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吴英杰,男,理学博士, 教授,博士生导师。大连医科大学重大疾病基因工程模式动物研究所所长,科技部基因工程模式动物国际联合研究中心主任,美国西奈山医学院兼职副教授。
辽宁省攀登学者,教育部创新团队骨干成员;国家重大人才工程 “创新人才推进计划”领军人才和创新团队评议专家,国家国际科技合作专项项目及合作基地评审专家;国际华人骨研学会教育委员会委员。
E-mail:yingjiewu@dmu.edu.cn,yyjjwu@yahoo.com, yingjie.wu@mssm.edu

联系地址:大连医科大学 重大疾病基因工程模式动物研究所

2013.03——至今  大连医科大学重大疾病基因工程模式动物研究所 教授,所长
2012.12—至今  美国纽约大学口腔医学院基础科学与颅面生物学系 研究员, 兼职教授
2011.09—至今  美国西奈山医学院内分泌、糖尿病及骨疾病系 兼职副教授
2005.09—2011.08 美国西奈山医学院内分泌、糖尿病及骨疾病系 研究副教授
2002.02—2005.03 美国国立健康卫生研究院心肺血液研究所 资深研究员
1999.01—2002.02 美国宾夕法尼亚大学生物系 研究助理
1989.07—1992.02 辽宁师范大学食品生化所 讲师
1995.12—1998.12 美国宾夕法尼亚大学生物系,博士后。
导师:Anthony Cashmore 博士(美国科学院院士)

2、利用基因工程模式动物对GH-IGF1轴信号通路中基因如生长激素(Growth hormone)、类胰岛素生长因子(IGF1)和胰岛素(Insulin)等在生长发育及病理状态下如肥胖、糖尿病、骨疾病、癌症及老年病中的作用。
3、癌症(如非小细胞肺癌,前列腺癌)和慢病(如脂肪肝)临床早期诊断Marker 和试剂盒。

2、建立生长激素受体基因Flox小鼠并在此基础上建立了系列组织特异性基因敲除小鼠,如肝、肌肉、脂肪、胰岛、骨、神经组织生长激素受体基因敲除小鼠模型,进而研究生长激素受体在生长发育、衰老及病理状态下的功能,开展生长激素受体功能的系统研究。为相关疾病治疗及药物研发奠定理论基础。相关研究论文已在The Journal of Clinical Investigation 和Diabetes发表。
3、建立的小鼠基因编码框优化的FLPo重组酶工具鼠,100%高效性删除FRT两侧修饰的选择标记基因NEO。已被美国、英国、德国和加拿大及等二十多个实验室索取并使用。相关研究论文于2009年底发表在PLoS ONE,下载或阅读11320余次。
4、建立类胰岛素生长因子IGF1 点突变(R3)和缺失(DES)Knock-In小鼠,相关研究论文于2011年底发表在Disease Models & Mechanisms。
1、2013 年入选辽宁省第五批高等学校攀登学者
3、2008 年第四次国际生长激素和胰岛素样生长因子研究大会(意大利),旅行奖
7、国际IGF 研究学会会员
 Diabetes, Endocrinology, Molecular Endocrinology, Journal of Endocrinology and Journal of Molecular Endocrinology
4、辽宁省省自然科学基金优秀人才培育项目:建立高效靶向基因修饰系统CRISPR/Cas9研究糖尿病相关基因的功能,项目编号2014023042,5万元, 2014.07-2016.06,主持
6、国家人力资源与社会保障部 2013年留学人员科技活动择优资助项目:建立高效TALEN与CRE-LoxP相结合系统研究糖尿病相关基因的功能, 8万元,主持
7、2013年大连市第四批海创工程项目:利用植物生物反应器生产长效胰岛素,项目编号22012100106,100万, 2013.12 -2016.12,主持
8、国家国际科技合作专项项目:利用分子农业生产药用蛋白和生物活性物质,项目编号2012DFA30450,440万元, 2012.05-2015.04,美方负责人(中方合作单位山东省高新技术研究中心)
9、国家国际科技合作项目:可吸收骨折内固定器件和骨组织工程修复支架的联合研发,项目编号2010DFB50890, 1434万元,2010.01-2011.12,美方负责人(中方合作单位中国科学院长春应用化学研究)
10、美国NIH 课题(NIH/DDHS ):IGF and IGF Receptor Function in Mammary Development,项目编号5R01DK060612-09,2007.09-2013.07,Co-Investigator
吴英杰,景作磊等。 一种细胞DNA损伤修复的抑制剂 (专利申请号等待中)
1、代表性研究论文(选自62篇论文)(*Co-first authors, # Correspondence author)
[1] Zhang Y, Zou X, Qian W, Weng X, Zhang L, Zhang L, Wang S, Cao X, Ma L, Wei G#, Wu Y#, Hou Z#. Enhanced PAPSS2/VCAN sulfation axis is essential for Snail-mediated breast cancer cellmigration and metastasis. Cell Death Differ, 2018, [Epub ahead of print].
