

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-09

姓 名: 许青松
电 话: **
电子信箱: xqs@dlnu.edu.cn
所在学院: 生命科学学院
1. 个人简介(主要学习和工作经历):
(1) 学习经历:
(2) 工作经历:
2019年9月-至 今: 大连民族大学 ,生命科学学院,教授;
2. 研究领域:
3. 基金项目:
4. 发表文章:
1)Qingsong Xu, Chen Qu, Jin Wan,et al. Effect of dietary chitosan oligosaccharidesupplementation on the pig ovary transcriptome. RSC Advances(2018) 8, 13266-13273.(SCI收录 IF= 3.049)
2)Qingsong Xu, Wenjing Wang, Chen Qu,et al. Chitosan oligosaccharides inhibit epithelial cell migration through blockade of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase V and branched GlcNAc structure. Carbohydrate Polymers (2017) 170, 241-246. (SCI收录IF= 6.044)
3)Qingsong Xu, Meisi Liu, Qishun Liu,et al. The inhibition of LPS-induced inflammation in RAW264.7 macrophages via the PI3K/Akt pathway by highly N-acetylated chitooligosaccharide. Carbohydrate Polymers (2017) 174,1138-1143.(SCI收录IF= 6.044)
4)Qingsong Xu, Wenjing Wang, Wen Yanget al. Chitosan oligosaccharide inhibits EGF-induced cell growth possibly through blockade of epidermal growth factor receptor/mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules(2017) 98, 502-505.(SCI收录IF= 4.784)
5)Qingsong Xu, Xueming Niu, Wenjing Wang, et al.Specific N-glycan alterations are coupled in EMT induced by different density cultivation of MCF 10A epithelial cells. Glycoconjugate journal (2017) 34, 219-227.(SCI收录IF= 2.926)
6)Qingsong Xu, Chen Qu, Wenjing Wang, et al.Specific N-glycan alterations are coupled in epithelial–mesenchymal transition induced by EGF in GE11 epithelial cells. Cell Biology International(2017) 41, 124-133.(SCI收录IF= 2.127)
7)Qingsong Xu, Tomoya Isaji, Yingying Lu,et al.Roles of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase III in epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition induced by TGF-β1in human and mouse epithelial cell lines.Journal of Biological Chemistry, (2012), 11;287(20):16563-74. (SCI收录IF= 4.106)
8)Qingsong Xu, Ryota Akama, Tomoya Isaji, et al. Wnt/{beta}-catenin Signaling Down-regulates N-Acetylglucosaminyltransferase III Expression: The implication of two mutually exclusive pathways for regulation. Journal of Biological Chemistry,(2011), 11;286(6):4310-8. (SCI收录IF= 4.106)
9)Qingsong Xu, Pan Ma, Weiting Yu, et al. Chitooligosaccharides protect human embryonic hepatocytes against oxidative stress induced by hydrogen peroxide. Marine Biotechnology,(2010) 12:292–298.(SCI收录 IF= 2.798)
10)Qingsong Xu, Jiangli Dou, Peng Wei, et al. Chitooligosaccharides induce apoptosis of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells via up-regulation of Bax.Carbohydrate Polymers (2008) 71:509–514.(SCI收录IF= 6.044)
11)Qingsong Xu, Jiangli Dou, Xuefang Bai, et al.Hepatoprotective activity of chitooligosaccharides against ethanol induced toxicity in experiment rats. Journal of Biotechnology 136S (2008) S581.(SCI收录 IF= 3.163)
12)Jin Wan, Fei Jiang, Qingsong Xu,*et al.New insights into the role of chitosan oligosaccharide in enhancing growth performance, antioxidant capacity, immunity and intestinal development of weaned pigs. RSC Advances(2017) 7, 9669–9679.(SCI收录 IF= 3.049)(并列通讯作者)
13)Jin Wan, Kaiyun Yang, Qingsong Xu,*et al.Dietary chitosan oligosaccharide supplementation improves foetal survival and reproductive performance in multiparous sows. RSC Advances,(2016), 6, 70715–70722(SCI收录 IF= 3.049)(并列通讯作者)
14)Jin Wan, Fei Jiang, Qingsong Xu,*et al.Alginic acid oligosaccharide accelerates weaned pig growth through regulating antioxidant capacity, immunity and intestinal development. RSC Advances,(2016) 6, 87026–87035.(SCI收录 IF= 3.049)(并列通讯作者)
5. 授权专利:
1.Formulation of complex carbohydrate for fodder. 美国专利 US **B2(2017-7-11授权) (第2完成人)
2.一种饲料用复合糖制剂及含其饲料和应用. 发明专利 ZL 4.5(2018-5-22授权)(第2完成人)
3.一种饲料用复合糖制剂、含其饲料添加剂及饲料和应用. ZL 7.6 (2018-10-2授权)(第2完成人)
4.一种提高动物精液活力的复合糖制剂及其应用. 发明专利 ZL 7.9(2016-6-22授权)(第2完成人)
6. 出版著作:
1.《Oligosaccharides of Chitin and Chitosan》, Springer Nature, 2019年出版(ISBN:978-981-13-9401-0)(参编)-Chapter 11 The Application of Oligosaccharides in Breeding Industry
7. 其 他
2018年 入选大连海洋大学第二届“湛蓝学者工程”;
2014年 获国家海洋局颁发“海洋科学技术奖 一等奖(HKJ2013-G-1-BIO-05)”(第5完成人);
2014年 被大连市授予首批“大连市青年科技之星”荣誉称号;
2014年 至今国家自然科学基金委员会生命科学部八处同行评议专家;
2012年 至今担任国家生猪产业技术创新战略联盟理事。

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