

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-21

摘要: 目的 探讨丰富环境下多重任务导向机器人训练对脑卒中患者步行功能和日常生活活动能力的干预效果。方法 选取接受康复治疗的脑卒中患者59例,随机分为对照组 (采用常规康复训练,30例) 和研究组 (在常规康复训练的基础上增加丰富环境下多重任务导向机器人辅助步行训练,29例),比较治疗前后2组患者Fugl-Meyer运动功能评定量表下肢部分 (FMA-LE) 评分、Hoffer步行能力分级、Berg平衡量表 (BBS) 评分、改良Barthel指数 (MBI)、表面肌电图信号。结果 治疗前,2组患者FMA-LE评分、Hoffer步行能力分级、BBS评分、MBI、表面肌电图信号的差异均无统计学意义 (P> 0.05),治疗4周后。2组患者FMA-LE评分、Hoffer步行能力分级、BBS评分、MBI、表面肌电图信号均较治疗前明显改善 (P< 0.05),且研究组改善情况好于对照组 (P< 0.05)。结论 丰富环境下多重任务导向机器人辅助步行训练可以改善脑卒中患者步行功能,提高步行能力,增强日常生活活动能力。


刘达, 韩小钗, 王子良, 赵紫剑, 贾雪嵩, 何宇, 刘学勇
中国医科大学附属盛京医院康复医学中心, 沈阳 110134
作者简介:刘达 (1984-),女,技师,本科.

关键词: 康复机器人, 步行功能, 日常生活活动能力, 康复治疗
Abstract: Objective To examine the effect of multitask-oriented robot-assisted training in an enriched environment on the walking function and activities of daily living of patients with stroke. Methods A total of 59 patients with stroke who received rehabilitation treatment were selected and randomly divided into a control group (conventional rehabilitation training,30 patients) and a study group (multitask-oriented robot-assisted training in an enriched environment based on conventional rehabilitation training,29 patients). The Fugl-Meyer Assessment-Lower Extremity (FMA-LE) scores,Hoffer walking ability ratings,Berg Balance Scale (BBS) scores,modified Barthel index (MBI) scores,and root mean square (RMS) values of surface electromyography signals before and after treatment were compared between the two groups. Results Before treatment,no significant differences were observed in the FMA-LE scores,Hoffer walking ability ratings,BBS scores,MBI scores,and RMS values of surface electromyography signals between the two groups (P> 0.05). After 4 weeks of treatment,the FMA-LE scores,Hoffer walking ability ratings,BBS scores,MBI scores,and RMS values of surface electromyography signals were significantly better than those before treatment in both groups (P< 0.05),and the improvements were greater in the study group than in the control group (P< 0.05). Conclusion The results of this study suggest that multitask-oriented robot-assisted training in an enriched environment can improve the walking function and ability,as well as enhance the activities of daily living,of patients with stroke.
Key words: rehabilitation robot, walking function, activities of daily living, rehabilitation


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