

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-16

Model test on influence of displacement mode on mechanical characteristics of gravity reinforced soil retaining wall
英文关键词:gravity reinforced soil retaining wallsoil pressuremodel testdisplacement of retaining wallgeogrid
In order to study the soil force and deformation pattern of gravity reinforced soil retaining wall when the retaining wall displacement reaches the ultimate active state, six kinds of model tests of the retaining wall are carried out by changing the number of buried reinforcement layers, the strength and space of reinforcement, the connection mode of reinforcement and retaining wall, the length of reinforcement and the displacement mode of retaining wall. The distribution laws of the maximum displacement required for the ultimate active state of retaining wall, the vertical soil pressure inside the wall, the horizontal soil pressure close to the wall panel, the vertical displacement of the wall top and the tensile strain of the reinforcement are studied. The test results show that the reinforcement can improve the maximum displacement required for the retaining wall to reach the ultimate active state, and reduce the soil pressure close to the wall panel under the static state and active state. When the retaining wall enters the ultimate active state, the relative settlement of the backfill surface close to the wall panel is large. The displacement of retaining wall has little effect on the strain of reinforcement. The attenuation of vertical soil pressure close to the wall panel is positively correlated with buried depth, and the attenuation of translational mode is the largest. The increase of vertical soil pressure under the loading point is negatively correlated with buried depth. In gravity reinforced soil retaining wall, the reinforcement strength and the number of buried reinforcement layers at the upper part and the bottom of the retaining wall are improved. Close to the wall panel, the number of buried reinforcement layers or reinforcement strength is increased and the reinforcement is connected to the retaining wall. The length of reinforcement can be appropriately reduced at the middle and lower parts of the structure. So compared with the ordinary gravity retaining wall, it can improve the anti-dumping sliding ability of the retaining wall and enhance the stability of the retaining wall structure.

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