

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-21

摘要: 目的 评价Er:YAG激光和等离子体处理对氧化锆与树脂水门汀粘接强度的影响。方法 制作36个氧化锆瓷块,随机分为对照组(A组)、喷砂组(B组)、Er:YAG激光组(C组)、Ar等离子体组(D组)、喷砂+Ar等离子体组(E组)和Er:YAG激光+Ar等离子体组(F组),每组6个。采用接触角测量仪、扫描电子显微镜对各试件表面进行检测,并计算剪切粘接强度。结果 C组氧化锆试件表面见凹坑状结构,粗糙度较A组增加(P<0.05);D组氧化锆试件表面形态未见明显改变,表面亲水性较A组显著提升(P<0.05);E组表面亲水性、剪切粘接强度与F组相似(P>0.05),较其余各组显著提升(P<0.05)。结论 Er:YAG激光和Ar等离子体处理可提高氧化锆与树脂水门汀粘接强度,两者联合应用效果更好。


刘攀1, 李雪2, 孟凡豪1, 刘敏1, 崔植1, 陈剑锋1
1. 大连医科大学附属第一医院口腔科, 辽宁 大连 116011;
2. 山东中医药大学第二附属医院口腔科, 济南 250001

关键词: 氧化锆, Er:YAG激光, 等离子体, 剪切粘接强度
Abstract: Objective To evaluate the effect of Er:YAG laser and plasma treatment on the bond strength between zirconia and resin cement. Methods Thirty-six zirconia disks were made and randomly assigned to one of the following six groups (n=6):group A, control group;group B, sandblast treatment group;group C, Er:YAG laser group;group D, Ar plasma group;group E, sandblast+Ar plasma group;and group F, Er:YAG laser+Ar plasma group. The surface of each zirconia specimen was tested using a contact angle meter and scanning electron microscope, and the shear bonding strength was then calculated. Results Irregular pit-like structures were scattered on the surface of group C, and the roughness values of group B were significantly increased compared to those of group A (P<0.05). There was no difference in surface morphology between groups D and A, and the hydrophilicity of group D was significantly increased compared to that of group A. The hydrophilicity and shear bonding strength were similar in group E (P>0.05), and they were significantly higher than those of the other groups (P<0.05). Conclusion Both Er:YAG laser and Ar plasma treatment alone can improve the bonding strength between zirconia and resin cement;however, combined Er:YAG laser and Ar plasma treatment yields better results than treatment by each method alone.
Key words: zirconia, Er:YAG laser, plasma, shear bond strength


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