

中国科学院金属研究所 免费考研网/2016-05-09


吴欣强,男,中国科学院金属研究所研究员,博士生导师。现为中国腐蚀与防护学会青年工作委员会副秘书长、中国腐蚀与防护学会耐蚀金属材料专业委员会委员、辽宁省腐蚀与防护学会耐蚀金属材料专业委员会副主任委员、辽宁省核电材料安全与评价技术重点实验室副主任,The Open Corrosion Journal、Global Journal of Physical Chemistry、《中国腐蚀与防护学报》、《腐蚀科学与防护技术》编委。

1971. 12生于湖北省赤壁市;1993. 7毕业于哈尔滨船舶工程学院金属材料与热处理专业获学士学位;1996. 2毕业于哈尔滨工程大学机械学专业获硕士学位;1999. 6月毕业于中国科学院金属研究所材料学专业获博士学位;2001. 1晋升为副研究员;2001. 2-2002. 2月获韩国BK-21计划资助赴韩国科学技术院(KAIST)、2002. 3-2005. 3获日本STX-21计划资助赴日本国立物质 材料研究机构(NIMS)从事轻水堆核电站关键设备材料服役损伤研究;2005. 7入选中国科学院金属研究所“引进优秀学者”;2008. 9晋升为研究员;2011. 4被评为博士生导师。2011. 5获首届“辽宁省直属机关青年五四奖章”。

主要从事材料高温高压水服役损伤行为与评价技术研究。以能源安全为背景,研究现役和大型先进压水堆核电站及第四代超临界水冷堆关键设备材料的服役行为、国产化、运行水化学优化、在线监检测原理与方法、寿命设计与评价技术;同时涉及超超临界火电机组关键设备材料的服役损伤评价、超临界水氧化处理新技术的开发及关键设备选材、超临界水热合成原理与工艺研究,以及新型耐蚀材料研发及腐蚀性能评价等工作。近五年负责了国家自然科学基金面上项目、重点项目专题、973项目子课题和专题、国家科技重大专项专题、中科院重大仪器研制项目、辽宁省科学技术基金及企业横向技术开发等十余项课题。研究成果获得了国际著名核电机构如IAEA、EPRI、AECL、KAERI等的关注和认可,2008和2012年两次获得IAEA的官方资助出席核反应堆水化学国际会议(NPC 2008和NPC 2012),报道了国产核电材料高温高压水环境损伤方面的研究进展;2010年应邀赴KAERI讲座和交流;2013年应邀在亚洲核电厂水化学与腐蚀国际会议上做大会特邀报告。相关研究同时也引起国内核电设计、制造、运行、监管和研究单位的关注,部分授权专利技术已在国内核电企业获得了应用,2010年应邀在全国耐蚀金属材料第十二届学术会议上做大会特邀报告。发表学术论文190余篇,SCI收录80余篇,SCI引用625次(他引420次);1篇论文获2013年度中国腐蚀与防护学会优秀论文奖,6篇论文获全国耐蚀金属材料学术会议优秀论文奖。授权国家发明专利14项,实用新型专利12项。指导毕业博士生9名,其中2名获得2012和2013年度中国科学院院长优秀奖;毕业硕士生3名,其中1名获2009年度辽宁省优秀硕士论文奖;目前在读博士生4名。


(1) 高温高压循环水和超临界水模拟设备与实验技术

(2) 高温高压水腐蚀电化学及在线监检测技术

(3) 核电运行水化学影响腐蚀损伤的机理与参数优化

(4) 核电材料高温高压水腐蚀疲劳及寿命设计模型

(5) 超临界水腐蚀损伤行为与评价

(6) 新型耐蚀材料研发及腐蚀性能评价


辽宁省沈阳市文萃路62号中国科学院金属研究所南区环境腐蚀中心 110016

办公电话:** 电子邮件: xqwu@imr.ac.cn



(1) J. B. Tan, X. Q. Wu*, E.-H. Han, We Ke, X. Q. Liu, F. J. Meng, X. L. Xu, Corrosion fatigue behavior of Alloy 690 steam generator tube in borated and lithiated high temperature water, Corrosion Science, 2014, in press.