[2] Tao Yu, Chunxin Wang, Jian Yang, Yuqi Guo, Yingjie Wu# and Xin Li#. Metformin inhibits SUV39H1-mediated migration of prostate cancer cells. Oncogenesis,  (2017) e324; doi:10.1038.
 [3] Yuqi Guo, Chengzhi Xie, Xiyan Li, Jian Yang, Yu Tao, Tianqing Zhang, Michael Snyder, Yingjie Wu and  Xin Li#. Succinate   and   its   G-protein-coupled   receptor   stimulates   osteoclastogenesis.  Nature Communications, 2017 May 31;8:15621.
 [4] Jinhui Yu, Yong Ma, Jie Sun, Liyuan Ran, Youwei Li, Ning Wang, Tao Yu, Wenting Gao, Wenbin Jia, Rujiao Jiang, Meihua Guo, Yuping Bi# and Yingjie Wu# Microalgal oil from Schizochytrium sp. prevents HFD-induced abdominal fat accumulation in mice. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2017 May 26:1-10.
[5] Yiwen Qin, Yuanzhen Peng, Wei Zhao, Jianping Pan, Hanna Ksiezak-Reding, Christopher Cardozo, Yingjie Wu, Paola Divieti Pajevic, Lynda F. Bonewald, William A Bauman and Weiping Qin. Myostatin Inhibits Osteoblastic Differentiation by Suppressing Osteocyte-derived Exosomal microRNA-218: A Novel Mechanism in Muscle-Bone Communication. J Biol Chem, 2017;292(26):11021-11033. PMID: 28465350
[6] Yuqi Guo, Tao Yu, Jian Yang, Tianqing Zhang, Yang Zhou, Fan He, Zoya Kurago, David Myssiorek, Yingjie Wu, Peng Lee, Xin Li Metformin inhibits salivary adenocarcinoma growth through cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Am J Cancer Res 2015,5 (12):3600-3611
[7] Weiping Qin, Xiaodong Li, Yuanzhen Peng, Lauren M Harlow, Yinshi Ren, Yingjie Wu, Jiliang Li, Yiwen Qin, Jie Sun, Tom Brown, Jian Q. Feng, Hua Zhu Ke, William A Bauman, Christopher C Cardozo. Sclerostin Antibody Preserves the Morphology and Structure of Osteocytes and Blocks the Severe Skeletal Deterioration after Motor-Complete Spinal Cord Injury in Rats. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 2015, 30(11):1994–2004
[8] Zhenwei Gong*, Oran Kennedy*, Hui Sun*, Yingjie Wu*, Garry A Williams, Laura Klein, Luis Cardoso, Ronald W. Matheny Jr, Gene B. Hubbard, Yuji Ikeno, Roger P. Farrar, Mitchell B Schaffler, Martin L Adamo, Radhika H Muzumdar1 and Shoshana Yakar, Reductions in serum IGF-1 during aging impair health span. Aging Cell, 2014, 13, 408–418.
[9] Kennedy OD, Sun H, Yingjie Wu, Courtland HW, Williams GA, Cardoso L, Basta-Pljakic J, Schaffler MB, Yakar S. Skeletal response of male mice to anabolic hormone therapy in the absence of the Igfals gene. Endocrinology, 2014, 155(3):987-999.
[10] Yingjie Wu, Hui Sun, JelenaBasta-Pljakic, Luis Cardoso, Oran D Kennedy, Hector Jasper, HoracioDomené, Liliana Karabatas, Clara Guida, Mitchell B Schaffler, Clifford J Rosen, Shoshana Yakar, Serum IGF-1 is insufficient to restore skeletal size in the total absence of the growth hormone receptor. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2013, 28(7),1575-1586.
[11] Vijayakumar A, Buffin NJ, Gallagher EJ, Blank J, Yingjie Wu, Yakar S, Leroith D. Deletion of Growth Hormone Receptors in Post-Natal Skeletal Muscle of Male Mice Does Not Alter Muscle Mass and Response to Pathological Injury. Endocrinology,2013 , 154(10):3776-3783.
