

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-21

摘要: 目的 应用基因表达数据库 (GEO) 和癌症基因组图谱 (TCGA) 数据库联合分析硫酸酯酶1 (SULF1) 在胃癌组织中的表达情况及其对胃癌总体生存率 (OS) 的影响,探索SULF1表达与胃癌患者OS的相关性。方法 从GEO数据库选取胃癌数据集进行差异表达基因 (DEG) 分析,使用数据集TCGA-STAD验证SULF1在胃癌组织中表达情况,cBioPortal数据库分析胃癌中SULF1基因的突变情况。单因素和多因素Cox回归分析SULF1与胃癌OS的关系。列线图验证SULF1对胃癌预后的影响。受试者操作特征曲线 (ROC) 分析SULF1表达对胃癌诊断的价值。结果 GEO和TCGA数据集分析发现SULF1在胃癌组织中表达上调 (P < 0.001),胃癌中存在SULF1基因突变的情况。胃癌的发病、发展与年龄、肿瘤分期、SULF1基因表达有关,SULF1基因高表达与不良预后相关。SULF1基因表达是胃癌患者OS的一个独立预后标志物,SULF1高表达的胃癌患者OS相对较差 (P < 0.05)。SULF1表达对胃癌有较好的诊断价值。结论 SULF1在胃癌中呈高表达,且与不良预后相关,可作为胃癌诊断和治疗的潜在靶点。


王佳敏1, 初冬美1, 张家铜2, 员瑜1, 赵滢3, 孙威3, 张天彪1
中国医科大学 1. 生命科学学院生物化学与分子生物学教研室, 沈阳 110122;
2. 临床一系, 沈阳 110122;
3. 附属盛京医院普通外科, 沈阳 110004

关键词: 基因表达数据库, 癌症基因组图谱, 硫酸酯酶1, 胃癌
Abstract: Objective To analyze the expression of sulfatase 1(SULF1) in gastric cancer tissues and its prognostic value by Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA),and to explore the correlation between SULF1 expression and overall survival rate (OS) of gastric cancer patients.Methods Gastric cancer dataset was selected from GEO database for differential expression gene analysis.The dataset TCGA-STAD was used to verify the expression of SULF1 in gastric cancer tissues,and cBioPortal database was used to analyze the mutation of SULF1 gene in gastric cancer.Univariate and multivariate Cox regression analysis were performed to analyze the relationship between SULF1 and the OS of gastric cancer.The effect of SULF1 on gastric cancer prognosis was verified by rosette.Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was used to analyze the value of SULF1 expression in the diagnosis of gastric cancer.Results GEO and TCGA dataset analysis showed that SULF1 expression was upregulated in gastric cancer tissues (P < 0.001) and SULF1 gene mutation exists in gastric cancer.Moreover,the development of gastric cancer is related to age,tumor stage,and SULF1 gene expression,and the high expression of SULF1 gene is related to poor prognosis.SULF1 gene expression is an independent prognostic marker of OS in gastric cancer patients,wherein the OS of gastric cancer patients with high SULF1 expression was significantly poor (P < 0.05).SULF1 expression has a good diagnostic value for gastric cancer.Conclusion SULF1 is highly expressed in gastric cancer and is associated with poor prognosis.Therefore,it can be used as a potential target for the diagnosis and treatment of gastric cancer.
Key words: Gene Expression Omnibus, The Cancer Genome Atlas, sulfatase 1, gastric cancer


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