

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-27

大连医科大学附属第二医院 妇产科,辽宁 大连 116027

详细信息 作者简介: 孙海燕(1988-),女,主治医师。E-mail:895510922@qq.com

通讯作者: 黄家珍,主治医师。E-mail:834218025@qq.com 中图分类号: R271.19

关键词: 子宫肿瘤/

ObjectiveTo investigate the etiology, clinical characteristics of serosal rupture of uterine neoplasms, so as to improve the diagnosis of the disease and provide a basis for clinical treatment.MethodsThe clinical and imaging data of 3 patients with serosal rupture of uterine neoplasms from August 2017 to August 2020 were collected, including 1 case of uterine carcinosarcoma and 2 cases of uterine myoma. The clinical manifestations, imaging data, surgical methods, postoperative hospital stay, pathological features, intraoperative and postoperative complications and surgical effects were reviewed.ResultsOne case had spontaneous rupture of the uterine carcinosarcoma in a postmenopausal woman, resulting in abdominal pain. Ultrasonography showed a moderately echogenic mass in the uterus with an unclear anterior boundary. MRI revealed isointense nodules and inhomogeneous hyperintense patches on T2WI, and hyperintense patches on DWI. One case of abdominal pain was caused by rupture of the serous layer on the surface of uterine myoma after induced labor. Ultrasound showed a protruding uterine subserosal myoma, and abdominal puncture revealed hemorrhage. One case of uterine myoma had surface serous layer rupture, complicated by hemorrhagic shock after sexual intercourse. Ultrasound examination indicated uterine myoma and ascites. Ultrasound revealed a hypoechoic mass in the right adnexa area, pelvic fluid, and ascites. The patient with uterine carcinosarcoma underwent total hysterectomy, bilateral adnexectomy and appendectomy, and the 2 patients with uterine myoma underwent myomectomy. The operations were successfully completed.ConclusionFactors such as large size or abnormal shape of subserosal myoma, uterine contraction during delivery or menstruation, malignant transformation of myoma or primary uterine sarcoma/carcinosarcoma, external force or increased abdominal pressure, all increase the risk of serosal rupture of uterine tumors. When abdominal pain and/or intra-abdominal hemorrhage occur in patients with the above risk factors, and uterine tumors are found on ultrasonography and other acute abdominal diseases are excluded, a uterine tumor rupture can be diagnosed. A surgical method shall be selected according to benign or malignant nature of the tumor, age of the patient and the fertility requirements.
Keywords:uterine neoplasms/
acute abdomen/
abdominal pain



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