

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-03-31

姓  名 何明
职  称副教授
所学专业 物理学
研究方向 凝聚态物理,光学晶体材料
Email: heming@djtu.edu.cn


1997 年9 月至 2001 年7 月 辽宁师范大学物理系 物理学师范专业 学士
2001 年9 月至2004 年7 月 辽宁师范大学物理系 原子与分子专业 硕士
2004 年9 月至2007 年7 月 中科院物理研究所 凝聚态物理专业 博士
2007 年9 月至2008 年9 月 香港中文大学 物理系 博士后研究助理
2008 年8 月至 今 大连交通大学 理学院 讲师

参与:2009, 国家自然科学基金, EMCD和ALCHEMI研究单个DMS纳米结构的铁磁性内禀属性,**, 20万,排名3,
主持:2010, 国家自然科学基金, YBa3B9O18 新型闪烁晶体的闪烁机理及性能优化研究,**, 20万,排名1。

1. Ming He, X. L. Chen, Y. P. Sun, J. Liu, J. T. Zhao, C. J. Duan
YBa3B9O18: A promising scintillation crystal.Cryst. Growth & Des. 7(2007)199.
2. Ming He, Y. X. Du, W. Y. Wang, D. F. Zhang, X. L. Chen
Transmission coefficient associated with counterposition phenomenon in uniaxial crystal
Physica B, 399 (2007)121.
3. Ming He, X. L. Chen, Y. P. Sun, J. Liu
Growth and optical properties of YBa3B9O18:Ce crystals,
Journal of crystal growth. 307 (2007) 427
4. X. L. Chen, Ming. He, Y. X. Du, W. Y. Wang, D. F. Zhang
Negative refraction: An intrinsic property of uniaxial crystals, Phys. Rev. B 72 (2005)113111.
5. Ming He, G. M. Cai, W.J. Wang, W.Y. Wang, J. Liu, X. L. Chen
Growth and luminescence properties of a novel crystal with large birefringence: ErBa3B9O18
Journal of crystal growth. 311 (2009) 1234.
6. Ming He, Z. H. Zhang
Interface Structures of La0.67Sr0.33MnO3/SrTiO3 Superlattices Studied by TEM and EELS
J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114, 13068–13070
7. Y. X. Du, Ming. He, X. L. Chen, W. Y. Wang, D. F. Zhang
Uniaxial crystal slabs as amphoteric-reflecting media, Phys. Rev. B 73 (2006) 245110.
8. J. Bubesh Babu, Ming He, D. F. Zhang, and X. L. Chen, R. Dhanasekaran
Enhancement of ferroelectric properties of Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3-BaTiO3 single crystals by Ce dopings
Applied Physics Letters 90, (2007)102901.
9. Gemei Cai, Ming He, X. L. Chen, W. Y. Wang, Y. F. Lou, H. H. Chen, and J. T. Zhao
Crystal structure and luminescence properties of a novel promising phosphor Ba3ScB9O18 (328)
Powder Diffraction, 22 (2007) 328.
10. Z.H. Zhang, Ming He, Xiao-Feng Duan. Optical Properties of Hexagonal and Cubic ZnS Nanoribbons: Experiment and Theory.
CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 26, No. 6 (2009) 066104
11. Z.H. Zhang, Ming He, Quan Li
Obtaining the effective electron mass from valence electron
energy-loss spectroscopy
Solid State Communications 149 (2009) 1856-1859
12. Y. P. Sun, Q. Z. Huang, L. Wu, Ming He, X. L. Chen
A neutron powder investigation of the structure of KCaCO3F at various temperatures
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 417 (2006)13-17.
13. Z. H. Zhang, J. J. Yang, Ming He, X. F. Wang, and Q. Li. Electronic structure of a potential optical crystal YBa3B9O18: Experiment and theory. Appl. Phys. Lett., 92, 171903 (2008).
14. J. Bubesh Babu, G. Madeswaran, Ming He, D.F. Zhang, X.L. Chen, R. Dhanasekaran
Inhomogeneity issues in the growth of Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3–BaTiO3 single crystals,
Journal of Crystal Growth,310,(200) 467.
15. Y. P. Sun, Yinxiao Du, W. Y. Wang, Ming He, G. M. Cai, and X. L. Chen
Structure of a new compound KBaB5O9 and photoluminescence characteristics of KBaB5O9:Eu3+ ,
Powder Diffraction, 22 (2007) 292
16. Ming He, Jun Liu, J. Babu, Wanyan Wang, Xiaolong Chen, The role of Y3+ ions in Y: LiNbO3 crystal,
原子与分子物理学报, 21 (2004)181.
原子与分子物理学报, 21 (2004)594.


1. 陈小龙;何 明;王皖燕;许燕萍;刘 军
一种硼酸盐激光晶体ErBa3B9O18及其制备方法和用途 No.:4.9
2. 陈小龙;何 明;王皖燕;蔡格梅;许燕萍;刘 军
一种双折射硼酸盐系晶体的用途 No.:3.4
l 2007北京科协北京青年优秀论文评选,一等奖

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