本研究表明了矿物保护是微生物残留物长期稳定的重要机制。上述研究成果以Mineral composition controls the stabilization of microbially-derived carbon and nitrogen in soils: Insights from an isotope tracing model为题发表在Global Change Biology上。助理研究员王旭为第一作者,王超研究员和白娥教授为共同通讯作者。该研究得到国家重点研发计划、长白山地理过程与生态安全教育部重点实验室开放课题和中国科学院青促会优秀会员等项目的支持。
此外,生物地球化学研究组在微生物驱动土壤有机质研究取得了系列进展,包括:量化了森林土壤原位微生物残留物的分解速率(Wang et al. 2020, SBB),探索了温度变化对微生物残留物分解和稳定的影响(Wang et al. 2020, GCB),建立了微生物活体碳利用效率与微生物残留物形成的关系(Wang et al. 2021, GCB),构建了微生物群落组成、死亡残留物与土壤有机质间的模型(Wang et al. 2023, ISME Communications)。上述系列研究进一步解析了微生物全生命周期与土壤有机质转换的关系,为准确阐明土壤固碳效率提供关键的基础理论。
1.???????? Wang X, Wang C*, Fan XL, Sun LF, Sang CP, Wang XG, Jiang P, Fang YT, Bai E*. (2024). Mineral composition controls the stabilization of microbially derived carbon and nitrogen in soils: Insights from an isotope tracing model. Global Change Biology, 30, e17156.
2.???????? Wang C*, Wang X, Zhang Y, Morrissey E, Liu Y, Sun LF, Qu LR, Sang CP, Zhang H, Li GC*, Zhang LL, Fang YT. (2023) Integrating microbial community properties, biomass and necromass to predict cropland soil organic carbon. ISME Communications, 3, 86.
3.???????? Wang C, Qu, LR, Yang, LM, Morrissey, E, Miao RH, Liu ZP, Wang QK, Fang YT, Bai E*. (2021). Large-scale importance of microbial carbon use efficiency and necromass to soil organic carbon. Global Change Biology, 27, 2039-2048.
4.???????? Wang X, Wang C*, Cotrufo MF, Sun L, Jiang P, Liu Z, Bai E*. (2020). Elevated temperature increases the accumulation of microbial necromass nitrogen in soil via increasing microbial turnover. Global Change Biology, 26, 5277-5289.
5.???????? Wang C, Wang X, Pei GT, Xia ZW, Peng B, Sun LF, Wang J, Gao DC, Chen SD, Liu DW, Dai WW, Jiang P, Fang YT, Liang C, Wu NP, Bai E*. (2020). Stabilization of microbial residues in soil organic matter after two years of decomposition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 141, 107687.

图1. 微生物残留物碳和氮循环的概念模型图(黑色实线和红色虚线分别表示碳和氮过程)

图2. 微生物残留物13C(a)和15N(b)在颗粒性有机质(NP,C和NP,N)和矿物结合有机质(NM,C和NM,N)中的回收率模拟值。

图3. 土壤比表面积对微生物残留物碳和氮矿化速率常数(a)、吸附率常数(b)、土壤残留物13C和15N回收率(c)和矿物结合有机质中残留物13C和15N模拟回收率(d)的影响。
1.???????? http://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.17156
2.???????? https://doi.org/10.1038/s43705-023-00300-1
3.???????? https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15550
4.???????? https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15206