

本站小编 Free考研网/2020-03-29

辛毅,博士,教授,博士生导师。1996年4月在美国科罗拉多州立大学微生物系完成博士后研究后回国,在大连医科大学任教至今。1999年入选 “辽宁省新世纪百千万人才工程”的百层次人选;获第三届大连市归国留学人员创业英才标兵、大连医科大学名师等荣誉。任大连市医学会生化专科分会委员、辽宁省预防医学第六届微生态学专业委员会常务委员、中国生物工程学会糖生物工程专业委员会委员。主持4项国家自然科学基金、参与国家重点基础研究发展计划、“艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治”科技重大专项。主要从事人体微生物组与疾病的相关性及其机制的研究。讲授课程:生物医学工程导论(本科)、生物技术自主实验(本科)和高级生物化学(研究生)。
1988年09月-1994年05月,理学博士美国 North Dakota State University
1986年08月- 1988年08月,理学硕士美国Marshall University
1980年09月- 1984年07月,理学学士河南师范大学
1996年05月- 2000年05月,副教授大连医科大学
1994年03月- 1996年04月,博士后美国 Colorado State University
1984年07月- 1988年07月,助教河南医科大学
主要学术任职 :
1、青岛瑞思德生物科技有限公司:浒苔及其多糖对肠道菌群的调节功能的确定.(2017.1. - 2019.12.,50.00 万),排名1
2、国家自然科学基金:结核分枝杆菌GlmU乙酰基转移酶抑制剂的作用机制研究及抑菌效果评价 (2016.01. - 2019.12.,54.00 万),排名2
4、国家自然科学基金:结核分枝杆菌丝氨酸乙酰基转移酶 (SAT) 的结构与功能研究(2011.1.- 2013.12.,32万),排名1
1. Xiaomeng Ren, Yanyan Zhu, Yaser Gamallat, Shenhao Ma, Gift Chiwala, Abdo Meyiah, Yi Xin*. E. coli O124 K72 alters the intestinal barrier and the tight junctions proteins of guinea pig intestine. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy (2.759) 2017, 94: 468-473.
2. Zhi-Kun Lin, Jia Liu, Guo-Qiang Jiang, Guang Tan, Peng Gong, Hai-Feng Luo, Hui-Min Li, Jian Du, Zhen Ning, Yi Xin*, Zhong-Yu Wang*. Osthole inhibits the tumorigenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Oncology reports (2.662) 2017, 37(3): 1611-1618.
3. Shanshan Sha, Xiaoxia Shi, Guoying Deng, Lida Chen, Yi Xin and Yufang Ma*. Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv1987 induces Th2 immune responses and enhances Mycobacterium smegmatis survival survival in mice. Microbiological Research (3.037)2017, 197: 74-80.
4. Juanjuan Qiu, Shizhu Zang, Yufang Ma, Lawrence Owusu, Lei Zhou, Tao Jiang, Yi Xin*. Homology modeling and identification of amino acids involved in the catalytic process of Mycobacterium tuberculosis serine acetyltransferase. Molecular Medicine Reports (1.692)2017, 15(3): 1343-1347.
5. Annoor Awadasseid, Jie Hou, Yaser Gamallat, Shang Xueqi, Kuugbee D. Eugene, Ahmed Musa Hago, Djibril Bamba, Abdo Meyiah, Chiwala Gift, Yi Xin*. Purification, characterization, and antitumor activity of a novel glucan from the fruiting bodies of Coriolus Versicolor. PLoS One (2.806)2017, 12(2): e**.
6. Eugene Dogkotenge Kuugbee, Shang Xueqi, Yaser Gamallat, Djibril Bamba, Annoor Awadasseid, Mohammed Ahmed Suliman, Shizhu Zang, Yufang Ma, Gift Chiwala, Yi Xin*, Dong Shang*. Structural change in microbiota by a probiotic cocktail enhances the gut barrier and reduces cancer via TLR2 signaling in a rat model of colon cancer. Digestive Diseases and Sciences(2.875), 2016, 61(10):2908-2920.
7. Yaser Gamallat, Abdo Meyiah, Eugene D. Kuugbee, Ahmed Musa Hago, Gift Chiwala, Annoor Awadasseid, Djibril Bamba, Xin Zhang, Xueqi Shang, Fuwen Luo*, Yi Xin*. Lactobacillus rhamnosus induced epithelial cell apoptosis, ameliorates inflammation and prevents colon cancer development in an animal model. Biomedicine &Pharmacotherapy (2.759), 2016, 83:536-541.
8. Qiulong Yan, Song Cui, Changming Chen, Shenghui Li, Shanshan Sha, Xianyao Wan, Yi Xin, Yufang Ma*.Metagenomic analysis of sputum microbiome as a tool towards culture-independent pathogen detection of patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine(13.204), 2016, 195(5): 636-639.
