-166.
34. 侯 林*,邹向阳,姚 锋,林盛国,徐明玉,陈志娟,姜丽娟,孙文静.中国卤虫(Artemia sinica)早期胚胎发育相关基因表达序列标签(ESTs)分析。 海洋与湖沼,2008,39(2):139-144.
35. 侯林*,高岩,邹向阳,毕相东.香螺精子发生及精子超微结构。动物学报,2006,52(4):746—754.
36. 张瑞锋,侯林*,邹向阳,赵欣涛,王家庆,姜丽娟,孙文静,安家璐,曲淑贤.中国卤虫早期胚胎发育相关基因的研究,海洋与湖沼通报,2007,1:88-92.
37. 闫晗,侯林*,毕相东,王雪.扩增仿刺参SSR 和ISSR 指纹技术的初步研究。海洋湖沼通报,2006,(1):68—74.
38. 侯林,高岩,邹向阳,毕相东.香螺精子发生及精子超微结构。动物学报,2006,52(4):746—754。
39. 王家庆,侯林*,邹向阳,姚峰,李晓燕. 大菱鲆白化相关基因(DEN-1、DEN-2)的分离鉴定及特征分析.动物学报,2007,5(1):159-166。
40. 侯林,邹向阳,姚锋,林盛国,徐明玉,陈志娟,姜丽娟,孙文静.?中国卤虫(Artemia sinica)早期胚胎发育相关基因表达序列标签(ESTs)分析. 海洋与湖沼, 2008.39(2):139–144.
41. 张瑞锋,侯林*,邹向阳,赵欣涛,王家庆,姜丽娟,孙文静,安家璐,曲淑贤. 中国卤虫早期胚胎发育相关基因的研究卤虫幼体trh基因的整体荧光原位杂交技术的建立.海洋与湖沼通报,2007,1:88–92.
42. 林盛国,侯林*,陈志娟.中国卤虫早期胚胎发育相关基因的研究- mRNA差异显示技术的三种不同染色方法比较.海洋湖沼通报,2005,1:67–72.
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