[12] Tunde Akinyeke,Satoko Matsumura, Xinying Wang, Yingjie Wu, Eric D.Schalfer, AnjanaSaxena, Wenbo Yan, SusanK.Logan and Xin Li. Metformin targets c-MYC oncogene to prevent prostate cancer. Carcinogenesis, 2013, 134(12): 2823-2832.
[13] Courtland HW, Kennedy OD, Yingjie Wu, Gao Y, Sun H, Schaffler MB, Yakar S. Low levels of plasma IGF-1 inhibit intracortical bone remodeling during aging. Age, 2013,,35(5), 1691-1703. 
[14] ArchanaVijayakumar*, Yingjie Wu*, ChengyuLiu,Hui Sun, Shoshana Yakar and Derek LeRoith, Targeted loss of GHR signaling in mouse skeletal muscle protects from high-fat diet-induced metabolic deterioration. Diabetes, 2012, 61(1):94-103.
[15] ArchanaVijayakumar, Yingjie Wu, Buffin NJ, Li X, Sun H, Gordon RE, Shoshana Yakar, Derek LeRoith. Skeletal muscle growth hormone receptor signaling regulates Basal, but not fasting-induced, lipid oxidation. PLoS ONE, 2012,7(9):e44777.
[16] Yingjie Wu, ChengyuLiu,Hui Sun, ArchanaVijayakumar, PejmanRaeisiGiglou, Joshua Oppenheimer, Shoshana Yakar and Derek LeRoith.Growth hormone receptor regulates β cell hyperplasia and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in obese mice. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2011, 121(6):2422–2426.
[17] Sebastien Elis*, Yingjie Wu*, Hayden-William Courtland, Dara Cannata, Hui Sun, Mordechay Beth-On, Hector Jasper, HoracioDomené, Liliana Karabatas, Clara Guida, JelenaBasta-Pljakic, Luis Cardoso, Clifford J Rosen, and Shoshana Yakar. Unbound (bioavailable) IGF1 enhances somatic growth. Disease Models & Mechanisms, 2011 ,4(5):649-658.
[18] Sebastien Elis, Yingjie Wu, Hayden-William Courtland, Hui Sun, Clifford J Rosen, Adamo ML and Shoshana Yakar. Increased serum IGF-1 levels protect the musculoskeletal system but are associated with elevated oxidative stress markers and increased mortality independent of tissue igf1 gene expression. Aging Cell, 2011, 27.(10) 1474-9726.
[19] Hayden-William Courtland, Sebastien Elis, Yingjie Wu, Hui Sun, Clifford J Rosen, Karl J. Jepsen and Shoshana Yakar. Serum IGF-1 Affects Skeletal Acquisition in a Temporal and Compartment-Specific Manner. PLoS ONE, 2011, 6(3): e14762.
[20] Hayden-William Courtland, Hui Sun, Mordechay Beth-On,Yingjie Wu, Sebastien Elis, Clifford J Rosen and Shoshana Yakar. Growth hormone mediates pubertal skeletal development independent of hepatic IGF-1 production. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2011, 26(4): 761–768.
[21] Guo-Ying Huang, Li-Jian Xie, Kaari L. Linask, Chen Zhang, Xiao-Qing Zhao, Yi Yang, Guo-Min Zhou, Yingjie Wu, Lucrecia Marquez-Rosado, Doff B. McElhinney, Elizabeth Goldmuntz, Chengyu Liu, Paul D. Lampe, Bishwanath Chatterjee, and Cecilia W. Lo. Evaluating the role of connexin43 in congenital heart disease: Screening for mutations in patients with outflow tract anomalies and the analysis of knock-in mouse models. J Cardiovasc Dis Res, 2011, 2(4): 206–212.
[22] Yingjie Wu, Pnina Brodt, Hui Sun, Wilson Mejia, RuslanNovosyadlyy, Nomeli Nunez, Xiaoli Chen, Arnulfo Mendoza, Sung-Hyeok Hong, Chand Khanna and Shoshana Yakar.Insulin-like growth factor-I regulates the liver microenvironment in obese mice and promotes liver metastasis. Cancer Research,2010, 70(1):57-67.
[23] Dara Cannata, Danielle Lann, Yingjie Wu, Sebastien Elis, Hui Sun, Shoshana Yakar, Deborah A. Lazzarino, Teresa L. Wood and Derek LeRoith, Elevated Circulating IGF-1 Promotes Mammary Gland Development and Proliferation. Endocrinology, 2010, 151(12): 5751-5761.