(2) X. Q. Wu*, J. Xu, W. Ke, S. Xu, B. Feng, B. T. Hu, Effects of pH value on corrosion behavior of thermal sprayed Al-Si coated Q235 steel in simulated soil solutions, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 23, 2014, 2265-2273.

(3) X. Liu, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Effect of temperature on electrochemical corrosion of domestic nuclear-grade 316L stainless steel in Zn-injected aqueous environment, Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 50(1), 2014, 64-70.

(4) X. Liu, E. H. Han*, X. Q. Wu, Effects of pH value on characteristics of oxide films on 316L stainless steel in Zn-injected borated and lithiated high temperature water, Corrosion Science, 78, 2014, 200-207.

(5) X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Y. M. Xu, Nuclear power development and major research projects in China, Symposium on Water Chemistry and Corrosion in Nuclear Power Plants in Asia, 2013, October 14-17, 2013, Taichung, Taiwan, Plenary Talk.

(6) X. Q. Wu*, W. J. Kuang, E. H. Han, W. Ke, Y. Tang, T. C. Dan, Characteristics of oxide films on nickel-base Alloy 690 exposed to oxygenated high temperature pure water, Proceedings of Symposium on Water Chemistry and Corrosion in Nuclear Power Plants in Asia, 2013, October 14-17, 2013, Taichung, Taiwan, Session B, Paper No.8, pp. 1-7.

(7) X. Liu, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Electrochemical and surface analytical investigation of the effects of Zn concentrations on characteristics of oxide films on 304 stainless steel in borated and lithiated high temperature water, Electrochimica Acta, 108, 2013, 554-565.

(8) J. Xu, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Acoustic emission response of sensitized 304 stainless steel during intergranular corrosion and stress corrosion cracking, Corrosion Science, 73, 2013, 262-273.

(9) W. Kuang, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Influence of dissolved oxygen concentration on the oxide film formed on Alloy 690 in high temperature water, Corrosion Science, 69, 2013, 2013, 197-204.

(10) X. Y. Zhong, E. H. Han*, X. Q. Wu*, Corrosion behavior of Alloy 690 in aerated supercritical water, Corrosion Science, 66(1), 2013, 369-379.

(11) X. Q. Wu*, X. H. Liu, E. H. Han, W. Ke, Influence of Zn injection on corrosion behavior and oxide film characteristics of 304 stainless steel in borated and lithiated high temperature water, Proceedings of the International Conference on Water Chemistry of Nuclear Reactor Systems, September 23-28, 2012, Paris, France, Paper No. 28-O27.

(12) X. Q. Wu*, W. J. Kuang, E. H. Han, W. Ke, Oxidation corrosion characteristics of nuclear-grade 304 SS in oxygenated high temperature pure water, The 16th APCCC, October 21-24, 2012, Koahsiung, Taiwan, Paper No.0104.

(13) J. Xu, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, The evolution of electrochemical behaviour and oxide film properties of 304 stainless steel in high temperature aqueous environment, Electrochimica Acta, 71(6), 2012, 219-226.

(14) X. Liu, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Effect of Zn injection on established surface oxide films on 316L stainless steel in borated and lithiated high temperature water, Corrosion Science, 65(12), 2012, 136-144.

(15) W. Kuang, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Influence of dissolved oxygen concentration on the oxide film formed on 304 stainless steel in high temperature water, Corrosion Science, 63(10), 2012, 259-266.

(16) J. Xu, E. H. Han*, X. Q. Wu*, Acoustic emission response of 304 stainless steel during constant load test in high temperature aqueous environment, Corrosion Science, 63(10), 2012, 91-99.

(17) X. Y. Zhong, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, The characteristic of oxide scales on T91 tube after long-term service in an USC coal power plant, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2012, 72(12), 68-77.

(18) H. Sun, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Y. Z. Wei, Effects of pH and dissolved oxygen on electrochemical behavior and oxide films of 304SS in borated and lithiated high temperature water, Corrosion Science, 59(6), 2012, 334-342.

(19) X. Q. Wu*, X. H. Liu, E. H. Han, W. Ke, Electrochemical corrosion behaviour of Alloy 690 in simulated PWR high temperature aqueous environments, 18th International Corrosion Congress, Peth, Australia, November 20-24, 2011, Paper No.168.

