赵紫荆,张玉,周集体.菌株Acinetobactersp. Z1低温脱氮除磷性能及氮磷转化途径[J].,2023,63(2):151-162 |
菌株Acinetobactersp. Z1低温脱氮除磷性能及氮磷转化途径 |
Nitrogen and phosphorus removal performance and transformation pathway of strainAcinetobacter sp. Z1 at low temperature |
DOI:10.7511/dllgxb202302006 |
中文关键词:低温脱氮除磷同化异养硝化-好氧反硝化不动杆菌 |
英文关键词:low temperaturenitrogen and phosphorus removalassimilationheterotrophic nitrification-aerobic denitrificationAcinetobacter |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51578106). |
摘要点击次数:208 |
全文下载次数:310 |
中文摘要: |
从冬季污水处理厂活性污泥中筛选出一株在低温及好氧条件下具有脱氮除磷功能的菌株,经16S rDNA序列分析鉴定为不动杆菌,命名为Acinetobactersp. Z1.在10 ℃条件下探究菌株Z1的脱氮除磷性能及氮磷转化途径.结果表明,菌株Z1能够利用NH+4-N或NO-3-N为唯一氮源,以及NH+4-N和NO-3-N为混合氮源进行脱氮除磷.菌株Z1在碳源为乙酸钠,m(COD)/m(N)≥20,m(P)/m(N)=0.2,中性或弱碱性溶液中,摇床转速n≥100 r/min的条件下具有良好的氮磷去除效果,NH+4-N和PO3-4-P最大去除率可分别达96.0%和97.9%.菌株Z1的氮转化途径主要是同化,同时也能通过异养硝化-好氧反硝化作用脱氮.菌株Z1可以在好氧条件下除磷,在厌氧条件下不释放磷.实验结果表明菌株Z1在低温条件下具有良好的脱氮除磷能力,在冬季污水生物处理中有良好的应用前景. |
英文摘要: |
A strain with nitrogen and phosphorus removal function at low temperature and aerobic conditions is isolated from activated sludge of sewage treatment plant in winter. It is identified as Acinetobacter by 16S rDNA sequence analysis, and named as Acinetobacter sp. Z1. The nitrogen and phosphorus removal performance and transformation pathway of strain Z1 are studied at 10 ℃. The results show that strain Z1 can use NH+4-N or NO-3-N as the sole nitrogen source, and NH+4-N and NO-3-N as the mixed nitrogen source for nitrogen and phosphorus removal. Strain Z1 has good nitrogen and phosphorus removal effect under the conditions that the carbon source is sodium acetate, m(COD)/m(N)≥20, m(P)/m(N)=0.2, neutral and weak alkaline solution, and the shaking speed n≥100 r/min. And the maximum removal rates of NH+4-N and PO3-4-P can reach 96.0% and 97.9% respectively. The nitrogen transformation pathway of strain Z1 is mainly assimilation, and strain Z1 can also remove nitrogen through heterotrophic nitrification-aerobic denitrification. Strain Z1 can remove phosphorus under aerobic conditions, but can not release phosphorus under anaerobic conditions. The experimental result shows that strain Z1 has good nitrogen and phosphorus removal ability at low temperature, and has a good application prospect in winter sewage biological treatment. |
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