

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-21

摘要: 目的 结合液质联用和网络药理学探讨刺老苞治疗肌肉减少症可能的作用机制。方法 通过液质联用鉴定刺老苞化学成分,利用TCMSP和STITCH数据库预测其潜在靶点。应用GeneCards、OMIM数据库筛选疾病相关靶点,采用Cytoscape软件构建交集靶点蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用(PPI)网络和药物-活性成分-靶点-疾病可视化网络图,最后利用DAVID数据库进行基因功能的基因本体论(GO)分析和京都基因与基因组数据库(KEGG)通路分析。结果 共筛选出7个活性成分,预测相关靶点185个,与疾病有关的靶点64个;根据PPI网络得到JUN、IL6、AKT1、TP53等核心靶点,根据药物-活性成分-靶点-疾病网络图得到槲皮素等核心成分;GO分析得到556个条目,涉及106条作用通路,通过分析得到HIF-1、TNF、FoxO以及PI3K-Akt等主要信号通路。结论 通过液质联用和网络药理学初步预测了刺老苞治疗肌肉减少症的潜在成分和可能的作用机制,为进一步研究提供了理论依据。


孙九许1, 燕梦云1, 翟晋娜1, 丁凌1, 孙雅嘉1, 裴凌鹏1,2
1. 中央民族大学药学院基础医学教研室, 北京 100081;
2. 民族医药教育部重点实验室, 北京 100081

关键词: 刺老苞, 肌肉减少症, 网络药理学, 活性成分, 作用机制
Abstract: Objective To analyze the possible mechanism of action of Aralia echinocaulis(A. echinocaulis) in the treatment of Sarcopenia,using network pharmacology and high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization source-flight tandem mass spectrometry.Methods The chemical components of A. echinocaulis were analyzed by liquid-phase mass spectrometry,and their potential targets were predicted using the TCMSP and STITCH Databases. The GeneCards and OMIM databases were used to screen disease-related targets. The Cytoscape software was used to construct intersecting target protein-protein interaction networks and active drug component-target-disease visualization network diagrams. Finally,Gene function gene ontology(GO)analysis and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathway enrichment analysis were performed using the DAVID Database.Results Seven active components were screened and 185 related targets were predicted,among which 64 were related to the diseases. Core targets such as JUN,IL6,AKT1,and TP53 were obtained from the PPI network,and core components such as quercetin were obtained from the active drug component-target-disease network diagram. GO analysis resulted in 556 entries involving 106 action pathways. The main signaling pathways such as HIF-1,TNF, FoxO,and PI3K-Aktwere obtained from the analysis. Conclusion The potential active ingredients and possible mechanism of action of A. echinocaulis in the treatment of Sarcopenia were preliminarily predicted;they provide a theoretical basis for further studies on the active ingredients and mechanism of action of A. echinocaulis.
Key words: Aralia echinocaulis, sarcopenia, network pharmacology, active ingredient, mechanism of action


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