Docent (academic rank)
Ph.D. (Physics and Mathematics major)
Specialist (Master) degree (Physics )
Employment and Experience:
Belarus State University, Minsk,
05/1979 - present - Associate Professor of the General Physics Department;
10/1995 - present - Scientific Manager of Student Research Laboratory;
10/2001 - 03/2002 - Invited Professor, University of Applied Science, Weingarten,
10/1986 - 03/1987 - Scholar, Harbin Polytechnic University,
09/1981 - 06/1982 - Scholar, Research Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Helsinki,
09/1976 - 01/1981 - Vice-Dean of Physical Faculty;
01/1976 - 05/1979 - Senior Lecturer of General Physics Department;
09/1973 - 01/1996 - Senior Researcher of General Physics Department;
09/1970 - 09/1973 - assistant of General Physics Department/
Educational activities:
Lectures: - general courses in classical physics (Electricity and Magnetism, Optics - present),
- special course on Laser Physics (2000 - 2009),
- special course on Modeling in Physics (1998 - 2001),
- special course “Foundations of natural Sciences” (for humanitarian students) - different version depending on student's specialties (1997 - 2012).
Practical classes (problems and their solutions) on Electricity and Magnetism, Optics (present).
Scientific Manager for diploma and master dissertations.
More then 30 publications on the educational problems, including 5 text-books (in Russian):
Research activities:
Research fields: laser physics and technique, nonlinear optics and spectroscopy, devices and facilities for the laboratory of high learning education;
Research projects and grants (last 18 years ):
1. Research coordinator of 2 Special State Research Programs on the development of devices and facilities for the laboratory of high learning education (2000 - 2007).
2. Research supervisor of the 5 projects including in the State Research Programs:
- Investigation of long-wavelength laser diode dynamics (2001-2005);
- Formation of radiation in cavities of semiconductor injection lasers and diode pumped solid-state lasers (2006-2010);
- Development and research of diode pumped solid-state lasers and detector structures for registration of pulsed radiation in the ultraviolet and x-ray spectral bands (2011-2013);
- Optimization of the structure and operating modes (c) diode pumped solid-state lasers and the modification of the characteristics of a diamond detector structures at high temperature and radiation effects (2014-2015);
- Optimization of the structure and operating modes of a diode pumped solid-state lasers to obtain stable short pulses with high beam quality (2016-2020).
3. Research supervisor of the international grant "Mechanisms for rapid adjustment of injection lasers for spectral range 2 - 3,3 μm" (BSU and Physical-Technical Research Institute, S.Peterburg, Russia, 2004-2006).
4. Research supervisor of the grant "Spectral and spatial nonlinear effects in injection mid-infrared lasers" of Fundamental Researches Fond (2008-2010)/
5. Research supervisor of the 2 projects of Special Technical Program "SCIENTIFIC-EDUCATIONAL EQUIPMENT":
- Develop and produce training and research unit studying the effectiveness of complex transverse diode-pumped solid-state laser (2014-2015);
- Develop and produce training and research unit for the study of complex Semiconductor Laser emitters (2016-2019).
Honors and Awards (the most remacable from 2010):
1. The First Prize of the Belarusian Special Presidential Foundation for Social Support of the Talented Pupils and Students (2010);
2. The Honorable Sign of the Ministry of Education " Excellence in Education" (2016)