(20) W. Kuang, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, J. C. Rao, The mechanism of oxide film formation on Alloy 690 in oxygenated high temperature water, Corrosion Science, 53(11), 2011, 3853-3860.

(21) X. Liu, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Influence of Zn injection on characteristics of oxide film on 304 stainless steel in borated and lithiated high temperature water, Corrosion Science, 53(10), 2011, 3337-3345.

(22) J. Huang, X. Liu, E. H. Han*, X. Q. Wu*, Influence of Zn on oxide films on Alloy 690 in borated and lithiated high temperature water, Corrosion Science, 53(10), 2011, 3254-3261.

(23) W. Kuang, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Effect of alternately changing the dissolved Ni ion concentration on the oxidation of 304 stainless steel in oxygenated high temperature water, Corrosion Science, 53(8), 2011, 2582-2591.

(24) J. Xu, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Acoustic emission during pitting corrosion of 304 stainless steel, Corrosion Science, 53(4), 2011, 1537-1546.

(25) W. Kuang, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, L. Ruan, Effect of nickel ion from autoclave material on oxidation behavior of 304 stainless steel in oxygenated high temperature water, Corrosion Science, 53(3), 2011, 1107-1114.

(26) J. Xu, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, The acoustic emission during electrochemical corrosion of 304 stainless steel in H2SO4 solutions, Corrosion Science, 53(1), 2011, 448-457.

(27) X. Q. Wu*, J. B. Huang, E. H. Han, W. Ke, Electrochemical corrosion behavior of Alloy 690 in simulated SG crevice solutions in PWR secondary circuit, Proceedings of the International Conference on Water Chemistry of Nuclear Reactor Systems, October 3-7, 2010, Quebec, Canada, Paper 5.10P, pp. 1-11.

(28) X. Q. Wu*, M. C. Sun, E. H. Han, Oxidation of stainless steels and nicke-base alloys in supercritical water containing H2O2 environments, NACE 2010, NACE Store-10197, 1-12.

(29) W. Kuang, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, The oxidation behavior of 304 stainless steel in oxygenated high temperature water, Corrosion Science, 52(12), 2010, 4081-4087.

(30) W. Kuang, E. H. Han*, X. Q. Wu, J. C. Rao, Microstructural characteristics of the oxide scale formed on 304 stainless steel in oxygenated high temperature water, Corrosion Science, 52(11), 2010, 3654-3660.

(31) J. Huang, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Electrochemical properties and growth mechanism of passive films on Alloy 690 in high-temperature alkaline environments, Corrosion Science, 52(10), 2010, 3444-3452.

(32) X. Y. Zhong, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, X. B. Song, Corrosion failure analysis of pure nickel thermocouple tube used in BaTiO3 hydrothermal synthesis reactor, Engineering Failure Analysis, 17(6), 2010, 1404-1412.

(33) X. Q. Wu*, J. B. Huang, E. H. Han, Influence of temperature and pH value on electrochemical corrosion behaviors of Alloy 690 in high-temperature aqueous environments, Symposium on Water Chemistry and Corrosion in Nuclear Power Plants in Asia, 2009, October 28-30, 2009, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan, P. 153-158.

(34) X. Q. Wu*, Y. Fu, E. H. Han, W. Ke, K. Yang, Z. H. Jiang, Roles of nitrogen, cold work and sensitization treatment on electrochemical corrosion behavior of nickel free high nitrogen stainless steels, Proceedings of the International Conference on High Nitrogen Steels HNS2009, July 6-8, 2009, Moscow, Russia, pp. 294-299.

(35) M. C. Sun, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, J. C. Rao, Microstructural characteristics of oxide scales grown on stainless steel exposed to supercritical water, Scripta Materialia, 61(10), 2009, 996-999.

(36) J. Huang, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Influence of pH on electrochemical properties of passive films formed on Alloy 690 in high temperature aqueous environments, Corrosion Science, 51(12), 2009, 2840-2847.

(37) H. Sun, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Effects of temperature on the oxide film properties of 304 stainless steel in high temperature lithium borate buffer solution, Corrosion Science, 51(12), 2009, 2976-2982.