9. JianjunLiu, Qiulong Yan, Fuwen Luo, Dong Shang, Dachang Wu, Haiquan Zhang, Xueqi Shang, Xiaoli Kang, Meyiah Abdo, Beibei Liu, YufangMa*and Yi Xin*. Acute cholecystitis associated with infection ofEnterobacteriaceae from gut microbiota. Clinical Microbiology and Infection(4.575), 2015, 21(9):851.e1-9.
10. Affhan Shoaib, DachangWu, Yi Xin*.Determining the role of a probiotic in the restoration of intestinal microbial balance by molecular and cultural techniques. Genetics and Molecular Research (0.764), 2015, 14(1):1526-1537.
11. Lawrence Owusu, Bo Wang, Yue Du, Weiling Li and Yi Xin*.The quantum of initial transformed cells potentially modulates the type of local inflammation mechanism elicited by surrounding normal epithelial tissues and systemic immune pattern for tumor arrest or progression.Journal of Cancer (3.609), 2015, 6(2):128-138.
12. Yunjuan Zhang, Wei Duan, Lawrence Owusu, Dachang Wu, Yi Xin*. Epigallocatechin 3 gallate induces the apoptosis of hepatocellular carcinoma LM6 cells but not non cancerous liver cells. International Journal of Molecular Medicine (2.348), 2015, 35(1):117-124.
13. Tao Jiang, Lina Cai, Xiaojiao Zhao, Lianqi He, Yufang Ma, Shizhu Zang, Cuili Zhang, Xinli Li, Yi Xin*. Functional identification of MSMEG_6402 protein from Mycobacterium smegmatis in decaprenylphosphoryl-D-arabinose biosynthesis. Microbial Pathogenesis (1.794)2014, 76: 44-50.
14. Dachang Wu, Chenxia Hou, Yanxia Li, Zinan Zhao, Jianjun Liu, Xin Lu, Xueqi Shang, Yi Xin*.Analysis of the bacterial community in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease sputum samples by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and real-time PCR. BMC Pulmonary Medicine (2.404), 2014, 14:179.
15. Lei Zhou, Xinli Li, Ayaz Ahmed, Dachang Wu, Liang Liu, Juanjuan Qiu, Yao Yan, Meilan Jin, Yi Xin*. Gut microbe analysis between hyperthyroid and healthy individuals. Current Microbiology (1.423), 2014, 69(5):675-680.
16. Weiling Li, Yi Xin, Chen Yang, Li Xinli,Cuili Zhang, Jing Bai and Jieli Yuan.The anti-proliferative effects and mechanisms of low molecular weight scorpion BmK venom peptides on human hepatoma and cervical carcinoma cells in vitro.Oncology Letter(1.554), 2014, 8(4):1581-1584.
17. Juanjuan Qiu, Yufang Ma, Lawrence Owusu, Tao Jiang,Yi Xin*. Functional analysis ofserine acetyltransferasefrom Mycobacterium smegmatis.Journal of Basic Microbiology (1.823), 2014, 54:1-8.
18. Ying Wan, Yi Xin, Cuili Zhang, Dachang Wu, Dapeng Ding, Li Tang, Lawrence Owusu, Jing Bai, Weiling Li. Fermentation supernatants of Lactobacillus delbrueckii inhibit growth of human colon cancer cells and induce apoptosis through a caspase 3-dependent pathway. Oncology Letters (1.554), 2014, 7: 1738-1742.
19. Xinli Li, Guang Yang, Cuili Zhang, Dachang Wu, Li Tang, Yi Xin*. Improvement of intestinal microflora balance by polysaccharide from Physalis alkekengi var. francheti. Molecular Medicine Reports (1.554), 2014, 9:677-682.
20. Yunjuan Zhang, Lawrence Owusu, Wei Duan, Tao Jiang, Shizhu Zang, Ayaz Ahmed, Yi Xin*. Anti-metastatic and differential effects on protein expression of epigallocatechin-3-gallate in HCCLM6 hepatocellular carcinoma cells. International Journal of Molecular Medicine (1.88), 2013, 32:959-964.
21. Juanjuan Qiu, Daiqing Wang, Yufang Ma, Tao Jiang, Yi Xin*.Identification and characterization of serine acetyltransferase encoded by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv2335 gene. International Journalof Molecular Medicine (1.88), 2013, 31(5):1229-1233.
22. Xinli Li, Cuili Zhang, Weiling Li, Dachang Wu, Jianjun Liu, Li Tang, Yi Xin*. In vivo effects on the intestinal microflora of Physalis alkekengi var. francheti extracts. Fitoterapia (2.216), 2013, 87:43-48.
Email:jimxin@hotmail.com 办公电话:
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