
菌株Citrobacter sp. ZY630铁(Ⅱ)氧化硝酸盐还原生物学和化学途径

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-16

王娟,张玉,赵睿智,苏志强,高嘉欣,赵紫荆,周集体.菌株Citrobacter sp. ZY630铁(Ⅱ)氧化硝酸盐还原生物学和化学途径[J].,2022,62(1):18-27
菌株Citrobacter sp. ZY630铁(Ⅱ)氧化硝酸盐还原生物学和化学途径
Biological and chemical pathways of iron(Ⅱ) oxidative nitrate reduction process by strainCitrobacter sp. ZY630
英文关键词:ferrous oxidative nitrate reductionCitrobacterNO2-
实验室分离纯化出一株具有反硝化功能的兼性厌氧菌,16SrDNA序列分析其为柠檬酸杆菌属,命名为Citrobactersp.ZY630.对菌株利用Fe(Ⅱ)还原 NO3- 过程进行探究,结果表明,在无外加有机物的情况下,菌株ZY630可以以Fe2+为电子供体还原 NO3-,经过120 h反应,Fe2++菌组约1.1 mmol/L的 NO3- 完全降解,产物包含 NO2-、N2 和 N2O.通过对照分析,发现体系中 NO3--NO2- 的转化是由生物作用主导.同时发现6 mmol/LFe2+ +菌组较3mmol/LFe2+ +菌组反硝化程度进行更彻底,表明Fe2+ 有助于促进该体系反硝化过程.进一步探究菌株ZY630利用Fe2+降解NO2- 过程,发现120h后,加菌加Fe2+体系的Fe2+氧化总量与 NO2- 还原总量的摩尔比约为2.22,较只加 Fe2+ 体系的摩尔比略高,表明 NO2- 和Fe2+ 之间化学反应占优.所以,菌株ZY630厌氧亚铁氧化硝酸盐还原是一个生物化学耦合过程.
A facultative anaerobe with denitrification function is isolated and purified, which is found to belong to the genus Citrobacter by 16S rDNA sequence analysis and named as Citrobacter sp. ZY630. The strain is probed for its ability to reduce nitrate by Fe(Ⅱ), and the results show that the strain ZY630 can reduce NO-3 with Fe2+ as the electron donor in the absence of additional organic matter. After 120 h of reaction, about 1.1 mmol/L of NO-3 in the Fe2++ bacterias group is completely degraded, and the products include NO2-, N2 and N2O. The control analysis reveals that the conversion of nitrate to nitrite in the system is dominated by biological action. It is also found that the 6 mmol/L Fe2++ bacterias group carries out denitrification more completely than the 3 mmol/L Fe2++ bacterias group, indicating that Fe2+ helps to promote the denitrification process in this system. Further studies are conducted on the biological and chemical pathways in the NO2- degradation process by strain ZY630 using Fe2+. It is found that the molar ratio of total amount of Fe2+oxidation to total amount of NO2- reduction is about 2.22 after 120 h, which is slightly higher than that of the system with only Fe2+, indicating that the chemical reaction between NO2- and Fe2+ is dominant. The anaerobic ferrous oxidative nitrate reduction by strain ZY630 is a biochemically coupled process.

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