[24] Sebastien Elis, Hayden-William Courtland, Yingjie Wu, J. Christopher Fritton, HuiSun, Clifford J Rosen and Shoshana Yakar. Elevated serum IGF-1 levels synergize PTH action on the skeleton only when the tissue IGF-1 axis is intact. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2010, 25(9):2051-8.
[25] Sebastien Elis, Hayden-William Courtland, Yingjie Wu, Clifford J Rosen, Hui Sun, Karl J Jepsen, Robert J Majeska and Shoshana Yakar. Elevated serum levels of IGF-1 are sufficient to establish normal body size and skeletal properties even in the absence of tissue IGF-1. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2010, 25(6):1257-1266.
[26] J. ChristopherFritton, Yuki Kawashima, Wilson Mejia, Hayden-Williams Courtland,Sebastien Elis, Hui Sun, Yinjgie Wu, Clifford J. Rosen, David Clemmons and Shoshana Yakar. The insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) binding protein acid-labile subunit (ALS) alters mesenchymal stromal cell fate. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010, 285(7):4709-4714.
[27] J Christopher Fritton, Kelly B Emerton, Hui Sun, Yuki Kawashima, Wilson Mejia, Yingjie Wu, Clifford J Rosen, David Panus, Mary Bouxsein, Robert J Majeska,Mitchell B Schaffler and Shoshana Yakar. Growth Hormone Protects Against Ovariectomy-Induced Bone Loss in States of Low Circulating IGF-1. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2010, 25(2):235-246.
[28] Shoshana Yakar, Clifford J. Rosen, Mary L. Bouxsein, Hui Sun, Wilson Mejia, Yuki Kawashima, Yingjie Wu, Kelly Emerton, Valerie Williams, Karl Jepsen, Mitchell B. Schaffler, Robert J. Majeska, Oksana Gavrilova, Mariana Gutierrez, David Hwang, Patricia Pennisi, Jan Frystyk, Yves Boisclair, John Pintar, Héctor Jasper, HoracioDomene, Pinchas Cohen, David Clemmons and Derek LeRoith. Serum complexes of insulin-like growth factor-1 modulate skeletal integrity and carbohydrate metabolism. The FASEB Journal, 2009, 23(3):709-719.
[29] Yingjie Wu, Hui Sun, Shoshana Yakar, Derek LeRoith. Elevated levels of IGF-1 in serum rescue the severe growth retardation of IGF-1 null mice. Endocrinology, 2009,150(9):4395-4403.
[30] Yingjie Wu, Chunxin Wang, Hui Sun, Derek LeRoith and Shoshana Yakar. High-Efficient FLPo Deleter Mice in C57BL/6J Background. PLoS ONE, 2009, 4(11): e8054.
[31] Xiao-Ning Zhang*, Yingjie Wu*, John Tobias, Brian Brunk, Gerald Deitzer, Dongmei Liu. HFR1 is crucial for transcriptome regulation in cryptochrome 1-mediated early response to blue light in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS ONE, 2008,3(10): e3563, (*Co-first authors).
[32] Yuka Toyoshima, Christopher Monson, CunmingDuan, Yingjie Wu, Chuan Gao, Shoshana Yakar, Kirsten C. Sadlerand Derek LeRoith. The role of insulin receptor signaling in zebrafish embryogenesis. Endocrinology,2008,149(12):5996-6005.
[33] Jinhui Zhang, Yingjie Wu, Yuanyuan Zhang, Derek LeRoith, David A. Bernlohr and Xiaoli Chen. The Role of Lipocalin 2 in the Regulation of Inflammation in Adipocytes and Macrophages. Molecular Endocrinology, 2008, 22(6):1416-26.
[34] Charlie Xiang, Yingjie Wu. Li Ma, L. Ding &I. Lisinski, M. J. Brownstein,Samuel W Cushman and Xiaoli Chen. Characterisation of insulin-resistant phenotype of cultured rat primary adipose cells. Diabetologia, 2007, 50(5):1070-1079.
[35] Qing Yu, Y. Shen, B. Chatterjee, B. H. Siegfried, L. Leatherbury, J. Rosenthal, J. F. Lucas, A. Wessels, C. F. Spurney, Yingjie Wu, M. L. Kirby, K. Svenson and C. W. Lo. ENU induced mutations causing congenital cardiovascular anomalies. Development, 2004,131(24):6211-6223.
