

大连理工大学 免费考研网/2016-05-04

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[1]高振国,男,博士,计算机学院教授、博导。2006年哈尔滨工业大学获得计算机系统结构博士,2008年入选校青年骨干教师支持计划, 2011年入选省普通高等学校青年学术骨干支持计划。
[2]主持获5项国家级教学奖励, 4项省部级教学奖励。主持及参与获省级科技奖二等奖2项,省国防科技工业科技进步二等奖1项.
[3]近年来发表或录用论文100余篇,在《Computer Networks》、《Computer Communications》、《Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing》、《Journal of Electronics》等国际SCI源刊30余篇,EI检索60余篇;已出版著作2;授权发明专利6项,在申请发明10余项。获软件著作权20余项.
[4]在国家留学基金全额资助下在美国进行过访问研究,先后与伊利诺伊大学的Ralph M. and Catherine V. Fisher 荣誉教授Klara Nahrstedt及密歇根大学的Weidong Xiang副教授进行了合作研究。与美国内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校的Mei Yang副教授、Yingtao Jiang副教授, Yoohwan Kim副教授等人以及香港城市大学的Jianping Wang副教授等人有长期稳定的学术联系和合作研究。

American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Regional editor
American Journal of Computation, Communication and Control,
International Journal of Wireless Communication,
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. (SCI, EI)
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. (SCI, EI)
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (SCI, EI)
IEEE Communication Letters (SCI, EI)
IEEE Transactions on Communications (SCI, EI)
Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing. (SCI, EI)
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing(SCI, EI)
Computers and Electrical Engineering (SCI, EI)
International Journal of Computers and Applications,
Journal of Computer and Network
International Journal of Network Protocols and Algorithms
International Journal of Communication Systems, (SCI, EI)
International Journal of Educational Development
Journal of Network and Computer Application
Journal of Electronics. (SCI, EI)
Journal of Computer (EI)
Journal of Electronics China (EI)
Computers & Education(SCI, EI)
电子学报(中文版). (EI)






o Prof. Klara Nahrstedt., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, ACM Fellow
o Prof. Kishor S Trivedi, University of Duke, USA, IEEE Fellow
o Prof. Chengxiang Zhai, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
o Prof. Weidong Xiang, University of Michigan, Dearborn, USA
o Prof. Hsiao-Chun Wu, Louisiana State University, USA, IEEE Fellow
o Prof. Yingtao Jiang, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
o Prof. Mei Yang, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
o Prof. Yoohwan Kim, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
o Prof. Jinhua Guo, University of Michigan, Dearborn, USA
o Prof. Jianping Wang, City University of HongKong, HK, CHINA
o Others

[1] IC编码理论与技术. 十二五国家重点图书出版规划项目. 哈尔滨工业大学出版社. ISBN 978-7-5603-3529-2. 2013.03
[2]GloMoSim网络仿真-从入门到精通,哈尔滨工业大学出版社, 2008.05

