

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-21

摘要: 目的 探讨地佐辛注射液临床使用的真实规律和特点,为指导临床安全、合理用药提供参考。方法 回顾性收集辽宁省某三级甲等医院2021年1月至10月使用地佐辛注射液的住院患者临床资料,包括性别、年龄、就诊科室、临床诊断、肝肾功能、合并用药(芬太尼类、曲马多、吗啡)、地佐辛注射液的使用情况(用法、用量、给药方式、用药疗程、给药禁忌)等,观察用药频度(DDDs)、药物利用指数(DUI)、排序比。结果 共纳入2 644例患者,年龄60~69岁居多,男性多于女性;DDDs较大的科室是普通外科、泌尿外科、胸心外科;主要存在问题为老年、儿童(148例,38.74%)初始剂量超剂量用药,以及特殊人群(抑郁症、重复用药、颅脑损伤患者)(624例,23.60%)用药问题。结论 地佐辛在院使用广泛,应注意老年患者和儿童用药剂量问题;及时修订产品说明书,关注特殊使用人群(抑郁症、脑损伤、颅内损伤、危重症患者)使用地佐辛的安全性。


安胜男1,2, 刘亚非1,2, 朱旭1,2, 马海英1,2
1. 中国医科大学 附属第四医院药学部, 沈阳 110033;
2. 中国医科大学 药学院第四临床药学教研室, 沈阳 110033

关键词: 地佐辛, 安全性, 合理性, 临床使用
Abstract: Objective To explore the clinical effects of dizocine injection,thereby providing a reference for the safe and rational use of dizocine.Methods Data was retrospectively collected from the medical records of hospitalized patients administered dizocine injection from January 1 to October 31,2021,including gender,age,department of treatment,clinical diagnosis,liver and kidney functions,concomitant medications(fentanyl,tramadol,and morphine),and the application,dosage,administration route,course of treatment,and contraindications of dizocine injection. defined daily doses(DDDs),drug utilization index(DUI),and ranking ratio were used as observation indices.Results A total of 2 644 patients,mostly aged 60 to 69 years old,were included,with more males than females. The departments that frequently used dizocine are general surgery,urology,and extrathoracic cardiac surgery. Overdosing was observed mainly in older adults and children(148 cases,38.74%) . Special populations(624 cases,23.60%)included patients with depression,repeated medication,and craniocerebral injury. Conclusion Dizocine is widely used in the hospital. The dose of older adults and children must be monitored closely. Furthermore,timely revision of the product manual should be performed,and meticulous attention must be paid to the safety of dizocine treatment in special populations(patients with depression,brain injury,intracranial injury,or critical illness).
Key words: dizocine, safety, rationality, clinical use


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