

大连理工大学 免费考研网/2016-05-04

办公电话:**, **

1987.9-2001.7:大连理工大学 学士、硕士、博士;
1994.7-至今 大连理工大学 助教,讲师,副教授,博士生导师,教授;
2002.4-2003.4:澳大利亚昆士兰大学 博士后;
2006.1-2007.1:丹麦技术大学 客座研究员;
2007.5-2008.5:美国宾州州立大学 客座研究员;


1. 污染修复与副产清洁能源一体化技术:生物电化学系统(微生物燃料电池与微生物电解池);
2. 废弃物生物资源化与能源化;
3. 环境电化学与清洁能源技术;


国家自然科学基金 面上基金 “多金属作用生物阴极电化学系统与荧光分子探针定量化电子传递过程研究”,负责;

教育部博士学科点 博导基金 “基于Cr(III)荧光分子探针识别的生物阴极微生物燃料电池电子传递机制研究”,负责;

国家自然科学基金 面上基金 “以废旧锂离子电池中Co(III)为电子受体的新型生物电化学系统研究”,负责;

国家自然科学基金 面上基金 “微生物燃料电池强化多氯酚共代谢降解研究”,负责;

国家基础研究计划973项目 (2011.1-2015.12),参加;

国家级大学生创新训练项目 (2012.6-2014.5);

省级大学生创新训练项目 (2013.6-2015.5);

清洁能源利用国家重点实验室开放基金 (2010.9-2011.8),负责;

城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室开放基金 (2010.7-2012.6),负责;

大连理工大学“能源+X”交叉学科重点项目 (2009.1-2011.12),负责;

美国Eagle纸回用公司污水处理项目 (2007.5-2008.5),技术负责;

教育部留学基金委 (2007.5-2008.5),负责;

中丹科技合作项目 (2006.1-2008.12),负责;

丹麦科技部 (2006.1-2008.12),技术负责;

教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金 (2004.10-2006.9),负责;

澳大利亚昆士兰大学“种子”基金 (2002.4-2003.3),技术负责;

企业委托项目 (2005.1-2005.12),技术负责;

国家自然科学基金 青年基金 (2008.1-2010.12),参加

国家自然科学基金 面上基金 (2003.1-2005.12),参加.