(38) H. Sun, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Effects of temperature on the protective property, structure and composition of the oxide film on Alloy 625, Corrosion Science, 51(11), 2009, 2565-2572.

(39) M. C. Sun, X. Q. Wu*, Z. E. Zhang, E. H. Han, Oxidation of 316 stainless steel in supercritical water, Corrosion Science, 51(5), 2009, 1069-1072.

(40) S. Xu, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, W. Ke, Effects of strain rate and temperature on tensile properties of a SA508 Cl.3 steel for reactor pressure vessel, Journal of Materials Science, 44(11), 2009, 2882-2889.

(41) Y. Fu, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, W. Ke, K. Yang, Z. H. Jiang, Effects of nitrogen on the passivation of high nitrogen stainless steels in acidic chloride solutions, Electrochimica Acta, 54(16), 2009, 4005-4014.

(42) Y. Fu, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, W. Ke, K. Yang, Z. H. Jiang, Effects of cold work, sensitization treatment on the corrosion resistance of high nitrogen stainless steel in chloride solutions, Electrochimica Acta, 54(5), 2009, 1618-1629.

(43) S. Xu, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, W. Ke, Effects of strain rate and temperature on tensile properties of a SA508 Cl.3 steel for reactor pressure vessel, Journal of Materials Science, 44(11), 2009, 2882-2889.

(44) X. Q. Wu*, Y. Fu, J. B. Huang, E. H. Han, W. Ke, K. Yang, Z. H. Jiang, Investigation on pitting corrosion of nickel free and manganese alloyed high nitrogen stainless steels, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 18(3), 2009, 287-298.

(45) X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Y. Katada, Investigation on environmental and mechanical factors on environmental assisted cracking of low-alloy pressure vessel steels in high temperature water, Proceedings of the International Conference on Water Chemistry of Nuclear Reactor Systems, September 15-18, 2008, Berlin, Germany, P2-51, 1-8.

(46) Y. Fu, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, W. Ke, K. Yang, Z. H. Jiang, Influence of cold work on pitting corrosion behavior of a high nitrogen stainless steel, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 155(8), 2008, C455-C463.

(47) M. C. Sun, X. Q. Wu*, Z. E. Zhang, E. H. Han, Analyses of oxide films grown on Alloy 625 in oxidizing supercritical water, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 47(2), 2008, 309-317.

(48) S. Xu, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, W. Ke, Y. Katada, Crack initiation mechanisms for low cycle fatigue of type 316Ti stainless steel in high temperature water, Materials Science and Engineering A, A49(1-2), 2008, 16-25.

(49) X. Q. Wu*, S. Xu, J. B. Huang, E. H. Han, W. Ke, K. Yang, Z. H. Jiang, Uniform and intergranular corrosion behavior of nickel free and manganese alloyed high nitrogen stainless steels, Materials and Corrosion, 59(8), 2008, 676-684.

(50) X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, W. Ke, Y. Katada, Effects of loading factors on environmental fatigue behavior of low-alloy pressure vessel steels in simulated BWR water, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 237(12-13), 2007, 1452-1459.

(51) X. Q. Wu*, Y. Katada, Roles of Dynamic strain aging in corrosion fatigue of low-alloy pressure vessel steel in high temperature water, Journal of Materials Science, 42(2), 2007, 633-639.

(52) X. Gao, X. Q. Wu*, H. Guan, E. H. Han, Characterization of oxide films grown on 316L stainless steel exposed to H2O2-containing supercritical water, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 42, 2007, 157-163.

(53) D. Zhao, X. Q. Wu*, H. Guan, E. H. Han,Study on supercritical hydrothermal synthesis of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles,The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 42, 2007, 226-233.

(54) X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, W. Ke, Y. Katada, Effects of material factors on corrosion fatigue behavior of reactor pressure vessel steels in high temperature pressurized water, Proceedings of the International Conference on Water Chemistry of Nuclear Reactor Systems, October 23-26, 2006, Jeju Island, Korea, Paper No. P2-13.

(55) X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, W. Ke, K. Yang, Y. Katada,Lamellar-like microstructure appeared in ni-free high-nitrogen stainless steels and its effects on pitting corrosion, Proceedings of the International Conference on High Nitrogen Steels HNS2006, August 29-31, 2006, Jiuzhaigou Valley, P. R. China, P. 191-196.

