

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-21

摘要: 目的探讨CAD/CAM一体化纤维桩核经染色后的颜色稳定性及粘接性能。方法将CAD/CAM一体化纤维桩核分为染色组(n=10)和对照组(n=10),共20个样本,Crystaleye分光光度计测定CAD/CAM一体化纤维桩核染色后及老化前后铸瓷全冠唇侧中1/3的L*、a*和b*值,计算色差值(ΔE),并检测2组试件的粘接性能。结果 2组试件老化前后L*值有统计学差异(P<0.05),a**b*值无统计学差异(P> 0.05)。在UV光照老化第13天与基线值的色差值最大,对照组为2.05±0.68,染色组为2.14±0.73。老化前后色差值ΔE<3.3,在临床可接受范围内;对照组粘接力为(513.78±57.69) N,染色组粘接力为(486.09±70.10) N,2组粘接力最大载荷无统计学差异(P> 0.05)。结论 CAD/CAM一体化纤维桩核染色后能有效模拟变色牙牙本质颜色,具有较好的颜色稳定性,且粘接力符合临床应用范围。


陈丽竹1, 张然2, 屈直1
1. 锦州医科大学附属第二医院口腔修复科, 辽宁 锦州 121000;
2. 丹东市中心医院口腔修复科, 辽宁 丹东 118000

关键词: CAD/CAM一体化纤维桩核, 变色牙, 加速老化, 颜色稳定性, 粘接性能
Abstract: Objective This study aimed to explore the color stability and bonding properties of computer aided design and computer aided manufacture (CAD/CAM) integrated fiber post and core after dyeing. Methods A total of 20 samples were divided into the staining group (n=10) and control group (n=10). Crystaleye spectrophotometer was used to measure the L*,a*,and b* values in 1/3 of the labial side of the whole crown after the staining and aging of the CAD/CAM integrated fiber post and core,and color difference (ΔE) was calculated. The bonding properties of the two groups of specimens were tested. Results There was a significant difference in the L* values between the two groups before and after aging (P< 0.05),while there was no significant difference in the a* and b* values (P> 0.05). The maximum color difference between the baseline and control group was 2.05±0.68,and that of the staining group was 2.14±0.73 on the 13th day of ultraviolet irradiation aging. The color difference ΔE<3.3 before and after aging was within the clinically acceptable range. The adhesion of the control group was 513.78±57.69 N,and that of the staining group was 486.09±70.10 N. There was no significant difference in the maximum adhesion load between the two groups (P> 0.05). Conclusion CAD/CAM integrated fiber post and core dyeing can effectively simulate the discoloration dentin,with good color stability and adhesion in line with clinical application.
Key words: CAD/CAM integrated fiber post-core, discolored teeth, accelerated aging, color stability, adhesive properties


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