[36] Hongquan Yang, Yingjie Wu, Dongmei Liu, Ruhang Tang and Anthony R. Cashmore. The C-terminal of Arabidopsis cryptochrome mediate a constitutive light response. Cell, 2000,103: 815-827.
[37] Anthony R. Cashmore, Jarillo, J. A., Yingjie Wu and Dongmei Liu. Cryptochromes: Blue Light Receptors for Plant and Animals. Science, 1999, 284: 760-765.
[1] Shuang Wang, Jin Wu, Ning Wang, Li Zeng and Yingjie Wu, The Role of Growth Hormone Receptor on β Cell Function. Growth Hormone & IGF Research, 2017, 36:30-35. (# Correspondence author)
[2] ArchanaVijayakumar, RuslanNovosyadlyy, Yingjie Wu, Shoshana Yakar and Derek LeRoith. Biological effects of growth hormone on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Growth Hormone & IGF Research, 2010, 20(1):1-7.
[3] Yingjie Wu and Lungfei Yen. Motor protein in microtubule. Progressing Biochemistry, 1996, 1(1): 1-8.
[1] GENOME EDITING and ENGINEERING: From Talens, ZFNs and CRISPRs to Molecular Surgery. edited by Dr. Krishnarao Appasani, Cambridge University Press 2017 (One Chapter: Genome editing with desired mutations (knock-in) with CRISPR in model organisms, Chunxin Wang and Yingjie Wu).
[2] Biochemistry and Nutrition of Food. The Scientific Press, Beijing, China, 1994. Three Chapters.
[1] Dong Yu, Xiaoxin Wang, Jin Wu, Rujiao Jiang and Yingjie Wu  Growth Hormone Receptor Play a Key Role in the Pathogenesis of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, the Cold Spring Harbor Asia conference on Lipid Metabolism and Metabolic Disorders. Suzhou, China, April 10-14, 2017.
[2]  中美创新对话---基因工程模式动物与医学研究国际论坛,2014年11月22-24日,中国大连. β-cell specific disruption of the growth hormone receptor impair β cell insulin secretion.(本所为会议主办方)
[3] The BIT’s 3rd Annual World Congress of Endometabolism and Diabetes, on May 20-22, 2013. Xi’an, China. Serum IGF-1 is insufficient to restore body size in the absence of growth hormone receptor.
[4] The 6th International Congress for the GRS and IGF Society, on October 17-20, 2012. Munich, Germany. Serum Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I is insufficient to restore linear growth in the absence of growth hormone receptor.
[5] The Endocrine Society's 93rd Annual Meeting & Expo. on June 4-8, 2011.Boston, Massachusettes. Serum IGF-I is insufficient to restore body size of the GHR null mouse.
[6] The Fifth International Congress of the GRS and the IGF Society onOct.3-7, 2010. New York, New York. β-cell specific disruption of the growth hormone receptor impair β-cell insulin secretion.
[7]  The Endocrine Society's 92nd Annual Meeting & Expo on June 19-22, 2010. San Diego, California. Targeted ablation of growth hormone receptors in the skeletal muscle improves metabolism and protects against diet-induced obesity in mice.
[8] The Endocrine Society's 91st Annual Meeting on June 10-13, 2009. Washington, DC,. Local IGF-1 is essential for the development of female reproductive system and normal estrus cycle.
[9] The Fourth International Congress for the GRS and IGF Society, on September 16-20, 2008. Genova, Italy. Liver-derived circulating IGF-I is sufficient to restore linear growth in an IGF-I null mouse.
[10] The Endocrine Society's 90th Annual Meeting on June 15-18, 2008.  San Francisco, California. Liver-derived, circulating (endocrine) Insulin-like Growth factor-1, is sufficient to support normal post-natal growth.
 [1] Xiaoshuang Wang, Liyuan Ran, Xiangdong Liu, Shuang Wang and Yingjie Wu
Effects of Adipose Tissue-specific GHR Knockout on the Lipid Metabolism in Mice the Cold Spring Harbor Asia conference on Lipid Metabolism and Metabolic Disorders. Suzhou, China, April 10-14, 2017.
[2] Archana Vijayakumar, Yingjie Wu, Hui Sun, Chengyu Liu, N. Haddad, Shoshana Yakar, and Derek LeRoith Growth Hormone Signaling Facilitates Muscle - Fat Crosstalk to Mediate Insulin Resistance. The Endocrine Society's 93st Annual Meeting & Expo, Boston June 4-8, 2011.
