孙庆明,巴頔,陈淑鑫.基于广义复合多尺度熵的两相流动力学分析[J].,2021,61(5):455-463 |
基于广义复合多尺度熵的两相流动力学分析 |
Dynamic analysis of two phase flow based on generalized composite multi scale entropy |
DOI:10.7511/dllgxb202105003 |
中文关键词:广义复合多尺度样本熵气液两相流流型动力学特性 |
英文关键词:generalized composite multi scalesample entropygas liquid two phase flowflow patterndynamic characteristics |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金联合基金资助项目(U2031142);国家自然科学基金青年基金资助项目(11803013);黑龙江省省属本科高校基本科研业务费资助项目(135409425,135409102). |
摘要点击次数:269 |
全文下载次数:175 |
中文摘要: |
多尺度熵(MSE)作为一种度量非线性时间序列复杂程度的有效分析方法,已被应用于两相流动力学特性分析.针对MSE分析中粗粒化方式的不足,采用方差代替均值以及复合化熵值的广义复合多尺度熵(GCMSE)对几种典型时间序列进行了分析.与MSE相比,GCMSE分析有效且熵值的稳定性表现更好.在此基础上,分析了125种不同流动条件下垂直上升管内气液两相流3种典型流型的压差波动时间序列.研究结果表明:泡状流、塞状流、混状流的GCMSE均随尺度因子的增大而增大,但熵值增长速率存在明显的差异,在低尺度因子下熵值增长速率能够用来表征不同流型,在中高尺度因子下熵值波动特征能够映射不同流型的非线性动力学特性. |
英文摘要: |
Multi scale entropy (MSE) is an effective analysis method for evaluating the complexity of nonlinear time series, which has been applied to analyze dynamic characteristics of two phase flow. Considering the defects existing in the MSE coarse graining, its averaging process is replaced by variance, and MSE is composited. Then generalized composite multi scale entropy (GCMSE) is proposed and applied to analysis of several typical time series. By comparing with MSE, the analysis results verify the effectiveness and entropy reliability of GCMSE. Then based on this, differential pressure fluctuation time series of three typical gas liquid two phase flow patterns under 125 flow conditions in vertical upward tube are analyzed. The results show that GCMSE of bubble flow, slug flow and churn flow all increase with the increasing of scale factor, but their GCMSE growth rates are obviously different. GCMSE growth rate at low scale factor can be applied to characterize different flow patterns. The fluctuation of GCMSE at mid high scale factor can map the nonlinear dynamic characteristics of different flow patterns. |
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