

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-21

摘要: 目的 分析辽宁省某三级甲等医院奥美拉唑的使用率及作为基本药物未获得首选的原因,为促进基本药物在临床中的合理使用及优化管理提供参考。方法 回顾性分析2021年1月至9月期间辽宁省某三级甲等医院未首选奥美拉唑治疗的影响因素,并对首选其他质子泵抑制剂(PPIs)治疗病例的合理性及可替换奥美拉唑的可行性进行分析。结果 奥美拉唑作为首选的使用率为4.68%(465/9 928)。对于未首选奥美拉唑且存在超说明书适应证、自费、年龄<18岁患者,可替换为奥美拉唑治疗,使用率可提高至49.63%。结论 基本药物奥美拉唑的使用率偏低,应加强对医护人员基本药物政策的培训及合理用药指导,切实将国家基本药物作为临床首选,以加强其在临床中的合理使用。


安胜男1,2, 刘亚非1,2, 马海英1,2
1. 中国医科大学附属第四医院药学部, 沈阳 110032;
2. 中国医科大学药学院第四临床药学教研室, 沈阳 110032

关键词: 基本药物, 质子泵抑制剂, 奥美拉唑, 使用率, 影响因素
Abstract: Objective To analyze the utilization rate and the non-preference reasons for omeprazole as an essential drug in a grade A tertiary hospital in Liaoning province. The findings were intended to provide reference for promoting the rational use and optimal management of essential drugs in clinics. Methods The study conducted a retrospective analysis of the influencing factors and countermeasures for patients who did not choose omeprazole treatment from January to September 2021, as well as the rationality of treatment using other proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and feasibility of replacing omeprazole. Results The utilization rate of omeprazole as the first choice in the hospital was 4.68% (465/9 928). Other PPI preparations can be replaced by omeprazole for patients who do not prefer omeprazole and have indications beyond the instructions, at their own expense, and for patients younger than 18 years. Considering these cases, the utilization rate can be increased to 49.63%. Conclusion The utilization rate of omeprazole in the hospital in this study was low. The hospital should strengthen the training of medical staff regarding essential drug policy and rational drug use guidance, and earnestly utilize the national essential drugs as the first choice in clinical practice, to improve their rational use.
Key words: essential drugs, proton pump inhibitors, omeprazole, utilization rate, influencing factor


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