

大连大学 免费考研网/2016-05-05


研究方向:Research interest:
(1)Translation and interpreting: theories and practice
(2)Cognitive Linguistics
(3)Translation technology (e.g. machine translation, translation memory)
(4)Translation for specifc purpose, especilly in technology and business.
Teaching courses
(1)Translation Studies: theories and applications
(2)Translation and interpreting for technical and business English
(3)Conference interpreting (simultaneous and consecutive)
(4)Research methodology on translation and interpreting studies
简介:Education background
PhD in translation and interpreting studies,Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK.
MA in English language and literature, North-west Normal University, Lanzhou, China.
BA in English language,Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), Shanghai, China

Working Experience
October 2012 – Present, Professor and Chair in Translation and Interpreting Studies,
School of English Language,Dalian University.
September 2011 – October 2012, tutor and supervisor for postgraduate students in Translation Studies,
School of Languages, Cultures and Religions,University of Stirling,UK.
September 2007 – September 2011, teaching and research in translation and interpreting,
School of Languages and Intercultural Studies, Heriot-Watt University.
February 1996 - September 2007, lecturer and associate professor
Lanzhou University of Technology (LUT),Lanzhou, China.
September 1991– February 1996, tr
论文及著作:Primary publications:
Books published
* Coherence in Simultaneous Interpreting: An Idealized Cognitive Model Perspective (2012),Heriot-Watt University
* Translation for Business and Technical English (2002). Lanzhou University Press。
Journal articles
*Coherence in Simultaneous Interpreting: An Embodiment-based Analysis, in Richard Xiao (ed.) Using Corpora in
Contrastive and Translation Studies. 2/2010. 109-142 .Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
*Teaching Modules of Translation for Business and Technology. (2006). Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology.
* A Cognitive Approach to Metaphorical Mappings between Time and Space (2006).Journal of Culture and International Languages. 2: Pp71-75.
* Technical and Business Discourse and Translation (2003). Journal of Lanzhou University. pp31: 174-176
* Training for Simultaneous Interpreting Techniques (2003). Journal of Lanzhou University. 32:161-163
* The Function of Discourse Analysis in Advanced Interpretation (2003). Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and
Research. pp 330-332
* Translation of Business Contracts, a Pragmatics Analysis (2003). Journal of East China University of Science and
Technology. Pp 1-9
* Teaching Methodology for Interpretation (2002). Journal of North-west Normal University. Pp 90-94.
* Nominalization in translation for technical English (2004) Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology .Pp 14-24

Conference presentations and proceedings
* Mediation of Cohesive Clues in Simultaneous Interpreting: An Interactive Embodiment and Mental Coherence
Perspective. Proceedings of International Conference on Corpus-based Translation and Languages Studies. Zhejiang University, Sept 2008.(http://www. Lancs.ac.uk/fass/projects/corpus/UCCTS).
* Coherence in Simultaneous interpreting: An Idealized Cognitive Model Perspective. International Postgraduate Conference in Translation and Interpreting, Heriot-Watt University, Nov 2009.
* Note-taking Techniques on
科研项目:My current research projects:

(1)Interpreting in the Embodied and Non-embodied Contexts, an fMRI Perspective

This project aims to explore how the interpreter subject's brain works, in the embodied and non-embodied contexts,
using the functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fRMI) instrument. This project is an extension of the PhD project,
entitled Coherence in Simultaneous Interpreting, a Cognitive Model Perspective, guided and supervised by Professor
Graham Turner, funded by Heriot-Watt University (2007-2011).

(2)What the translation technology based products reveal? A contextual effect and relevance analysis
This project aims to see how the MT (machine translated) versions (posted-edited) and translated versions aided with
translation memory (Trados) differ in the reader's mental effort, using eye tracking and Think Aloud Protocol(TAP) data, analyzed from a perspective of Relevance.

(3)The role of schema in translation, the empirical analysis on the basis of TAP and keystroke logging data.
This project aims to explore how schema plays its role in translator’s decision-making process, using TAP and keystroke logging instrument for collection of data.

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