[3] Yingjie Wu, Hui Sun, ArchanaVijayakumar, Sheng Yao, Chengyu Liu, Shoshana Yakar, and Derek LeRoith. b-Cell Specific Disruption Of The Growth Hormone Receptor Does Not Affect b-Cell Mass But May Affect Its Function. The Endocrine Society's 92st Annual Meeting & Expo, San Diego, California, June 19-22, 2010.
[4]  DELann, Yingjie Wu, H Sun, S Yakar, D LeRoith. Elevated Levels of Circulating IGF-I Can Rescue Mammary Gland Development of IGF-I Null Mice. The Endocrine Society's 91st Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, June 10-13, 2009.
[5]  Y Kawashima, CJ Fritton, S Elis, HW Courtland, H Sun, Yingjie Wu, W Mejia, CJ Rosen, DR Clemmons, S Yakar. Reduced IGF-1 Complex Formation Leads to mesenchymal stromal cell fateThe Endocrine Society's 91st Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, June 10-13, 2009.
[6] HW Courtland, S Elis, Yingjie Wu, H Sun, CJ Rosen, KJ Jepsen, S Yakar. Depletion of Serum IGF-1 after Peak Bone Acquisition Does Not Affect Skeletal Architecture in the Adult Mouse. The Endocrine Society's 91st Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, June 10-13, 2009.
[7] S Elis, HW Courtland, Yingjie Wu, H Sun, V Williams, K Jepsen, S Yakar. Sex-Specific Effects of Endocrine IGF-1 on Skeletal Morphology and Peak Bone Acquisition.The Endocrine Society's 91st Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, June 10-13, 2009.
[8] JC Fritton, Y Kawashima, H Sun, W Mejia, Yingjie Wu, CJ Rosen, D Panus, ML Bouxsein, RJ Majeska, MB Schaffler, S Yakar Growth Hormone Protects Against Ovariectomy-Induced Bone Loss in States of Low Circulating Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I. The Endocrine Society's 91st Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, June 10-13, 2009.
[9] Shoshana Yakar, Ernesto Canalis, Wilson Mejia, Hui sun, Yingjie Wu, Yuki Kawashima Phil Nasser, Valerie Williams and Karl Jepsen. Serum IGF-1 is a developmental determinant of bone size. The 30th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, Montréal, Quebéc, Canada, September 12 -16, 2008
[10] J Christopher Fritton, Kelly Emerton, Hui Sun, Yuki Kawashima, Alexander Sinofsky, Wilson Mejia, Yingjie Wu, Mitchell Schaffler, Mary Bouxsein, Clifford J Rosen and Shoshana Yakar. Low serum IGF-I alters the cortical bone response to estrogen deficiency. The 30th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, Montréal, Quebéc, Canada, September 12 -16, 2008
[11] Yingjie Wu, Sebastien Elis, Hui sun, Yuki Kawashima and Shoshana Yakar. Endocrine IGF-1 maintains linear growth in the total absence of tissue IGF-1. The 30th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, Montréal, Quebéc, Canada, September 12 -16, 2008
[12] RadoslavSavic,   Kenjiro Inagaki, Yingjie Wu, Hui Sun, RuslanNovosyadlyy,   Yuki Kawashima,   shoshanayakar and   derekleroith: Oxidative stress in MKR mouse model of type-2 diabetes, The Endocrine Society's 90th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, June 15-18, 2008.
[13] Jinhui Zhang, Yingjie Wu, Yuanyuan Zhang, Derek LeRoith, David A. Bernlohr, and Xiaoli Chen: The role of lipocalin 2 in the regulation of inflammation in adipocytes and macrophages. Workshop on the Establishment, Maintenance, & Turnover of Fat Depots, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD May 21-22, 2008.
[14] RuslanNovosyadlyy, Shoshana Yakar, Yingjie Wu, Kenjiro Inagaki, RadoslavSavic, Hui Sun, Derek LeRoith: Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Induced Apoptosis in Human Breast Cancer Cells. The Endocrine Society’s 88th Annual Meeting, Boston June24-27, 2006
[15] Kenjiro Inagaki, Anatoly Tiulpakov, Shoshana Yakar, Yingjie Wu, RuslanNovosyadlyy, RadoslavSavic, Hui Sun, Derek LeRoith: Functional Abnormalities of Cells with the R481Q Point Mutation in the Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I Receptor Gene. The Endocrine Society’s 88th Annual Meeting, Boston June24-27, 2006
[16] Yingjie Wu, E.Doe, C. Liu, and C. W. Lo:High throughput recovery of mouse Cx47 mutations with a genotype base screen of embryonic stem cells using DHPLC and Cel I endonuclease:The44th Annual Meeting of The American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB), Washington, December 4-8, 2004
[17] Yingjie Wu, C. Rosenow and C. Lo: High-Throughput Analysis of mutations and sequence variations in mouse connexin genes. The International gap junction conference, St. John’s Colleage, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, August, 2003.
