

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-21

摘要: 目的 调查药物致激素脸儿童的抑郁情绪水平,并探讨自尊对病耻感与抑郁的中介作用。方法 采取便利抽样法,选取2019年1月至2021年4月辽宁省某三级甲等医院儿科门诊就诊的药物致激素脸儿童作为研究对象。采用一般资料调查问卷、儿童抑郁量表、病耻感量表与自尊量表进行调查。结果 182例药物致激素脸儿童的抑郁总分为25.82±9.41,检出率为48.4%。儿童病耻感与抑郁呈正相关 (r=0.301,P < 0.01);病耻感与自尊呈负相关 (r=-0.196,P < 0.01);自尊与抑郁呈负相关 (r=-0.543,P < 0.01)。中介效应检验结果显示,自尊在病耻感对抑郁之间的部分中介效应显著,95%置信区间为0.006~0.237。中介效应值为0.116,占总效应的32.9%。结论 药物致激素脸儿童的抑郁情绪严重,降低药物致激素脸儿童的病耻感发生率可以提高自尊水平,维护药物致激素脸儿童的身心健康。


李玲慧, 杨志亮, 任彦威
中国医科大学附属第一医院儿科, 沈阳 110001

关键词: 药物致激素脸, 儿童, 抑郁, 病耻感, 自尊, 中介作用
Abstract: Objective To investigate the level of depression in children with drug-induced hormonal faces,and to explore the mediating role of self-esteem between stigma and depression.Methods A convenience sampling method was applied.From January 2019 to April 2021,children with drug-induced hormonal faces who visited the pediatric outpatient clinic of a tertiary A hospital in Liaoning Province were recruited in this study.A survey was conducted using a general information questionnaire and the Child Depression,Stigma and Self-esteem scales.Results The total depression score in 182 children with drug-induced hormonal faces was 25.82±9.41,and the prevalence rate of depression was 48.4%.Stigma was positively correlated with depression (r=0.301,P < 0.01) and negatively correlated with self-esteem (r=-0.196,P < 0.01),while self-esteem was negatively correlated with depression (r=-0.543,P < 0.01).The"mediating effect"test results showed that self-esteem had a significant mediating effect between stigma and depression (mediating effect=0.116,accounting for 32.9% of the total effect;95% confidence interval,0.006-0.237).Conclusion Children with drug-induced hormonal faces often suffer from severe depression.Reducing the incidence of stigma in these children can improve their levels of self-esteem and protect their physical and mental health status.
Key words: drug-induced hormonal face, children, depression, stigma, self-esteem, mediating effect


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