Huang LP*, Chai XL, Chen GH, Logan BE. 2011. Effect of set potential on hexavalent chromium reduction and electricity generation from biocathode microbial fuel cells. Environmental Science & Technology 45(11): 5025-5031
Huang LP*, Regan JM, Quan X. 2011. Electron transfer mechanisms, new applications, and performance of biocathode microbial fuel cells. Bioresource Technology 102:316-323.
Huang LP*, Cheng SA, Chen GH. 2011. Bioelectrochemical systems for efficient recalcitrant wastes treatment. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 86: 481-491
Huang LP*, Chai XL, Cheng SA, Chen GH. 2011. Evaluation of carbon-based materials in tubular biocathode microbial fuel cells in terms of hexavalent chromium reduction and electricity generation. Chemical Engineering Journal 166(2): 652-661.
Huang LP*, Chen JW, Quan X, Yang FL. 2010. Enhancement of hexavalent chromium reduction and electricity production from a biocathode microbial fuel cell. Bioprocess Biosystem Engineering 33(8):937-945.
Huang LP*, Yang XH, Quan X, Chen JW, Yang FL. 2010. A microbial fuel cell–electro-oxidation system for coking wastewater treatment and bioelectricity generation. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 85(5): 621-627
Huang LP, Zeng R, Angelidaki I. 2008. Exploiting electricity production from pentose using a mediator-less microbial fuel cell. Bioresource Technology. 99(10):4178-4184.
Huang LP, Angelidaki I. 2008. Effect of humic acids on electricity production integrated with xylose degradation in a microbial fuel cell. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 100(3):413-422.
Huang LP, Logan BE. 2008. Electricity generation and treatment of paper recycling wastewater using a microbial fuel cell. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 80:349–355.
Wang G, Huang LP*, Zhang YF. 2008. Cathodic reduction of hexavalent chromium [Cr (VI)] coupled with electricity generation in microbial fuel cells. Biotechnology Letters. 30:1959-1966.
Huang LP, Logan BE. 2008. Electricity production from xylose in fed-batch and continuous-flow microbial fuel cells. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 80:655–664.
Huang LP, Logan BE. 2008. Electricity production from xylose in fed-batch and continuous-flow microbial fuel cells. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 80:655–664.
Huang LP, Gan LL, Zhao QL, Logan BE, Lu H, Chen GH. 2011. Degradation of pentachlorophenol with the presence of fermentable and non-fermentable co-substrates in a microbial fuel cell. Bioresource Technology 102: 8762-8768
Zhang YF, Min B, Huang LP, Angelidaki I. 2011. Electricity generation and microbial community response to substrate changes in microbial fuel cell. Bioresource Technology 102: 1166-1173
Tian Y, Wu Y, Huang LP, Yang FL. 2010. Comparative investigation on electroreduction of Cu(II) using polypyrrole electrode and stainless steel electrode.Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 40:427-433
Zhang YF, Min B, Huang LP, Angelidaki I. 2009. Electricity generation and microbial community analysis of wheat straw biomass powered microbial fuel cells. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 75: 3389-3395
Huang LP, Cheng SA, Rezaei F, Logan BE. 2009. Reducing organic loading in industrial effluents using microbial fuel cells. Environmental Technology. 30:499-504
Liu H, Cheng SA, Huang LP, Logan BE. 2008. Scale-up of membrane-free single-chamber microbial fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources. 179: 274-279
Huang LP*, Dong T, Chen JW, Li N. 2007. Biotechnological production of lactic acid integrated with fishmeal wastewater treatment by Rhizopus oryzae. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering. 30:135-140
Huang LP, Jin B, Lant P. 2005. Kinetics of simultaneous saccharification and fermentation for lactic acid production by Rhizopus oryzae and Rhizopus arrhizus. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 23: 265-276
Huang LP*, Jin B, Lant P. 2005. Direct fermentation of potato starch wastewater to lactic acid by Rhizopus oryzae and Rhizopus arrhizus. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering. 27:229-238
Huang LP, Jin B, Lant P, Zhou JT. 2003. Biotechnological production of lactic acid integrated with potato wastewater treatment by Rhizopus arrhizus. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 78: 899-906
Jin B, Huang LP, Lant P. 2003. Rhizopus arrhizus 36017 – a producer for simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of starch waste materials to L(+)-lactic acid. Biotechnology Letters. 25: 1983-1987
黄丽萍*,成少安*. 微生物燃料电池生物质能利用现状与展望. 生物工程学报. 2010, 26: 1-8
王刚,黄丽萍*. 2008. 微生物燃料电池生物阴极研究进展. 环境科学与技术. 31:101-103
董涛,黄丽萍*,陈景文,李宁. 2007. 葡萄糖和氯化钠对米根霉利用鱼粉废水生产乳酸的影响. 应用与环境生物学报. 13: 579-582
徐兰, 黄丽萍*,陈景文,王德高,林晶. 2007. 蒽醌化合物光解动力学及定量结构-性质关系, 环境化学,26, 294-297
黄丽萍,周集体,包永明, 杨凤林,王竞. 2002. 动胶菌HP3及其胞外酶降解溴胺酸产物的分析. 环境科学学报. 22:364-368
黄丽萍,周集体,杨凤林,王竞. 2001. 溴胺酸的微生物降解机理. 中国环境科学. 21: 180-184
黄丽萍,周集体,杨凤林,王竞. 2000. HP3菌降解溴胺酸特性研究. 大连理工大学学报. 40: 557-561
Wang SS, Huang LP*, Gan LL, Quan X, Li N, Chen GH, Lu L, Xing DF, Yang FL. 2012. Combined effects of enrichment procedure and non-fermentable or fermentable co-substrate on performance and bacterial community for pentachlorophenol degradation in microbial fuel cells. Bioresource Technology 120: 120-126.
Huang LP*, Gan LL, Wang N, Quan X, Logan BE, Chen GH. 2012. Mineralization of pentachlorophenol with enhanced degradation and power generation from air cathode microbial fuel cells. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 109: 2211-2221
Huang LP*, Chai XL, Quan X, Logan BE, Chen GH. 2012. Reductive dechlorination and mineralization of pentachlorophenol in biocathode microbial fuel cells. Bioresource Technology 111: 167-174.
Tian Y, Huang LP, Zhou XH, Wu CB. 2012. Electroreduction of hexavalent chromium using a polypyrrole-modified electrode under potentiostatic and pontentiodynamic conditions. Journal of Hazardous Materials 225: 15-20.
Huang LP*, Cheng SA, Hassett DJ, Gu TY. 2012. Invited book chapter: Wastewater treatment with concomitant bioenergy production using microbial fuel cells. Water Treatment and Pollution Prevention: Advances in Research. Springer press, London.
Huang LP*, Guo R, Jiang LJ, Quan X*, Sun YL, Chen GH. 2013. Cobalt leaching from lithium cobalt oxide in microbial electrolysis cells. Chemical Engineering Journal 220: 72-80.
Huang LP*, Li TC, Liu C, Quan X*, Chen LJ, Wang AJ, Chen GH. 2013. Synergetic interactions improve cobalt leaching from lithium cobalt oxide in microbial fuel cells. Bioresource Technology 128: 539-546.
Huang LP*, Wang Q, Quan X*, Liu YX, Chen GH. 2013. Bioanodes/biocathodes formed at optimal potentials enhance subsequent pentachlorophenol degradation and power generation from microbial fuel cells. Bioelectrochemistry 94: 13-22.
王强,黄丽萍*,于洪涛,全燮*,陈国华. 用于生物电化学系统的石墨烯电极. 物理化学学报. 2013, 29(5): 889-896.
Huang LP*, Sun YL, Liu YX, Wang N. 2013. Mineralization of 4-chlorophenol and analysis of bacterial community in microbial fuel cells. Procedia Environmental Science. Elsevier publishing 18: 534-539.
Liu YX, Shen JY, Huang LP*, Wu D. 2013. Copper catalysis for enhancement of cobalt leaching and acid utilization efficiency in microbial fuel cells. Journal of Hazardous Materials 262: 1-8
Tian Y*, Zhou XH, Huang LP*, Liu M. 2013. A facile gas-liquid co-deposition method to prepare nanostructured nickel hydroxide for electrochemical capacitors. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials
Jiang LJ, Huang LP*, Sun YL. 2014. Recovery of flakey cobalt from aqueous Co(II) with simultaneous hydrogen production in microbial electrolysis cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 39(2): 654-663
Tian Y*, Yan JW*, Huang LP, Xue R, Hao LX, Yi BL. 2014. Effects of single electrodes of Ni(OH)2 and activated carbon on electrochemical performance of Ni(OH)2 – activated carbon asymmetric supercapacitor. Materials Chemistry and Physics 143: 1164-1170
Tian Y*, Che RX, Liu M, Huang LP*, Liu ZY, An BN. 2014. Inhibition of hydrogen evolution reaction on polypyrrole-modified electrode in acid media. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 161(3): E23-E27.
Cui D, Guo YQ, Lee HS, Cheng HY, Liang B, Kong FY, Wang YZ, Huang LP, Xu MY, Wang AJ*. 2014. Efficient azo dye removal in bioelectrochemical system and post-aerobic bioreactor: optimization and characterization. Chemical Engineering Journal 243: 355-363.
Wang YZ, Wang AJ*, Zhou AJ, Liu WZ, Huang LP, Xu MY, Tao HC. 2014. Electrode as sole electrons donor for enhancing decolorization of azo dye by an isolated Pseudomonas sp. WYZ-2. Bioresource Technology 152: 530-533.
Huang LP*, Shi YH, Wang N, Dong YS. 2014. Anaerobic/aerobic conditions and biostimulation for enhanced chlorophenols degradation in biocathode microbial fuel cells. Biodegradation 25: 615-632.
Huang LP*, Yao BL, Wu D, Quan X*. 2014. Complete cobalt recovery from lithium cobalt oxide in self-driven microbial fuel cell - microbial electrolysis cell systems. Journal of Power Sources 259: 54-64.
Huang LP*, Jiang LJ, Wang Q, Quan X*, Yang JH, Chen LJ. 2014. Cobalt recovery with simultaneous methane and acetate production in biocathode microbial electrolysis cells. Chemical Engineering Journal 253: 281-290.