[01] Zhenguo Gao,etc. Outage Probability Equivalency of Three Typical Relay Selection Schemes for Selective DF Relay Networks with Selection Combining. Wireless Personal Communications (Springer). 2015. (SCI, EI).
[02] Zhenguo Gao, etc. Outage performance of cognitive AF relay networks with direct link and heterogeneous non-identical constraints. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (Wiley), 2014.11. (SCI, EI).
[03] Zhenguo Gao,etc. Constructing longer sequences using a new improved interleaved structure. Wireless Personal Communications (Springer). Apr., 2015, 82(1): 103-112. (SCI, EI).
[04] Zhenguo Gao, etc. Outage performance of cognitive DF relay Networks with non-identical Rayleigh fading channels and maximal ratio combining. AEU International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2015, 69(1): 141-150. (SCI, EI).
[05] Zhenguo Gao, etc. An enhanced XOR-based scheme for wireless packet retransmission problem. International Journal of Communication Systems (Wiley), 2014, 27(12): 3657-3675. (SCI, EI).
[06] Zhenguo Gao, etc. Outage Analysis of Cognitive AF Relay Networks with Multiple Primary Users and Heterogeneous Non-identical Parameters. Wireless Personal Communications (Springer), 2014, 79(2): 1031-1051. (SCI, EI).
[07] etc, Zhenguo Gao. An improved spectrum sharing algorithm based on feedback control information in cognitive radio networks. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2013, (SCI, EI). August 2013, 24(4): 564-570.
[08] Zhenguo Gao, etc. Random network coding based optimal scheme for perfect wireless packet retransmission problems. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (Wiley), April, 2013, 13(6): 577-592. (SCI, EI).
[09] Zhenguo Gao, etc. Random network coding based schemes for perfect wireless packet retransmission problems in multiple channel networks. Wireless Personal Communications (Springer), 2013, 69(4): 1517-1534. (SCI, EI).
[10] etc Zhenguo Gao, etc. A network coding based protocol for reliable data transfer in underwater acoustic sensor networks. Ad hoc Networks (Elsevier), 2013, 11(5): 1603-1609. (SCI, EI).
[11] etc Zhenguo Gao, etc. IPool-ADELIN: An extended ADELIN based on IPool node for reliable transport of underwater acoustic sensor networks. Ad hoc Networks (Elsevier), 2013, 11(4): 1435-1442. (SCI, EI)
[12] etc Zhenguo Gao. Utility based dynamic subcarrier allocation for QoS guarantees in SC-FMDA system, Radio Engineering, 2012, 21(4): 1147-1155. (SCI, EI).
[13] Zhenguo Gao, etc. Construction and evaluation of flash media server based collaborative virtual hydraulic circuits/equipments. Computer Applications in Engineering Education (Wiley).2012, 20(4): 579-593. (SCI, EI)
[14] Zhenguo Gao, etc. Network coding based schemes for imperfect wireless packet retransmission problems: a divide and conquer approach. Wireless Personal Communications (Springer). 2012, 58(2): 937-958. (SCI, EI)
[15] Zhenguo Gao, etc. FNMGSDP: an optimized group-based service discovery protocol for MANETs. Wireless Personal Communications (Springer), Published online: 2009, Nov. 13, 2011, 57(2): 137-162. (SCI, EI)
[16] Zhenguo Gao, etc. Virtual hydraulic experiments in courseware: 2D virtual circuits and 3D virtual equipments. Computer Applications in Engineering Education (Wiley). Jun. 2011, 19(2): 315~326. (SCI, EI).
[17] Zhenguo Gao, etc. Constructing virtual hydraulic circuits using Flash. Computer Applications in Engineering Education (Wiley). Jun. 2010, 18(2): 356-375. (SCI, EI).
[18] Zhenguo Gao, etc. A passive tree-based backbone construction scheme for MANETs. Computer Communications (Elsevier), Sep.2009, 32(15): 1631-1641. (SCI, EI).
[19] Zhenguo Gao, etc. CNPGSDP: an efficient group-based service discovery protocol for MANETs. Computer Networks (Elsevier). 2006, 50(16): 3165-3182. (SCI, EI).
[20] Zhenguo Gao, etc. PCPGSD: an enhanced GSD service discovery protocol for MANETs. Computer Communications (Elsevier). 2006, 29(12): 2433-2445. (SCI, EI).
[20] Zhenguo Gao, etc. Probability density functions of the Euclidean distance between node pairs in rectangular random graphs and its applications in MANETs. Journal of Electronics . 2006, 15(3): 521-526. (SCI, EI)

[01]2013.11, 省自然科学奖(二等奖),排1
[02]2012.12, 省技术发明奖(二等奖)
[03]2014.08, 省自然科学奖(三等奖),排2
[04]2013.02, 省高等学校科学技术奖自然科学类(二等奖),排1
[05]2012.05, 省国防科技工业科技进步(二等奖)
[06]2014.04, 省国防科技工业科技进步奖(二等奖),排2
[07]2013.07, 省自然科学技术学术论文奖(一等奖)之1,排1
[08]2013.07, 省自然科学技术学术论文奖(一等奖)之2,排1
[09]2012.06, 省高等学校教育技术论文奖(一等奖),排1
[10]2014.08, 省高等学校教育技术论文奖(二等奖),排1
[11]2012.06, 省高等学校教育技术论文奖(二等奖),排1
[12]2009.05, 省高等学校教育技术论文奖(二等奖),排1
[13]2015.09, 市自然科学技术学术论文奖(一等奖),排1
[14]2014.08, 市自然科学技术学术论文奖(二等奖),排1
[15]2012.08, 市自然科学技术学术论文奖(三等奖),排1

[01]2015.11, 全国多媒体课件大赛(一等奖),排1
[02]2009.11, 全国多媒体课件大赛(一等奖),排1
[03]2008.11, 全国多媒体课件大赛(二等奖), 排1
[04]2013.11, 全国多媒体课件大赛(二等奖),排1
[05]2012.10, 全国多媒体课件大赛(三等奖), 排1
[06]2011.11, 全国多媒体教育软件大赛(三等奖), 排1
[07]2013.03, 省教学成果奖(二等奖), 排2
[08]2015.09, 省多媒体教育软件奖(一等奖),排1
[09]2015.10, 省教育教学信息化大赛(一等奖),排1
[10]2009.05, 省多媒体教学软件奖(二等奖),排1
[11]2014.09, 省多媒体教育软件奖(三等奖),排1
[12]2008.07, 校优秀课件(一等奖),排1

[01]2011, 入选省普通高等学校青年学术骨干支持计划
[02]2008, 入选校青年骨干教师支持计划,


2012,Qiang Zhang,硕士毕业。目前攻读博士学位,UIUC美国伊利诺大学厄本那香槟分校。