(56) X. Q. Wu*, H. Guan, E. H. Han, W. Ke, Y. Katada, Influence of surface finish on cyclic cracking behavior of pressure vessel steel in high temperature water, Materials and Corrosion, 57(11), 2006, 868-871.

(57) X. Q. Wu*, Y. Katada, Strain rate dependence of low cycle fatigue behavior in a simulated BWR environment, Corrosion Science, 47(6), 2005, 1415-1428.

(58) X. Q. Wu*, Y. Katada, Strain-amplitude dependent fatigue resistance of low-alloy pressure vessel steels in high-temperature water, Journal of Materials Science, 40, 2005, 1953-1958.

(59) X. Q. Wu*, Y. Katada, Inclusion-involved fatigue cracking in high temperature water, Materials and Corrosion, 56(5), 2005, 305-311.

(60) X. Q. Wu*, Y. Katada, Interactive mechanisms of sulfide inclusions and environmental factors in low cycle fatigue process of pressure vessel steels in high temperature water, Materials Science Forum, 475-479, 2005, 253-256.

(61) X. Q. Wu*, Y. Katada, Corrosion fatigue behavior of low-alloy pressure vessel steels in high temperature water under multi-factor conditions, 2004 ASME/JSME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference, ASME PVP Vol.480, Pressure Vessels and Piping Codes and Standards-2004, No. PVP2004-2676, G. S. Chakrabarti Ed. La Jolla, San Diego, California, USA, July 25-29, 2004, 83-90.

(62) X. Q. Wu*, Y. Katada, Typical cyclic cracking features and related corrosion fatigue mechanisms for pressure vessel steels in high temperature water, Proceedings of the 13th Asian-Pacific Corrosion Control Conference (APCCC-13), November 16-21, 2003, Osaka, Japan, Paper No. H-03 (CD-R), pp. 1-8.

(63) X. Q. Wu*, H. M. Jing, Y. G. Zheng, Z. M. Yao, and W. Ke, Resistance of molybdenum-bearing stainless steels and molybdenum-bearing stainless-steel coating to naphthenic acid corrosion and erosion-corrosion, Corrosion Science, 46(4), 2004, 1013-1032.

(64) X. Q. Wu*, Y. Katada, Cyclic cracking behavior of low-alloy pressure vessel steel in simulated BWR water, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 328(2-3), 2004, 115-123.

(65) X. Q. Wu*, Y. Katada, Influence of cyclic strain rate on environmentally assisted cracking behavior of pressure vessel steel in high temperature water, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2004, 379(1-2), 2004, 58-71.

(66) X. Q. Wu*, Y. Katada, S. G. Lee, I. S. Kim, Hydrogen-involved tensile and cyclic deformation behavior of low alloy pressure vessel steel, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 35A, 2004, 1477-1486.

(67) X. Q. Wu*, Y. Katada, Corrosion fatigue behavior of low-alloy pressure vessel steels in high temperature water under multi-factor conditions, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Transactions of the ASME, 126(4), 2004, 466-472.

(68) X. Q. Wu*, Y. Katada, Role of inclusions and carbide bands in corrosion fatigue of pressure vessel steel in high temperature water, Corrosion, 60(11), 2004, 1045-1057.

(69) X. Q. Wu*, Y. Katada, Influence of strain rate change on corrosion fatigue behavior of A533B steel in simulated BWR water, Journal of Materials Science, 39(7), 2004, 2519-2522.

(70) X. Q. Wu*, H. M. Jing, Y. G. Zheng, Z. M. Yao, W. Ke, Study on high-temperature naphthenic acid corrosion and erosion-corrosion of aluminized carbon steel, Journal of Materials Science, 39(3), 2004, 975-985.

(71) X. Q. Wu*, H. M. Jing, Y. G. Zheng, Z. M. Yao, W. Ke, Erosion-corrosion of various oil-refining materials in naphthenic acid, Wear, 256(1-2), 2004, 133-144.