2007年大连市科学技术三等奖 “从废弃的菇类培养基中提取β-葡萄糖苷及其产业化”;

2011年大连理工大学优秀硕士论文 指导;

2013年大连理工大学优秀本科毕业论文 指导;

2014年大连理工大学优秀硕士论文 指导;







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    前田修孝院系:环境学院办公电话:**电子信箱:nobutaka.maeda@dlut.edu.cn更新时间:2014-12-18 其他专业:无个人简介 Lab Website: www.dlut-maeda-lab.com2013.01 - Present : Dalian University o ...
    大连理工大学 免费考研网 2016-05-04
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    赵洪霞院系:环境学院办公电话:**电子信箱:hxzhao@dlut.edu.cn更新时间:2015-8-27 其他专业:环境科学与工程个人简介 2007.12-至今 大连理工大学 讲师、副教授、博士生导师2006.08-2007.08 美国衣阿华大学 博士后2012.11-2013.11 美国衣阿华 ...
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    蔡喜运院系:环境学院办公电话:**电子信箱:xiyuncai@dlut.edu.cn更新时间:2016-1-3 其他专业:环境工程个人简介 2015.12-至今大连理工大学 环境学院 教授、博士生导师2012.07-2015.12 大连理工大学 环境学院 副教授、博士生导师2009.12-2012. ...
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    曲媛媛院系:环境学院办公电话:**电子信箱:qyy007@126.com更新时间:2013-12-26 其他专业:无个人简介 学 历:1994-1998年,江西理工大学,材料工程,工学学士2000-2005年,大连理工大学,环境工程,工学博士工作简历:1998-2000年大连华锐集团,技术人员200 ...
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    张耀斌院系:环境学院办公电话:**电子信箱:zhangyb@dlut.edu.cn更新时间:2015-2-1 其他专业:无个人简介 2011- 大连理工大学环境学院教授,博士生指导教师2014-2015美国麻省大学环境微生物,访问学者2005-2011大连理工大学环境学院副教授2000-2005大连 ...
    大连理工大学 免费考研网 2016-05-04
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