[18] Yingjie Wu, C. Rosenow and C. Lo: High-Throughput discovery of mouse connexin mutations using resequencing DNA chip.  Symposium on phenotyping mouse cardiovascular function and development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. October, 2002.










主要从事基因工程模式动物构建及肥胖等代谢疾病相关基因功能研究。参与国家级省部级课题多项,参与发表SCI论文7篇,累计影响因子32.7,其中以第一作者身份在Journal of Biological Chemistry, Molecular Microbiology发表SCI论文2篇,影响因子9.626,作为第二参与人授权国家发明专利两项。











主要研究方向为颌面部发育畸形和组织病理学研究。博士在读期间,利用维甲酸诱导腭裂小鼠模型观察胚鼠舌的发育过程中正常及异常的组织形态学及超微结构变化,探讨舌发育异常的分子调控机制,该部分结果已于2014年发表于Sci Rep.(IF=5.078)。利用microRNA芯片技术对维甲酸诱导舌发育异常胚鼠舌组织进行差异microRNA的筛选并进行进一步的生物信息学分析,对差异microRNA靶基因进行信号通路和功能的富集性分析,深入探讨microRNA在维甲酸诱导的舌发育异常中的作用机制。此外,利用三维体系在体外条件下进行小鼠胚胎腭器官培养的研究成果,已申请国家发明专利并获批受理(申请号:201310657627.X)。本人曾多次参与国内、国际学术会议并发表多篇会议论文。





主要研究方向为:利用动物模型进行骨代谢相关基因的研究。参与国家级省级课题多项,以第一作者发表SCI论文1篇,IF:3.116,题目: Inhibition of cell proliferation, migration and invasion by a glioma-targeted fusion protein combining the p53 C terminus and MDM2-binding domain.








2007.10—2012.07 滨州医学院中西医结合临床学院,取得学士学位;

2012.07-2013.06   工作于蓬莱市解放军第405医院普外科






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    张新专家简介张新,博士,硕士生导师。辽宁省肿瘤医院妇科副主任。辽宁省医学会妇科肿瘤分会副主任委员。辽宁省抗癌协会妇科内镜委员会主任委员。《中国实用妇科与产科杂志》特邀编委,《国际妇产科学杂志》编委。1988年毕业于中国医科大学医疗系,1999年获硕士学位,2007年获博士学位。2003-2004年在美国MD Anderson 癌中心研修。毕业后一直从事妇科肿瘤临床工作,在妇科肿瘤的临床和科研工作方 ...
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    郑志超专家简介郑志超,博士,辽宁省肿瘤医院胃外科主任,主任医师,硕士研究生导师。1987年 8月本科毕业于大连医学院(现大连医科大学)临床医疗系,于辽宁省肿瘤医院就职,2003 年8 月取得中国医科大学肿瘤学博士学位,2005年~ 2006 年间留学澳大利亚悉尼大学,2010年3月就任辽宁省肿瘤医院胃外科主任。中国抗癌协会第四届胃癌专业委员会委员,辽宁省抗癌协会胃癌专业委员会副主任委员,沈阳市医师 ...
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    专家简介张庆彤,副主任医师,硕士研究生导师,科室党支部书记。主要学术职务有:世界内镜医师协会胃肠外科协会委员。中国医师协会肿瘤外科医师委员会青年委员。中国医师协会肛肠分会腹腔镜内镜学组委员。中国医师协会结直肠肿瘤专业委员会外科学组委员。中国研究型医院学会腹膜后与盆底疾病专业委员会委员。中国老年保健医学研究会老年胃肠外科分会委员。中国医疗保健国际交流促进会胃肠外科分会委员。中华消化外科精英荟胃肠外科 ...