(72) X. Q. Wu*, Y. Katada, Effects of strain rate on low cycle fatigue behavior of thermally aged A533b pressure vessel steels in high temperature water, 2003 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference, ASME PVP Vol.453, Pressure Vessels and Piping Codes and Standards-2003, No. PVP2003-1773, G. S. Chakrabarti Ed., July 20-24, 2003, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, pp. 87-95.

(73) X. Q. Wu*, I. S. Kim, Effects of strain rate and temperature on tensile behavior of hydrogen-charged SA508 Cl.3 pressure vessel steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 348(1-2), 2003, 309-318.

(74) X. Q. Wu*, H. M. Jing, Y. G. Zheng, Z. M. Yao, W. Ke, Corrosion and erosion-corrosion behaviors of carbon steel in naphthenic acid mediums, Materials and Corrosion, 53(11), 2002, 833-844.

(75) X. Q. Wu*, I. S. Kim, Y. G. Zheng, W. Ke, Study on the naphthenic acid erosion-corrosion behaviors and prevention methods of carbon steel, Proceedings of the 12th Asian-Pacific Corrosion Control Conference (APCCC-12), October 8-12, 2001, Seoul, Korea, Volume 2, 1202-1211.

(76) X. Q. Wu*, Y. G. Zheng, Z. M. Yao, W. Ke, Coking of HP tubes in ethylene steam cracking plant and its mitigation, British Corrosion Journal, 36(2), 2001, 121-126.

(77)X. Q. Wu*, H. M. Jing, Y. G. Zheng, W. Ke, Y. S. Yang, Z. Q. Hu, Mechanical properties of the industrial HK40 reforming tubes produced by an improved centrifugal processing, Zeitschrift Für Metallkunde, 92(2), 2001, 179-183.

(78)X. Q. Wu*, H. M. Jing, Y. G. Zheng, Z. M. Yao, W. Ke, Z. Q. Hu, The eutectic carbides and creep rupture strength of 25Cr20Ni heat-resistant steel tubes centrifugally cast with different solidification conditions, Materials Science and Engineering A, 293(1-2), 2000, 252-260.

(79)X. Q. Wu*, Y. S. Yang, W. Y. He, Q. Zhan, Z. Q. Hu, Morphologies of coke deposited on surfaces of pure Ni and Fe-Cr-Ni-Mn alloys during pyrolysis of propane, Journal of Materials Science, 35(4), 2000, 855-862.


(1) 一种带高温高压循环水的腐蚀疲劳试验装置,专利号: ZL 2010 1 **. 6,授权日:2013.10.16.

(2) 实现高温高压水体系电化学测试的工作电极,专利号: ZL 2011 1 **. 0,授权日:2013.08.07.

(3) 一种带声发射测试的高温高压循环水恒载拉伸实验装置,专利号: ZL 2011 1 **. 4,授权日:2013.06.19.

(4) 一种高温高压水腐蚀疲劳实验样品夹具及使用方法,专利号:ZL 2010 1 **. 3,授权日:2013.02.13.

(5) 一种高温高压水溶液pH值的测量方法,专利号:ZL 2008 1 **.4,授权日:2012.10.08.

(6) 实现高温高压水溶液体系电化学测试的工作电极及其制备,专利号:ZL 2008 1 **. 8,授权日:2012.07.04.

(7) 高温高压水循环控制系统及其控制方法,专利号:ZL 2009 1 **. 7,授权日:2012.06.27.

(8) 一种隔离大气和通气密闭容器的排气装置及其应用,专利号:ZL 2008 1 **. 0,授权日:2012.03.21.

(9) 高温高压水循环系统,专利号:ZL 2008 1 **. 3,授权日:2011.04.20.

(10) 一种精确控制水中溶解氧含量的系统及其应用,专利号:ZL 2008 1 **. 2,授权日:2010.06.09.

(11) 能够实现高温高压液体环境下原位光学观测的视镜及应用,专利号:ZL 2008 1 **. X,授权日:2010.09.08.

(12) 一种实现高温高压环境下加载的装置及其应用,专利号:ZL 2008 1 **. 9, 授权日:2010.12.08.

(13) 超临界水中纳米铁酸钴的制备方法,专利号:ZL 2007 1 **. 4,授权日:2009.10.28.

(14) 高温高流速冲蚀实验装置,专利号:ZL **. X,授权日:2004.11.17.

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