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  • 大连医科大学辽宁省肿瘤医院导师教师师资介绍简介-张睿导师介绍
    姓名:张睿专家简介张睿,博士,主任医师,硕士生导师。辽宁省百千万人才工程千层次人选中国医疗保健国际交流促进会神经内分泌肿瘤辽宁学组 主任委员中国医疗保健国际交流促进会神经内分泌肿瘤学青委会 副主任委员中国研究型医院学会精准医学与肿瘤MDT专业委员会肿瘤临床协会组 副主任委员中国医疗保健国际交流促进会结直肠病学分会 委员中国医师协会结直肠肿瘤专业委员会加速康复外科学组 委员中国临床肿瘤学会(CSCO ...
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    专家简介张菁茹,博士,硕士生导师。现任职于辽宁省肿瘤医院妇科,从事恶性肿瘤临床治疗及科研工作。1998年毕业于中国医科大学医疗系,获得临床医学学士学位。2005年毕业于中国医科大学肿瘤外科,获得肿瘤外科硕士学位。2008年毕业于中国医科大学,获得病理学博士学位。于2012年于南京军区总医院学习加速康复外科。目前以第一作者在国家级核心期刊发表论文7篇,SCI论文1篇。研究方向主要致力于妇科恶性肿瘤淋 ...
    本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-30
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    张强专家简介张强,博士,主任医师,大连医科大学肿瘤外科研究生导师,中华医学会肿瘤整形学组委员,中国抗癌协会乳腺癌专业委员会委员,辽宁省乳腺癌专业委员会及防治中心常委,《实用肿瘤学杂志》编委,辽宁省百千万人才千人才,辽宁省青联委员,从2005年开始连续7年被评委辽宁省肿瘤医院拔尖人才库的优秀人才。2005一2007年先后在中国医学科学院肿瘤医院 ...
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  • 大连医科大学辽宁省肿瘤医院导师教师师资介绍简介-于占武导师介绍
    于占武专家简介:于占武,博士,主任医师,硕士生导师。辽宁省医学会胸外科分会青年委员会委员,日本肺癌学会会员,辽宁省细胞生物学会胸部肿瘤分会会员。现在为辽宁省肿瘤医院胸外科主任医师。1999年中国医科大学日文医学专业毕业,2007年于中国医科大学获得外科学硕士学位,2014年于中国医科大学外科学博士毕业。2002年、2007年两次赴日本秋田大学、日本顺天堂大学研修学习。日常主要从事肺部肿瘤,食管肿瘤 ...
    本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-30
  • 大连医科大学辽宁省肿瘤医院导师教师师资介绍简介-张剑军导师介绍
    张剑军,肿瘤学博士,主任医师,硕士生导师。辽宁省抗癌协会胃癌专业委员会常委;辽宁省抗癌协会肿瘤转移专业委员会委员;辽宁省抗癌协会淋巴瘤专业委员会委员;辽宁省细胞生物学会肿瘤营养专业委员会常务理事。辽宁省直属机关青联第四届常委。现任辽宁省肿瘤医院胃外科副主任。1993年毕业于中国医科大学临床医学专业,1997年考取中国医科大学肿瘤学硕士研究生,2000年毕业,获得硕士学位。2001年考取中国医科大学 ...
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  • 大连医科大学辽宁省肿瘤医院导师教师师资介绍简介-于洪导师介绍
    于洪专家简介于洪,主任医师,科主任,硕士生导师。辽宁省肿瘤医院放疗科。1986年毕业于中国医科大学医学系,获学士学位。1992年毕业于中国协和医科大学放疗专业,获硕士学位。1999年在日本京都大学医学部放疗科做访问学者。2003年晋升主任医师。兼职中华医学会放疗分会委员,中国抗癌协会放疗专业委员会委员,中国抗癌协会鼻咽癌专业委员会委员,辽宁省抗癌协会放疗专业委员会主任委员,辽宁省医学会放疗分会副主 ...
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  • 大连医科大学辽宁省肿瘤医院导师教师师资介绍简介-于韬导师介绍
    姓名 于韬专家简介于韬,博士,主任医师。享受国务院政府特殊津贴。现任中华医学会放射学分会乳腺专业委员会委员,中国超声医学工程学会理事,中国超声医学工程学会腹部委员会委员,辽宁省抗癌协会副秘书长,辽宁省医学会分子影像学分会副主任委员,辽宁省细胞生物学会功能影像分会副主任委员,辽宁省医学会放射学分会常务委员,辽宁省医学会超声医学分会常务委员,辽宁省超声医学工程学会副会长,辽宁省抗癌协会肿瘤影像专业委员 ...
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